Hey, hey! Happy What I Ate Wednesday! 😀
I missed you guys yesterday, but sometimes you (read: I) just need a little break, know.what.I.mean? I’d love to say that I used my day off to do all manner of exciting things, but the reality is that I spent most of it catching up on work and sleep, and hiding from the nasty flurries outside. That’s right — it snowed. But we’re not going to lament the fact that spring may have forgotten about us Edmontonians, and focus on happier things instead — like food.
Even though I could never go back to sharing all of my eats on a daily basis like I used to back when I first started blogging, I still love highlighting the occasional day because it gives me a chance to share some of my brilliant ideas with you guys (humour me). The blog world is a great place to find some meal time inspiration, so hopefully I can give you some tasty ideas 🙂
Have you ever… tried adding yogurt [and salt] to your oatmeal?
Breakfast: eggy bananafied oats layered with plain Greek yogurt, banana, and cinnamon, then topped with soy nut butter.
I know that I’ve already mentioned both of these oatmeal add-ins on several occasions, but seeing as I almost never make my oats without them, they’re definitely worth repeating. Yogurt — stirring in a couple spoonfuls of Greek yogurt after your oats have finished cooking makes them unbelievably creamy while adding a nice boost of protein. If you’re a little skeptical, don’t be. I’ve had a good handful of people telling me they tried it, and everyone loves it.
Salt — adding a pinch of sea salt to the water you use to cook your oats in is a great way to enhance their flavour. Salt tends to get a really bad rap, and I know that a lot of people avoid adding it to anything they cook, but as long as your diet doesn’t consist solely of packaged and processed foods, then you probably don’t have to worry about your sodium intake. Our bodies need sodium to function properly, and we can run into a whole host of problems if our electrolyte balance is off. Personally, I notice myself feeling a lot more lethargic when I don’t eat much salt, but a nice salty meal will perk me right up.
Have you ever… added an apple to a smoothie ?
Morning snack: an apple pie protein smoothie
You’re giving me the raised eyebrow look — I know — I’ll admit that I was skeptical of this one as well. I mean, how can you get a wonderfully thick and creamy smoothie (which is what we’re all after, no?) without the addition of a banana? With oats! And Greek yogurt! And nut butter! Any combination of those three will result in a creamier smoothie, and the best part is that you can adjust the ingredients based on whether you want more proteins/carbs/fats or you’re making a meal vs. a snack. Bananas will probably always be my favourite smoothie ingredient, but it’s nice to switch things up every now and then too.
Have you ever… put together a snack plate for lunch?
Lunch: a snack plate made up of a Dr.Kracker crispbread, half an avocado, hummus, carrots, and dried pears.
Before I started making snack plates, lunches were basically the bane of my existence. I never really knew what I wanted, and I’d always end up feeling like I needed a little something extra, no matter what I made. Snack plates solved that problem for me. Not only do they let me satisfy any random cravings I might have by giving me a little taste of everything, but they’re also a breeze to whip up… Winning all around 😀 It’s actually gotten to the point where I don’t even know if I’ll ever be able to go back to traditional lunches again 😆
Have you ever… enjoyed a bowl of sweet rice?
Afternoon snack: white basmati rice topped with plain Greek yogurt, homemade applesauce, almond butter, brown sugar, and cinnamon.
You guys… I’m obsessed. I’ve already professed my love for this glorious grain so I’ll try not to go on and on about how much I adore it, but I will say that while oats will always be my #1, rice definitely comes in a close second. It’s my go-to for most savoury dishes, but lately I’ve really been loving using leftovers for sweeter bowls as well. I basically dress it up like a bowl of oats with yogurt, nut butter, and fruit, and the whole thing makes me a very happy camper.
Have you ever… noticed that simple can be the most satisfying ?
Dinner: a grilled cheese sandwich with a glass of almond milk and an orange.
Maybe it’s because I’m usually only cooking for myself, but there are a lot of nights where I just can’t be bothered to whip up something fancy for dinner… and by something fancy, I mean anything that takes more than 10-15 minutes to make 😆 Sometimes that means mooched leftovers; sometimes it means pancakes; and sometimes it means grilled cheese and a glass of milk. No matter what it happens to be, simple and satisfying is where it’s usually at.
Have you ever… tried soy nut butter?
Evening snack: a banana with Wowbutter.
I know [pesky] peanut butter is pretty much king when it comes to everyone’s favourite nut butter, and while almond, sunflower seed, and coconut butters have a pretty solid fan base as well, I don’t really ever see anyone (aside from this girl) talk about soy nut butter. That needs to change because this stuff is fantastic. Obviously I can’t tell you whether or not it actually tastes “just like peanut butter,” but it’s delicious in it’s own right. It has a really robust toasty flavour, along with a hint of sweet saltiness… and it’s so creamy I could die.
Alright friendly faces, that’s it for me today. I hope you guys have an amazing Wednesday, and I’ll see you tomorrow for Thinking Out Loud! 😀
What’s something you love that I need to try? I love getting ideas from you guys!
What would you put on your ideal snack plate?
What’s your favourite nut or seed butter?
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I think you might love spiraledized veggies… making pasta with zucchini or carrots – oh and def spaghetti squash, get on that girl!
Honestly, I tried sweet rice once… It simply doesn’t work for me 😉 But plate of snack my favourite. I think, I have to thank to you for this idea – because I impudently use it some months 😀
If it makes you feel any better, it snowed in Cleveland yesterday too. In fact, we still have patches of snow on the ground. I’m trying not to lament it, but I sure would like Spring to hurry up and get here.
I’m still carving snack plates, but aside from the cheese, I don’t have the right ingredients for a snack plate. I guess I could eat just eight different kinds of cheese, but that might be a bit much, even for me. I have plans to pick up the snack plate staples this weekend though, so I can snack plate away all my lunches next week.
I love a good grilled cheese for dinner. It’s easy and comforting all at the same time. I’ve also been digging baked potatoes lately. I’ll bake them at random times (like last night for example) so I can just heat it up in the oven real quick and then bury it in delicious toppings (bell peppers, green onions, butter, cheese, hot sauce (you could skip that one), chives, plain yogurt or sour cream and whatever else I’ve got handy. They make a full meal, they’re incredible satisfying, and super easy peasy. They’re my new thing.
Hmm, I know there’s really not much out there that I love that you HAVEN’T tried…except cooking a whole egg in oats thing. Let’s see…have you ever…tried dessert hummus? All that talk about my food processor and hummus and stuff earlier makes me think I need to get some ideas together soon for a new one! 😀 My idea snack plate: something with crunch, something to dip, something salty, and something sweet! And my favorite nut butter will always be peanut (sorry), but I REALLY want to try soynut butter now that you’ve talked it up as much as you have!
You know, I haven’t actually tried dessert hummus before, but I’ve been meaning to for ages and I can definitely see it happening soon. I just need to invest in a few more cans of chickpeas 😆
Almond butter rocks my world wah-haaay more than pb…Gosh I adore it.
You’re not allergic cashews right? I seriously think it’s in your best interests to try some creeeamy white-chocolatey cashew butter ( if you haven’t already?). The Artisana one, I see you loving it, trust :D.
Hmmm key snack plate components for me right now:
Hard boiled egg
Home-made roasted almonds
I like random.
I think I might be mildly allergic to cashews, actually. Definitely nowhere near as bad as peanuts, but I do get random reactions from most nuts other than almonds so I try to avoid them.
Ideal snack plate? ANYTHING? Isn’t that the beauty of it 😉
You need to try peanut butter. It’s sahhhhh good. Or maybe peanuts? It’s sahhhh good.
OR Davs on toast.
ANYTHING anything? What about crickets?
Omg Amanda that smoothie looks awesome!!! Apple and cinnamon need to get married 😉
Ever since you mentioned adding salt to oatmeal I have been doing it ever since and…WOW! Can totally taste the difference. Thanks, girl!
I love adding yogurt to my oatmeal! I recently bought a small packet of sunflower seed butter to try, but peanut and almond will always be my favorite.
Ok I really need to try yogurt in my oatmeal soon! And I totally agree with you about salt – a few years ago I used to really avoid it, but these days I liberally use it in all my cooking. It makes food taste SO much better.
Something you need to try is roasted sweet potatoes paired with hummus. I’m really obsessed with the pairing lately!
I have recently took your advice and added greek yogurt to my oats. The creaminess was out of this world! I have yet to try salt. I have a real sensitivity to salt.
I have not yet tried the apple in the smoothie. In due time. 🙂
Snack plates are all I have for lunch. I never can decide on what else!
Sadly, I have not tried sweet rice. I should get on that, huh?
The classics are the best!
Curious about the soy nut butter. 😉
I’m glad you liked it! 😀 But definitely try sweet rice — while it’s not exactly on the same level as oats, it’s still pretty darn good.
I always add greek yogurt to my oats. FABULOUS. Loving all your eats, as always! I think I need to try the sweet rice. I made couscous for dinner and I have about 5 cups of leftovers in the fridge so I guess sweet couscous will be my night snack 🙂
Well damnit! I had a jar of that soy butter in my vitacost order, but decided at the last minute to remove it from my list. Guess theres always next time now that I know it is actually good!
Good for you for listening to your mind! (instead of forcing yourself to not rest) And oh mannn I still need to try the basmati rice dish. It kind of looks and reminds me of Argentinean arroz con leche (rice+milk), but much healthier, yay! And I’ve seen those soynut butters but I’ve been really wise with my money (aka cheapskate, lol) so I haven’t been able to splurge on certain foods. Greg likes regular PB, so most of the time I sacrifice and stick to that. 😛 Can’t wait to give it a try though!
I wish I could have greek yogurt … alas, I’ll stick to my peanut butter, although I just bought almond butter for the first time! I thought of you 😉 I can’t wait to try it (I’ve restrained using a spoon so far) So we’ll see which nut butter wins out soon!
That grilled Cheese looks to die for. I have a problem with grilled cheese sandwiches… what makes them so good?!
A problem making them or a problem seeing what all the fuss is about? It’s just all about the cheese 🙂
A problem EATING them!
I’ve been wanting to give sweet rice a try for quite awhile. I love rice in all forms and I have a major sweet tooth so this seems like a natural progression!
Everything here looks so satisfying!!!!!!
Come onnnnnn you know I DIE for your snack plates!! I love me some apple in smoothies so I def need to try your apple pie smoothie version! Good for you for taking a day off blogging…we all need a break sometimes, that’s fo damn sho.
Snack plates are my fav and often look just like yours! I need to try those crackers though…I’ve never seen them before and they look so good.
I love all Justin’s nut butter. I think my fav is the chocolate hazelnut!! I really want to try the vanilla almond butter though…I hear it’s amazing. Have you tried??
Yes! It’s definitely a good choice, but almost a little TOO sweet. I like the maple one a lot more.
Sweet rice!!! That looks so good. I always make plain, boring old rice.. or if I feel fancy I make it into a bake but NEVER have I ever tried it sweet! You may have changed my whole perspective on that little grain!
I absolutely lovvvveee jam + cheese on an English muffin. Seriously, SO good!
I must say… picking my favorite nut butter is almost impossible but I LOVE earth balances pb + coconut spread! I wish so badly you could try it!!!
You and me both! And thank you for reminding me about how much I love the jam and cheese combo — that’s something that needs to find its way back into my life, stat.
I really should add salt to my oats. I need more salt in my diet and that’s a good place to start. I always forget how much I love brown rice. I won’t make it for a while and then when I do, I question why I don’t do it more often. Perhaps it will be part of tonight’s dinner – which would make life pretty simple and I too enjoy a simple meal.
Everyone needs a day off! Life happens. I love how you put a twist in this post. I just started adding nut butter to my oatmeal. Holly yum! Tastes like candy. I bet your sweet rice does too. Must try that one pronto.
puhhhh-leaaase I know what you really did yesterday!!! Ima steal some of my nephews Wow Butter this weekend. It really was surprisingly good! And I might be the only person who doesn’t like greek yogurt in oats. BUT I changed up the morning breakfast and had berries (frozen) and greek yogurt instead of oatmeal. Do you forgive me?!
Spoooons. Preach on honay’ (Madeas voice) and I really hope you know about the Tyler Perry Madea movies, or my reference is going to be awkward.
Thank you for kindly reminding everyone that sodium isn’t bad a thing. Social media and these “body builder lifestyle” mis-conceptions are scaring people away from salt. A little salt (especially sea-salt) here and there is necessary, and delish. Just make sure you toss a little over your shoulder, for good measure 😉
And woman, what kind of cheese did you use for that thickness?! It looks like brie…ohhh please tell me it’s brie so I can start drooling. I am sure my co-workers in the break room would love that see that, haha <3
Awwwkwardddddd. I actually have no idea what the Tyler Perry Madea movies are — do I need to add them to my to-watch list? And I WISH it was brie! Unfortunately, it’s only old cheddar 😥
Sweet rice…..I’m intrigued!
I took the day off as well! I love mixing up oats- it’s such a good canvas to create anything!
I am still LOVING snack plates; thanks for the idea, girl! The soy nut butter looks great; I’ve heard good things about it!!
I love sweet rice!! When I was little my mom and I would always take left over rice from Chinese takeout and mix in milk, cinnamon, apple sauce, vanilla yogurt and enjoy it for breakfast the next morning! I had forgotten all about that until just now!
I actually have tried putting yogurt in my oats and the result is thick, creamy, and tangy! It also gives them a bit more staying power. Which is good for me because for some reason, oats just don’t keep me that full o.o.
And YES to the snack plate! I hate when I’m torn and feel like I have to choose one dish over another. I’m also a big fan of grazing when I’m reading blogs or immersed in a book 🙂
I have tried the soy nutbutter but for some reason wasn’t a major fan- it just doesn’t compare to the class AB, ya know? I love the idea of adding an apple to my smoothie! I should have read this post before I made my smoothie morning 😉
I really like the “have you ever” theme Amanda. Simple and delicious is always so satisfying with meal ideas.
Something that I absolutely love is coming up with new salad mix ideas. I know salads are not satisfying for everyone, but if you put enough of the right stuff in you tummy will be full 🙂
I always like to add some sort of protein in the mix, with veggies, maybe fruit, or sweet potato…the list goes on and on! What do you think of salads? Ever experimented with creating your own mix?
Oh girl I love salads! And I completely agree that they make for a wonderful mean if done right. I tend to have a harder time eating them in the winter months, but I do love adding avocado, roasted kabocha, grilled chicken, or some chickpeas.
Sooo I have done all of these…does that mean I win all of your delicious food? Eggy oats with yogurt are definitely on the menu for breakfast today.
Grilled cheese makes everything better.