Why 39 questions? Because that’s how many there were in this survey I ninja’d from Jen over at Saved by the Kale. You guys know I’m a sucker for these things and I feel like it’s been way too long since I filled one out… Time to change that 😀
1. Were you named after anyone?
In a roundabout way… Let me call my mom to make sure I get this right… *cue Jeopardy music* … Okay. So. My mom worked in a daycare before I was born, and one of the little girls that went there was named Amanda. She was apparently really sweet (Amanda means ‘worthy of love’), and since my parents had recently immigrated to Canada from Poland and weren’t all that familiar with Canadian names, I guess they decided to name me after her. So thank you, sweet Amanda who’s a handful of years older than I am…
2. When was the last time you cried?
Long ago enough to not be able to remember. I don’t feel like that’s healthy 😯
3. Do you like your handwriting?
It is what it is. I used to hate it, but over time I’ve just become indifferent to it.
4. What is your favourite lunch meat?
Roasted chicken breast.
5. Do you have kids?
Negative. But I do have a plant… I call [him] Douglas. He’s probably died and come back to life around 5 or 6 times, which is probably why I keep him around… he’s a tough one.
6. If you were another person, would you be friends with you?
Obviously! But that’s mainly because I’m always using my friends as taste-testers and pawning my overabundance of baked goods onto them 😉
7. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Who, me? Never (read: always).
8. Do you still have your tonsils?
I believe so… unless they were stolen from me in my sleep and sold on the Black Market. Or maybe that’s kidneys I’m thinking of…
9. Would you bungee jump?
Yes. But the better question is… who wants to go with me? 😀
10 What is your favourite cereal?
Talk about an unfair question! You guys know how much I love my cereal, especially mixing a few different kinds… Buuuuut if I really had to choose, I’d probably go with Kashi Cinnamon Harvest.
11. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?
Never. Ain’t no one got time for that!
12. Do you think you are strong?
Your question leaves too much room open for interpretation. Are we talking emotionally strong or physically strong? Because I can deal with heartache, pain, and suffering, but please don’t ask me to lift anything heavy with my little chicken arms.
13. What is your favourite ice cream?
I’m a classic vanilla girl — but some of that might have to do with the fact that I can’t eat a lot of the fancier flavours because of my allergies 😡 Oh, and it’s always gotta be in a cone. That last bite? Best.thing.ever.
14. What is the first thing you notice about other people?
Whether or not they’re smiling.
15. Red or pink?
Pink for my nails. Red for my cars and gummy bears.
16. What is your least favourite thing about yourself?
My uncanny ability to put things off until the last.possible.second (read: my procrastination).
17. Any tattoos?
Negative. Me and needles? We don’t get along. I didn’t get my ears pierced until I was something like 23, and my at-the-time boyfriend had to carry me out of the salon because I was this |___| close to fainting.
18. Do you have any hobbies?
I read, I write, I take pictures of things… I snowboard, I game, I express myself through interpretative dance…
19. What colour shoes are you wearing?
You assume that I’m actually wearing shoes… which I’m not. My socks, on the other hand, are black.
20. What was the last thing you ate?
A banana… but if I didn’t take a picture, did it really happen? 😯 😯
21. What are you listening to right now?
“Let It Go” from the Frozen soundtrack. I blame being in Disney… and Alex for getting it stuck in my head before I left.
22. If you were a crayon, what colour would you be?
I feel like this question will reveal a lot about the inner workings of my mind, so I need to choose carefully… mmmmm… black. I enjoy black — it’s calming.
23. Favourite smells?
Cinnamon, coffee, freshly cut grass, banana bread in the oven, and… gasoline 😯
24. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
The hotel receptionist. I needed to ask about check out time.
25. Mountain hideaway or beach house?
Mountain hideaway… There’s nowhere I feel more at peace than up in the mountains.
26. Favourite sport to watch?
Snowboarding. I still remember watching Canada take home the gold in men’s snowboarding the first year it was introduced to the Winter Olympics (1998). So proud. That and hockey, which I guess makes me… Canadian.
27. Hair colour?
Dark brown, but I used to be blonde until I was something like 5 years old. Then I went through a phase where I needed to have ALL the colours under the sun, but now I’m just au natural.
28. Eye colours?
Again… dark brown.
29. Do you wear contacts?
If I want to see… which I generally do… unless I’m sleeping.
30. Scary movies or happy endings?
Don’t even talk to me about scary movies. I choose sleep and happiness.
31. Last movie you watched?
The Wolverine on the plane ride over to Cali. 2 hours of Hugh Jackman’s abs? I’ll take it!
32. What colour shirt are you wearing?
It’s black… as it is 99.9% of the time.
33. Summer or winter?
Both. I get tired of summer and crave winter; and I get tired of winter and crave summer. Change is good.
34. Hugs or kisses?
Kisses… preferably of the chocolate variety.
35. Computer or television?
Computer. I use my TV so infrequently that I’m honestly not even sure if it works…
36. What book are you reading right now?
The Alchemist… for probably the tenth time.
37. What’s on your mouse pad?
What is this crazy ‘mouse pad’ thing you speak of? I’m using a trackpad right now, but even my desktop mouse doesn’t use a mouse pad. Side note! Does anyone remember when mice had the roller ball inside instead of the laser? Do they still make those? God I’m old… it’s wonderful
38. What colour is your house?
I don’t have a house. My condo is brick on the outside, though…
39. What colour is your car?
Gunmetal grey.
And that’s all, folks! I’ve got a few more days left in sunny California and then it’s back home to snowy Alberta. I miss you guys and hope you’re all doing amazing… See you on Thursday for Thinking Out Loud!
What does your name mean? Find out here.
Do you colour your hair or go au natural? Did you ever colour it?
What was the last thing you ate?
One thing I have actually noticed is the fact that there are plenty of
common myths regarding the lenders intentions when talking about
home foreclosure. One myth in particular is always that the bank needs to have your house.
Your banker wants your hard earned money, not the house.
They want the cash they lent you together with interest.
Averting the bank will still only draw the foreclosed final result.
Thanks for your article.
Interpretive dance huh…now that I’d like to see.
I like Douglass; he’s actually a Peace Lilly and he’ll flower if you’re lucky or if he gets enough sun and water. Heck, you probably already know that.
Last thing I ate was Chickenless Noodle Soup and some Rye Bread. It was delicious.
Yes, yes, yes to coloring my hair. You’ll understand when the grays come, and I don’t mean a strand or two.
Oh yes….gotta love a good survey! And you always keep the answers SO entertaining…I totally get you on the gasoline, but putting it right after “banana bread in the oven”? 😆 And I’m pretty sure you were a ninja in another life…hey, they don’t have to be strong! 😉
I’m a flower. My mom named me after the “fields of Heather” described in Wuthering Heights…which she read when she was pregnant with me! My calico mane is au natural…pretty sure if I dyed it, I’d never get my unique markings back! 😉 And the last thing I ate: half an apple dipped in homemade almond cashew butter and a couple handfuls of Kashi Honey Sunshine. Bam! We’re cereal sisters! 😉
Love these questions! Tempted to pass it on to my friends. Reminds me of high school ehehe
I find reading such lists of random facts oddly amusing. Much more amusing than Coelho’s writing style… Yay for black, btw 🙂
My name says I’m a sea girl and I completely agree. I’ve never dyed my hair because it’s so sensitive I’m afraid I’ll dye it bald xD
I know it’s not in this post but I closed my reader so, being too lazy to look for it again, I’ll just add it to this comment – those Disney bears are very popular in Japan. Duffy has a girlfriend too. I have a feeling that pretty much everyone who goes to Disneyland in Tokyo buys some sort of souvenir with them. You won’t believe how many tiny bears are hanging from Japanese girls’ bags!
My name means “Born On Christmas Day.” I guess that makes sense since I am a December baby. 😀
I’d love to get away to the mountains sometime. A vacation is definitely in order!
You always take the best food pictures. Seriously.
You contact lens case is adorable! I love owls.
I still haven’t gotten tired of Frozen. 😉 I can never get tired of Disney.
I really liked learning more about you! I think I may “steal” this survey. 😀
I love this survey, and I’m definitely going to steal it. Thanks ;).
Apparently, my name means ” Diminutive Form Of Carlotta.” Wow, now I can really see why my parents chose it. Although, I just looked up Carlotta, and that means FREE, which is actually quite nice.
I’m a natural blonde, but a few times a year I do an at-home color to brighten it up. It’s gotten pretty dull as I’ve gotten older.
I am CRACKING up at Douglas!
Oh so fun to learn more about you!
Roasted chicken breast is my all time favorite lunch meat too… you’d think I’d want some variety since I mostly eat chicken anyway! I do color my hair, definitely not a natural blonde. Last thing I ate was a bowl of Kashi GoLean Crunch for post dinner meal 😉
This was great – #5 made me laugh 🙂
And geez, I’ve never read The Alchemist…I really need to get on that, huh?!
Oh my word, when we were kids and my dad stopped to get gas, we would open the windows so we could smell the gasoline. And out parents LET us!!! Ah, I’m such a child of the 80s!!! ps. I still like the smell. 🙂
lol!! I love this. I think we were meant to be friends! 😉 I like the smell of gasoline too… odd right?
I get highlights in my hair when I go… which is about 3 times a year. I hate getting my hair done!
I will be your friend, go bungee jumping with you and eat all of your baked goods as your taste tester. 🙂 Olive for the win!
i loooove the smell of gasoline and even more of kerosine.
Last thing I ate was a quinoa porridge – I definitely have to play around more with my free from everything breakfasts. I love the porridge, but every day? Hmmmmno.
And black for me too – I absolutely LOVE it!
Enjoy your remaining time in CA!!
Haha I thought I was the one loving the smell of gasoline! And maybe even weirder I would add underground carpark to that list too 🙂
Have a fantastic time in California 🙂
Oooo underground carpark is another good one! And garages too 😆
I’ve been recently getting into the Kashi Cereal, but haven’t tried that one out yet.. it’s now on the TO EAT list
I name my plants also…which makes it even more sad when they die in one week. How am I ever going to be a mother??
Love that contact case! And I am obsessed with Kashi Cinnamon Harvest and Island Vanilla- soo good!
These are so much fun to read! You have an awesome personality, Amanda. Oh my gosh, I’m listening to Frozen soundtracks, too (oops, did I say that out loud? 🙂 The last thing I ate? Ummm … french toast … with greek yogurt and pure maple syrup. Oh, and granola. 🙂
Ohhh how interesting #1 is! My mom used to babysit a girl named Erin way back when and that’s who I was named after. Also, I’ve never colored my hair and I don’t think I ever will until I start going gray. I just like my natural color, though I have been curious about what it would look like if it was lighter/darker.
Seriously?! ACK! Name twins 😀 <3
According to your link my name doesn’t have an actual meaning. It just says it’s a French Dynasty name, lame… If you are ever looking for someone to go bungee jumping with I’m your girl!! I used to highlight my hair, but decided it was too much work and have since gone natural!
Haha I need a plant like Douglas! I always kill mine… and they never come back to life. 😛
And YES I love Hugh Jackman’s abs… errr the X-Men movies I mean. 😉
The meaning of my name is Port for Chalk or Limestone LOL! How thrilling.
Last thing I ate, which is the case frequently throughout most day, was a banana also. They da best.
I actually don’t think I believe the last hobby you listed..there’s no proof. Gonna need video graphic evidence for that one. K?
😆 That last hobby was definitely just for a laugh 😉
I miss you lady!!!
Hair colour: I don’t colour it as often as I used to, but nowadays I’ll add some colour twice or three times a year. Naturally my hair is a really dark blonde, and I like to either lighten it up a little, or go the other way and become a brunette for a while.
The last thing I ate was some Lindt with sea salt and caramel. It was a good decision.
Miss you tonnes! The no text thing sucks big time 🙁 But only a few more days! <3
Oh I loved this questionnaire! I might have to do it too!
I searched my name and found out, which I already knew actually, that Natasha means born in Christmas Day. I was born in December, so that counts, right?
The last thing I ate – an english muffin with an egg and cheese! YUM
Also, I have naturally blond hair, but last February I temporarily colored the ends of my hair pink and purple. It last for about 6 weeks, and I LOVED it! Now that I’m job hunting and graduating college, I can’t say that I will ever have the opportunity to have fun with my hair like that again. I’m glad I dyed it when I did!
Great survey, again! Great getting to know you better 🙂
So another 39 things I get to know about spoons…although some of them are quite familiar. When can we sync our interpretive dances?
YES I will go bungee jumping with you- it’s been on my bucket list for yonks! Last thing I ate was cheese and nuts and potatoes. Random hotel breakfast. My name means ‘Wish’ in Persian….so now you can sing the Disney song When you Arman upon a star….
😆 Omg I wish I knew that when I was in Disneyland — I totally would have started singing it that way, and that song was literally playing everywhere 😛
Truth: Im listening to Let It Go, right.this.second. Except mine is the Demi Lovato version, but still!!
And I just reread The Alchemist when I was at Daddy’s last. Such a good freaking book.
And I don’t color my hair because, well it’s a pretty awesome color 🙂 It does make wearing certain colors difficult though, which is unfortunate, but whatever. As long as I can still rock my black and white stuff I’m cool with it 🙂
And the last thing I ate?? Homemade chocolate chip cookie, fresh from the oven!
Ohh I LOVE these posts! So much fun to get to know bloggers better and I love some of your responses. Gasoline… 0.0. I like it too. Good.
Also, pshh your handwriting looks like a font I would use on picmonkey 😉
How fun! I think I’ll play 39 questions on my blog too 🙂 Hope you had an awesome time at Disneyland 🙂
Must Have Contact Case! Adorable, at least there is one advantage to wearing “corrective lenses.”
My name means princess, which I am most definitely not. They’s throw me out of the kingdom!
I have never coloured my hair; been tempted but always chickened out. (Question: What term do vegetarians/vegans use? I always parsniped out? I cannot recall what I said during my veggie years.)
Last things I ate was a Cara Cara orange and some almonds.
I’m disappointed for you. The weather has been a bit overcast this week. I was hoping it would be warmer for your trip. (Not that I can complain, no polar vortex here.)
😆 😆 I’m totally going to start saying ‘par sniped out’ instead. And it’s definitely been a little colder than I thought it would be, but still a lot warmer than back home so no complaints!
Ahh I loved getting to know these fun facts about you! I think I’m going to have to do this survey sometime soon.
I’ve only colored my hair with those cheap drugstore highlights from a box. My mom helped me with them, and I thought I was super cool..
The last thing I ate was a Fage strawberry Greek yogurt and plenty of handfuls of popcorn 🙂
The last bite of an icecream cone certainly is the best part! Gotta love the cool, creaminess against the crispy cone! And THE ALCHEMIST?! Totally one of my favorite books of all time!
Douglas is very handsome! 😉 I agree with you the last bite of an ice cream cone is the best ever. Hope you’re having a blast at Disney!!
Oh this is a great idea! I am a bit of a weirdo and always find it fun to learn a little more about my fave bloggers! I might just have to join in on this little Q&A 🙂
Last thing I ate – my favorite oatmeal yogurt parfait bowl for lunch…And yes, I totally highlight my hair. Have been ever since I was 20. In fact, I started highlighting when I would visit my best friend in Florida so every 3 months I had an excuse to fly down – couldn’t let my roots show you know.
I had to have a quick oatmeal bowl for dinner tonight and totally thought of you. Not a weirdo. Promise 😛