(alternatively titled: Thinking Out Loud #41)
1. Because she’s been pestering me about it incessantly, here are some pics of Mom’s garden…

In all honesty, though, I love seeing my mom get all giddy and excited about something. I can’t say that I relate to her love of gardening, but I can relate to being passionate about something and wanting to share that excitement with everyone around me. It’s always nice when those close to you take an interest in it.
2. And now back to our regularly scheduled Thursday randomness with some fun random facts!
1. I am a part of that 23%…
2. … but not part of that 50% (to the best of my knowledge, anyways)
3. Maybe the beauty industry needs to look into putting whatever it is in those burgers into their anti-aging products. Or maybe not. Skeevy.
4. 20 cups a… holy crap. Literally and figuratively, most likely 😯
5. Those poor marines…
3. I’m sorry gentlemen, but as nice as it is to hear a compliment from you lovely lads, getting one from another woman is just so much nicer. Talk about an instant mood boost! And try to spread that good feeling by complimenting someone else – you may just make their day a little bit brighter.
4. Speaking of gentlemen, I’ve been lucky enough to be able to spend a little more time with my own guy lately. My only complaint? Date nights usually involve staying in and staring at a computer screen. Oh the joys of being in a long distance relationship…
5. That being said, who wants to come over and keep me company help me get through my nut butter stash?
Any takers? 😉 Those are all the jars in my current rotation. Some might call it a problem, but I see it as more of a challenge. Just how many things can I put nut butter on? Oh, and that was a rhetorical question, by the way. There is only one answer, and that’s on anything and everything.
6. You know how they say laughter is the best medicine? Well, apparently it’s good for your waistline too…
7. Too bad seven years of bad luck is no laughing matter. Compact, meet floor…
8. So very in love… with this song 😉
9. And this place…
I actually haven’t been to IKEA in months, so I’m taking the fact that the catalog showed up in my mail the other day as a sign that it’s high time to visit again. The only thing is that I’ll probably have to set aside a good 3-4 hours of my day to make the trip. You know what I’m talking about… You walk in to pick up a bag of tea lights and walk out 3 hours later with a bag of tea lights and a sleeve of gingersnaps. Don’t even try to tell me that you don’t get sucked into the black hole that is IKEA – I won’t believe you.
10. And speaking of places I haven’t visited in a while, I can’t even remember the last time I was in Sephora 😯 This is not okay for my beauty junkie self. There are a few things I’m looking to pick up, including a lipstick from YSL and a setting powder from NARS, so I think that’ll be on the agenda for tonight.
Happy Thursday, friends!
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Do you smile with an open or closed mouth?
Getting complimented by another woman… Ladies, am I right?!
“…but I can relate to being passionate about something and wanting to share that excitement with everyone around me.” <- This is actually the exact thing the man friend and I were talking about during our trip back from vacation. This was the first time we've spent a good length of time together so he got to see a little more of the real Heather and how passionate I am about food. He kept trying to get his head around it and was having trouble so I compared it to his love of firearms. I told him it's just like when he goes out and buys a new gun…he wants to show it off to people. It's the same whenever I make/eat something that is absolutely delicious (or sometimes just pretty! Lol). And a compliment from a woman is SOOOOO much more uplifting! I think it's because we know how critical we can be (of ourselves and others) so if a compliment is given, it feels more genuine. I try my best to give compliments as much as I can…though I refrained from telling a girl at the gym the other day that her calves were insanely awesome! Lol
Love all those statistics…and even more, your comments to them! Oh those poor poor marines! I typically smile with my mouth open, but a lot of times I do think I look better with my mouth closed. Oh and for the record, I'm not part of that kissing statistic either! 😉
I would totally pic that vanilla almond butter from your stash! I've actually only seen it at ONE store near me, but it was like TEN BUCKS! I figured I could make it for a lot cheaper than that so I talked myself out of it.
So true…a compliment from another woman usually goes a long way. Your nut butter stash is out of control. But I’m not gonna lie, it’s pretty awesome! 🙂
Your mom’s flowers are beautiful and completely worth the interruption in your regularly scheduled program. Pre-braces, I looked better with an open mouthed smile, but now….not so much. Only a couple more months to go though. I can completely relate to your computer screen date nights. They’re better than nothing, right?!
I’ve always wanted to try Barney Nut butter and Artisana coconut butter. I love Justins 🙂 It doesn’t surprise me laughing burns calories-but the same as biking for 15 minutes? Wow!
Holy nut butter stash! I’d be more than happy to help you devour some of those 🙂 Especially the vanilla almond butter! Love that one! I just got the Ikea catalog too and have been itching to make a trip. Like you I haven’t been in ages but there were some things that caught my eye. Gorgeous flower pictures!
oh..nice butter stash…
I discovered sunbutter a few months ago and have fallen in love with it! It is DELICIOUS on apples- especially granny smith. YUM 🙂
I’ve never tried Barney’s, so both of those are on my list! And I’ve been SEARCHING for Justin’s Vanilla almond butter but haven’t had any luck – yet! Hoping to find it in the cities to take home next weekend! And I actually think I look better with my teeth showing! Since getting my braces off (back in 8th grade…) I’ve always received comments on how great my smile is! I think it is one of my favorite parts of myself!
Haha my nut butter stash is ridiculous too. Considering the fact that I’m allergic to most nuts, it’s amazing how many I still have. Last time I counted it was somewhere between 10-13 jars! And that’s not including my extra stash of Barney Butter – I pick up like 10 jars every time I visit the US haha!
I used to always close my mouth when I smiled because I have a small gap between my front teeth and I hated it, but now I like that it makes me unique, so I rock the open mouth smile now too. 😀
I adore flowers to brighten up the place. Your mum’s garden looks gorgeous!
I 100% agree with you about getting compliments from women. It more genuine coming fromsomeone who’s not trying to get in your pants. LOL!
IKEA and I have a love/hate relationship. I love it because I get so many cool ideas about how to decorate my future place but I hate it because I can never go there without being suckered into buying something. I went a few weeks ago and left with a cutting board and a cute ice cube tray–neither of which I really needed but oh well. At least I didn’t leave with a couch or something 😉
I would definitely try the Barney Butter in cocoa coconut. That sounds amazing! I actually found a locally-made almond butter at Whole Foods that has the best flavor combos like cherry vanilla and espresso hazelnut. So far I’ve tried 2 of their flavors and it’s my new go-to AB brand!
I LOL’d like an idiot when I read your ikea bit about tea lights and ginger snaps….guilty! Probably due to the tea lights being at the front of the store and gingersnaps on the way out! Amazing nut butter collection going on, give me 20 hours and I’ll fly over with my spoon!
I just posted this survey thing, and it requested me to tag 5 people in my post so I tagged you so feel free to do it! BTW the beef rouladen…AMAZING. Seriously! Give your grandma a high 5 for me!
Gah! It needs to be Wednesday already so that I can see! Glad you liked ’em – and thanks again for the tag!
Umm yes if you give me some nut butters I will be one happy lady 😉 haha! But for real that’s a big stash! Definitely slightly jealous! I love the coconut butter although I do like Almond butter more for its versatility. I did try sunbutter a few weeks ago and really liked it too 🙂 Good choices!
I smile with closed mouth more but try to do it with open sometimes depending on where the other people are. I don’t like my teeth, I have gaps in my teeth and I guess I’m not entirely comfortable with flashing them around.
Oh, that stash! I’d go for the almond butter with cacao and coconut or the sunbutter. Too bad there’s nothing but boring plain peanut butter here, sweetened in 99% of the cases, which makes me eat it very very slowly.
I hate my teeth. Does this answer your question?
I used to listen to that song a lot. Now I’d rather think that love heals and makes all that pain disappear.
Your momma’s garden is so vibrant! No wonder she is so passionate about sharing it with you! I don’t have room for this sort of thing so I truly appreciate the effort that other people, like your mom, put into gardening 😀
I agree with you 100% when it comes to getting compliments from random men–sometimes they’re just so skeevy, I have a hard time distinguishing between whether the compliment is genuine or if they just want the extra attention #boyswillbeboys
I’ve never tried Justin’s nut butter but would loooove to (we don’t have it in Ontario) #canadaneedssomeofjustin #butnutterlover #gimmeaspoon #myfingerworkstoo
I love all your random facts btw–keep this up!! Xxx
P.S. I don’t usually leave comments–but your blog is just toomuchfun 🙂 oh, and thanks for including some Incubus–been wayyyy too long since I’ve heard from them ☼
Awwr well thank you for both your kind words and comment, Maria 🙂 Hope you’re having a great evening!
Incubus has been my favorite band since I was 14! Hahaha I used to be in love with Brandon Boyd like crazy!
hahahah the last fact cracked me up so much! I see dead people in that case because I’m a coffee (ahem) addict (ahem). One day I’ll be proud to say that phrase, I’m sure.
And you don’t make that into a rhetorical question, girl! That is pure evil, lol. I loove your nut butter stash and it’s funny you mention it because last night I was at WF and wanted to try Maisie AB sooo bad! And then you kept popping into my thoughts and how wonderful it would be to have a nut butter tea party with you. 😉
Long distance relationships are the pits. Seriously. I’ve been there and I know how tough it is- props to both of you for making it work!
Holy nut butters…I think I just died a little bit. I used to have a huge collection like that until I forced myself to actually finish some jars before buying more. Le sigh. Now I have a whopping 3 jars in my cupboards/fridge but I’m okay with that. It keeps me from having a spoonful our of 8 jars every night!
My cereal collection, on the other hand…I may have a serious problem. (:
spoonful OUT*
I’m almost embarrassed to show my cereal collection… Let’s just say it’s -much- bigger than my nut butter one 😯
I LOVE ikea food – so cheap and so good! I love their swedish meatballs.
Loving the nut butter stash! That is hysterical 😉 And I can relate. I beat you- I have 10 jars of nut butters right now! I can’t get enough.