Happy Tuesday Friday, friends! 😀
I don’t know about you guys, but having a holiday in the middle of the week has totally thrown me off. Wednesday felt like a Sunday, yesterday felt like a Monday, and today should technically be a Tuesday. Friday is tonnes better, though, so let’s just roll with that 😉
I’m still kind of trying to fall back into a blogging groove after the holidays, so we’re going to keep things on the lighter side today with a “Currently” survey. I love filing these out because it let’s me look back at where I was at during different months of the year. Actually, I published my first currently post in January of 2013, and it’s been fun to go back and look at what’s changed/stayed the same. Gotta love blogging for that 😀
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Current book: The Last Unicorn by Peter S. Beagle. I’m pretty much finished with it and looking for something new, but it was definitely good while it lasted (TWSS). I especially love that I recognized so many lines from the movie, and that one of my favourite authors (Patrick Rothfuss — Name of the Wind) gave it a shoutout as one of his favourite books.
Current music: Taking a trip down memory lane with Closing Time by Semisonic.
Current guilty pleasure: Listening to 90’s pop music ^^ I stumbled across this link to the 18 Best 90’s Pop Songs You Forgot Existed a couple of weeks ago, and it sparked a craving for the cheesy wonderfulness that I used to listen to when I was younger. Well, listen to while singing along at the top of my lungs and trying to learn all the dance moves. Oh gosh… how embarrassing.
Current nail colour: Garnet from RGB Cosmetics. I know I already mentioned this in my December favourites post, but this polish is amazing. I’m sportin’ 5 day nails in the pic below, and aside from a couple of tiny chips, they still basically look good as new. And I haven’t been easy on them, either — they’ve managed to survive plenty of dishwashing, vacuuming, scrubbing, and showering without looking any worse for wear. So.much.love.
Current drink: Still showing some serious love to kombucha and ginger tea. My stomach’s been giving me a lot of grief lately and I have no idea why, so I might have to take a look at what I’m eating if it doesn’t start clearing up soon. It’s a lot better than it was around the holidays, but dang… go away, bloat!
Current food: Crispbreads, specifically the ones from Doctor Kracker. I’ve been craving more savoury/salty snacks after The Great Christmas Cookie Coma of ’13, and these have been a definite favourite. So crunchy. So good.
Current obsession: Birthday cakes. I’ve pretty much decided on the kind of I want for the big day, but I can’t help but keep browsing to see if I can’t find something better. Dratted perfectionism! At the end of the day, any cake is good cake… Well, maybe except for that weird red and green fruit cake they sell around here during the holidays. What.the.heck…
Current wish: Warmer weather for my birthday! It’s -4C (25F) today, and going down to -22C (-7F) tomorrow. Why?! Why can’t it be warm just.one.year? My birthday always falls on a ridiculously frigid day, which makes it especially annoying when I had plans to go to the mountains. Oh poop…
Current need: A chalkboard for my food photos. Actually… more food props in general. I really hate the idea of cluttering my condo, but I also really want to work on my photography this year, especially since I plan on posting more recipes. And let’s face it… a little more variety wouldn’t hurt…

Almond Fudge Protein Bars — Chocolate-filled Pumpkin Spice Muffins
Current triumph: I got hit with a huge boost of motivation yesterday and ended up cleaning pretty much my entire condo. Laundry (x2), vacuuming, dusting, tidying… all squeaky clean. I blame the new year.
Current bane of my existence: A lack of sleep. I have no idea what it is, but my sleep has been completely whacko lately. Some nights I can’t fall asleep; some nights I can’t stay asleep. Stress? An overactive mind? Whatever it is, I really need to work on getting more shut eye — the zombie look isn’t good for anyone.
Current indulgence: Not quite ready for this one yet — still recovering from the holidays. Besides, I’m gearing up for birthday cake.
Current procrastination: Answering the overwhelming amount of e-mails in my inbox. Gulp. This is actually something I really need to work on (as anyone who’s ever tried to keep in contact with me can attest to)… I always try to respond to each one, buuuuuuuut it might take me a while. Ideally I’d like to answer within 24-hours, especially since I start stressing when they start adding up.
Current blessing: Absolutely amazing blends (blog friends). I woke up this morning to a Bloglovin feed full of the sweetest happy birthday posts from Davida, Arman, Sam, Lucie, Miss Polkadot, Heather, and Becky. Oh.em.gee. I started blubbering like a baby.
Current excitement: I think I may have mentioned on more than one occasion that it’s my birthday tomorrow? (Sorry!) Yeaaaaaaah, kind of happy dancing about that one.
Current mood: Reflective, content, happy…
Current link: The local weather… hoping against hope that it’ll miraculously show warmer temperatures for tomorrow!
Am I the only one who’s garbage at answering e-mails in a timely fashion?!?
Give me your current:
1) … book.
2) … guilty pleasure.
3) … obsession.
4) … bane of existence.
5) … procrastination.
What’s up, every time i used to check web site posts here
in the early hours in the dawn, because i love to learn more and more.
Soo I thought those crackers were sesame seed pop-tarts and got so excited! Womp womp. They still look tasty though. And I think I may be the only person under 65 who likes fruitcake. Guess it’s cuz I am one.
Happy (late) birthday!!
Sugar! I was a day late on your birthday. My bad, although the sentiment is still the same. I hope you had a wonderful and fabulous day.
I’m super impressed with the lasting power of that nail polish. I went on a cleaning (and small cooking) frenzy yesterday and my nails looked horrible by the time I was done. Needless to say, I took it all off and I’m back to clear polish today.
My current book is A Feast For Crows. My guilty pleasure is the giant baked pancake breakfast I just consumed. My current obsession is apples (and yes your apple sauce made an appearance: I loved it), and my current bane of my existence is the fact that after two full weeks together, the Hubby is leaving and going back to school today. Since I’ve decided I hate living separately, I am not looking forward to his departure.
Ah happy birthday, lady! 🙂 🙂
All I can say is that that slice of cake looks absolutely decadent. Mmm. I, too, have had an overload of sugar lately, but I can still appreciate a tasty lookin’ piece of cake!
Happy Birthday, Love! I can only hope that this year become your best one yet. That you’re able to achieve all your wildest dreams & wishes. That you can find a reason to smile every single day. That your LD relationship continues to blossom & grow <3
1) A woman’s devotional, specifically written for moms! It’s awesome and it’s actually reading my mind. Really weird and cool in that way. 😉
2) Been loving too many pastries and cookies since my mother in law baked for us! And then I got some more at the bakery. 🙁
3) Clothes. I’ve been loving fashion more than usual and the thrill of getting a good bargain is more exciting than it should be.
4) See above. Hah!
5) Working on updating and taking care of my blog some more! It’s just not easy with a 6 month old, ya know?
And happy birfffffdayyyy my dear friend! You are clearly loved by so many of us and I hope you feel blessed this year! Excited to see what God has in store for you in 2014….:D
I need to borrow some of your fashion enthusiasm! My wardrobe has seriously been suffering lately… I wear almost nothing that’s not black/grey/white 😯
Happy Birthday!!!
Happy Birthday! I hope you get a nice warm day and lots of cake!
And I hope you get some sleep soon too. I haven’t slept for the past three days and I know that it feels terrible uuugh.