Do you ever find yourself in one of those inexplicable funks? The kind where there’s nothing wrong, per say, but you just feel like something is off? You’re edgy; you’re restless; you’re unmotivated. You’re not in a bad mood, but you’re not exactly jumping for joy either — you’re just stuck in this frustrating sense of blah, for lack of a better way to put it — and the more you try to figure out why, the more frustrated you become.
That was me for the majority of last week, hence the somewhat sporadic posting. I have no idea what it was, but I wasn’t feeling like my normal chipper self, and every time I sat down to write, no words would come. It got to the point where looking at the blinking cursor in my blank WordPress document was seriously making me want to throw my computer off the balcony, so I decided it would probably be a better idea to walk away and save myself the trouble (and money) of having to buy a new computer.
All that being said, there was plenty of marvelousness despite the funk… which only made the fact that I was feeling so funky all the more frustrating — I had all the reason to be happy! But I digress. In an attempt to start this week off on the right foot, I decided to link up with The Diva for some MIMM action…
Marvelous is… a new book! I picked up Allegiant, the last book in the Divergent series, on… I want to say it was Friday… and finished it on Saturday. Apparently, a whole lot of free time opens up when you’re not reading blogs. Anywho, the book itself wasn’t too bad, but the ending… THE.FREAKING.ENDING!!… I just can’t. If you’ve read it, you need to tell me what you think because I seriously need someone to gripe to. And now I need another book to read, too, so it’s convenient that A Dance with Dragons, the fifth book in the Song of Ice and Fire series, comes out in paperback tomorrow.
Marvelous is… snow! No, please don’t smack me — I swear I haven’t gone off the deep end. I just really miss snowboarding, and the first snow means that the season will be starting soon, which means that I’ll be able to go riding soon. Squee! Okay, so the snow didn’t exactly stick around, but that’s okay because I still need a little bit of time to decide on which snowboard I want to buy. Have I mentioned that shopping makes for a pretty effective way to treat the blahs? I went out on Saturday with the intention of just looking at new gear, buuuuuut we all know how that works…

Burton Feelgood Flying V // Rossignol Diva
Marvelous is… running! I never in a million years thought that I’d say this, but I’m actually enjoying my runs. Okay, so it’s hard, it hurts like hell, and it often leaves my lungs feeling like they might spontaneously combust, but I love that it builds not only my physical endurance, but my mental endurance as well. I’m sure anyone who runs can attest to the fact that running is largely a mental game, with your mind threatening to give out far sooner than your body. There’s nothing quite like overcoming that little voice in the back of your mind that tried to tell you you couldn’t do it… even if “doing it” only refers to running a mile straight at this point.
Marvelous is… finger licking good hand cream! The only problem with these (especially with the mint chocolate one) is that any time I move my hands and get a whiff of it, I get hungry… and seriously tempted to lick my fingers 😯
Marvelous is… chocolate! Because, let’s face it, sometimes it’s the only thing that helps.
Marvelous is… a new recipe! Yesterday’s cold weather had me craving comfort in the worst possible way, so I spent a good chunk of the afternoon whipping up a few treats in my kitchen. No teaser pics today, but I will say that the first recipe is creamy, sweet, and involves these Udi’s snickerdoodles…
And speaking of Udi’s, Marvelous is… a giveaway winner! Is it you?… Go check and e-mail me ([email protected]) if it is.
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Well, hey… I feel better already. The only not so marvellous news is that I have a dentist appointment to head to today 😳 It’s just a yearly checkup, so fingers crossed that they don’t find anything! Enjoy your Monday, friends — I hope it’s starting out on the right foot for ya!
What’s starting your Monday off on the right foot?
Favourite food to fight the funk?
Do you play any winter sports?
You’re right. That was a whole lotta of marvelous going in. I just finished a great book, and that always makes me happy. Snicker doodles wouldn’t hurt either. Maybe the funk was your body’s way of saying you needed a break for whatever reason. It’s been known to happen; to me anyway.
Sometimes when I’m having a moment, I sing George Clinton’s ‘We want the funk, Gotta have that funk. Let’s turn this mutha out.’ It helps about 50% of the time.
NOOO…. I haven’t read Allegiant yet but I am so sad that the series is going to be over! I think my mother is ordering it for her class at school so I’ll probably wait until it comes in to read it. But by accident when I was looking at the starred reviews on Amazon (they are so horrible!) someone gave away a spoiler in the title of their review. What? That’s not how it works. You are supposed to put *spoiler* in the title of your review not tell what happens in the title! Urgh. So now I know. It’s actually not that upsetting because I knew about Dumbledore dying in Harry Potter before it happened because of another overzealous reader and it didn’t ruin anything for me ( I know. I know. No Harry Potter references for you. But someday?! 😉 )
Sorry I am late but I have to stop you there- Comparing the death of Dumbledore to Triss is just not right lol! Read it and see- Dumbledores death had meaning and was vital to the plot and overall story- and it broke my heart! Triss dying was stupid and I didn’t feel
Anything except angry at it’s awkwardness. Allegiant is so frustratingly slow too! Sorry just I love Harry Potter and Allegiant just left me feeling blah 🙁
*Spoiler alert* Haha. I didn’t mean to compare the deaths of Triss and Dumbledore to their importance to the storyline. Sorry if it came across that way. I just meant that knowing Dumbledore was going to die beforehand didn’t make it any less meaningful when I read that part, or make me cry any less. Lol. And just like with Harry Potter (which I agree is much better!) I won’t let knowing the ending deter me from reading Allegiant. I guess I should prepare to get angry at Veronica Roth? 😉
I threw my book at the wall 😯
Urgh, the dentist is the WORST. Good luck <3.
I always get into a change of weather funk. I think it has something to do with it getting dark at 6:30pm. Not okay in my book.
I've been super uninspired on the blogging front, but sometimes those words just don't come! I try not to force it, but I always miss waking up to comments if I don't post. I've gotten so used to the constant contact with the bloggy world that I miss it when it's not there!
I know -exactly- what you mean. It’s tough staying away from the blog world because I miss the interaction… Sometimes even reading and commenting on other peoples’ posts is enough to brighten my day and inspire me to write. We’re a good bunch of people 😉
Omg, YES! I’ve had a raging case of the blahs on and off for months now. I swear it’s like being on the verge of a bad day but never actually crossing it…so frustrating! And of course, the fact that the gloomy weather is creeping up on is ISN’T going to help matters much! I love what you said about overcoming that inner voice with running! Takes me back to the “good ole days” when I was a runner…I miss those days now more than ever. I’m seriously starting to forget how it feels to really move my legs…like FAST! But enough of me complaining about things, let’s focus on the MARVELOUS like those snickerdoodle truffles I’m off to start drooling over! 😀
I was in a funk last week too – just blah. In all fairness, I found out that a complicated friendship ended because the guy had a girlfriend – yay
This is a little late but I did get a run in yesterday morning which always gets my day off on the right foot.
I feel like anything chocolatey gets me out of a funk too… or hot. Hot coffee, tea, or chocolate does the trick 🙂
I was definitely in a funk the last few weeks, couldn’t pin point the cause or figure out how to shake it.
Favorite funk-fighting food is usually a Guinness or something sweet. But usually a good old fashioned runners high will do it for me too. Thats what I had this weekend that really got me snapped out of it!
I ski sometimes in the winter but not as much as I used to.
Nooo don’t say that, I don’t want snow!!! Snow means cold and having to wear boots and did I mentioned COLD?! 😛 I’m thinking I might try out some sort of winter sport this year though to see if maybe that might help me like winter a little better.
I totally know what you mean about getting in funks like that – it happens to me every so often too. I find I usually just need some time out with my friends, a good sleep, and some time spent cooking or baking in the kitchen to make me feel better!
I was in an inexplicable funk last week too!! Feeling better this week and I hope you do too!!! 🙂
I’m still debating if I want to try snowboarding again. It’s so damn hard!! My fav winter sport is drinking tequila on a hot, sunny beach. 😀
When I’m in a funk (or stressed) I lose my appetite. But generally speaking, anything warm & hearty – like soup or Indian food cheers me up.
DO IT! The process of learning is brutal, but once you get it down, it’s the funnest thing in the world. Then we can meet up in the mountains and do some riding 😉
Good thing I have instagram and already know what this “secret recipe” is! I don’t like not knowing!
It’s Tuesday (I’m always such a late commenter) but what started my Monday off on the right foot was a big cup of coffee, and knowing that since I work Sun-Thurs, Monday was my Tuesday and everyone else at the office is coming in with the Monday blues.
I’m a terrible, terrible person.
I’ve totally had those “funk” days before – hope it’s just the Monday blues and today will be much better!
I lived in Wisconsin for 20 years (now in Texas) and I miss the snow as well… for about a week of the year lol. I ski more than I snowboard, but it would be nice to go a couple times a year. Although I’ll take the mild winters over below zero temps in the end 😉
I had a “funky” week last week despite there not being anything obviously wrong. Sometimes we just have to keep on keeping on and things brighten up. 🙂 I love that you are loving running (oh how I remember that on-the-verge-of-combustion lung feeling) and am pretty positive I need those lotions in my life.
Hope this week is better and that you’ll be funk free. I always find it so hard to be motivated when I’m in a funk but if I’m able to get myself moving and sweat a little I find it helps.
Snuggling up with a good book also sounds like a good way to chase away the blues. I am looking forward to reading Allegiant now that I know the ending is good.
Glad you’ve been loving your runs. Running is the best!
Actually… the ending was pretty disappointing 😕 I’m glad I read it just to finish off the series, but it definitely wasn’t the kind of ending I would’ve liked to see happen.
AHH I have a day like this every couple weeks, usually it’s just one day thought and I am better after I sleep it off. I can’t imagine an entire week feeling like that. SO glad you are feeling better. Have I mentioned how jazzed I am about your return to running!!?!?! Makes me SO excited!
Girl – we all get in funks.. sometimes they last longer than others. I’m just so happy your back and feeling refreshed. After Ooing and Awwing, I totally think you should purchase the second one. 🙂
Those Snickerdoodles are amazing!
I’ve definitely had weeks where I’m in a funk. Blah! Hope this week is MUCH better!
Started off my Monday with my sister + niece…no better way to start the week. And I guess a good breakfast and chai tea helped. =)
I sort of feel like my whole semester has been a “funk”, only because I don’t feel like myself when just doing schoolwork non-stop. It will be fun to see what life is like come 2014 and I’m done with my undergrad. And I can FINALLY figure out this whole ‘blog thing’. The end is SO CLOSE.
It’ll all be worth it in the end 😀 Just hang in there for a little while more <3
Aw girl, I’m sorry to hear about your funk. We’re all there sometimes, but these types of posts help remind us of all the marvelous things we have going on. Hopefully it’ll get you back to your perky self! 🙂
Those hand creams are right up my alley! I honestly love any dessert-y type scent! YUM!
I definitely have those days and it can be frustrating. But I love how you are intently starting this week on a positive note 🙂
I love eating fresh fruit to fight my funk. The sweet/sour flavors and the freshness of the produce has a nice little zing to pick me up!
Have a wonderful, funk-free week!
Do you snowboard? It looks so hard! My coworkers are always going in the winter 😛
I sure do! I’ve been doing it for about 16 or 17 years now, so it basically feels as natural as walking.
I relish the day when I can be on of the earlier commenters….first world (technological) problems. Sometimes we have all those funks which literally there is no explanation for- but eventually it dissipates so hope its only temporary 🙂
I forgot that your a snowboarding fan- geebuz! You’ve got some upcoming weather to satisfy that adventurous craving! Is it wrong that I would (if the ingredients were non poisonous) consider tasting them? I remember as a kid I took my sister’s lip gloss (lipsmacker or something) because it was flavoured and smelled amazing and I thought it was candy. Fail.
GREAT to hear about the running- there’s alot of running vibes on the blogworld at the moment, I wonder if I’ll eventually get bitten by it! Favourite food to get out of a funk? Well temporarily would be pancakes!
I think you’re still awake when I post! It just doesn’t show up in Bloglovin’ right away so you’d have to check straight. Aaaaand it’s amazing (or disappointing?) how many delicious smelling beauty products do NOT taste good. Some shampoos, for example? Might as well be poison 😳
I think you should sing the blues or maybe a little George Clinton’s “we want the funk. Gotta have that funk.” I’m all for the power of positivity but sometimes, especially those unexplainable times, I embrace the funk if only so I can move past the funk. It’s weird, but it works. If all else fails, have a kitchen dance party. Those are my favorite.
I totally get the “funk”! I have been there girl. I’m so not into winter sports. I can ski, but I can’t for the life of me snowboard. That whole both feet tied to the same board thing makes me have the chills!!! I don’t like feeling trapped!
I know how you feel, Amanda. I tend to be in those kind of ‘funky’ moods on days with nasty/dreary weather. Today was one of those (Mon)days, but there were silver linings to it: my older sister is in a doctoral dissertation program and today was the day she completed her final comp exams (a pretty big deal). She worked her ass off on them, so I’m VERY proud of her. When I got off work I whipped a batch of chicken schwarma marinade for some chicken breasts I had in the fridge to use, so I guess that’s my food to fight the funky mood (today at least ;))
Alas, I don’t play any sports- no official ones anyway. The name of my blog is Cooking is My Sport, so by MY definition, my favorite winter sport would be cooking anyway- and I do quite a lot of that lol
Congratulations to your sister! Oh man, that’s pretty darn amazing. And I have to say that cooking is a -very- good sport to participate in… especially at this time of the year 🙂
I am so in love with Veronica’s writing. I mean seriously, she gives me chills and goose bumps and all sorts of emotions, but that is NO WAY to end a series!! I was BEYOND livid. I still can barely talk about it! Needless to say, I will be re-reading Divergent this week just to get back into a “happier” mood!
Ooh please tell me you were as frustrated with allegiant as I was! I just found the whole plot a bit like Swiss cheese if you catch my drift 😉 I felt like the ending was a bit of a cheap ploy and mostly for shock value- don’t want to spoil it for anyone so that’s all ill say- oh and four was annoying in this one- which made me sad. Xo love hope you feel very happy this week
Oh I was beyond frustrated — you just don’t end a series that way! And I definitely found the plot (and Four!) to be a little lacklustre compared to the others.
My boyfriend is a crazy snow boarder and when we first met I begged him to take me. Ohhhh boy. My first time did not go well. I fell so many times, my butt hurt for a week afterwards! I let him go on his own after an hour because I felt so bad that I ruined our outing! Haha! I love to play outdoor ice hockey though!
Ah! The ending! I know. The book was so good, and honestly, I see why Roth did what she did, but OMG, it was a little too much for me to handle.
YES! I mean… I get it, but that doesn’t mean I have to like it 😡 Definitely not what I wanted to see happen, though.
I’m glad your feeling out of your funk! I have been feeling kind of bla all weekend. Sending tons of positive vibes your way with the dentist today! In still having horrible pain from my appointment last week. It kind of put me in a weekend funk.
I really need to read the second Divergent book. I read the first one last year and absolutely loved it. I can’t wait to finish the series. I’m reserving them from the library right now! 🙂 Also, I ran a half marathon last weekend and forgot how much I enjoyed running (I didn’t train – oops! Recovery has taken longer than necessary because of it!) Anyways, I used to strongly dislike running but I’ll have moments like that that change my mindset 🙂 Good luck with your running!!
Welp, it seems you’ve passed your blahs onto me because I’ve been feeling them since last night. I can’t seem to shake them and I hate it because nothing new has happened, but… I feel like something is just off. There’s just a different aura in the air. I don’t know. Favorite food to fight the funk -> Any baked good. Baking is therapy. Amen.
Good luck at the dentist!!
A lot of people seem to be feeling it lately, so the air is a good thing to blame. Hope you feel better soon, love <3
I’ve been reading more and more books lately, and it’s so nice to just “escape” a little bit every day into a good book. Does wonders for my moods! Hope you have a fantastic week 🙂
You know, it’s really nice to know that we all go through those funks every now and then, and pretty much any little thing can make it come on! But seriously? The best way for me to start off any day, particularly Monday, is by making sure Selah is well rested, I have a nice hot cup of coffee, and have some quiet time with God. It may not always go perfectly or smoothly~but that third one is the most important and I’m trying to learn to do that better as a new mom! 😀 And I hope you’re doing better by now, amiga! Also….I love how the name of those Burton boards is “FEELGOOD”, hah! So timely for this post. 😉
AHHH I totally know what you mean about being in a funk! I had a major funkitude last week. But thank goodness for new weeks, chocolate, good movies and books, NEW SHEETS (I have an unhealthy addiction haha) and great weather to change things up and get us out of our routine! 🙂 Love you girl!!
PS–athough this is the first time I’ve commented in ages, I’ve been reading every single post of yours while I was away. Your writing, motivational words, and genuine posts are too addictive to stay away from for long! 🙂
Eeeee! Holy.Gerbils you’re blogging again! I will selfishly say that it’s so good to see you 😀