1. First order of business? The impending demise of Google Reader.
We have a mere 3 days left before Reader bites the dust, so I hope everyone’s been getting comfy, cozy with their backups. I have to admit that I’ve been clinging to Reader without any desire to abandon ship, especially since I can’t quite decide between Feedly and Bloglovin. I’m not entirely sold on either one so… July 1st is not a day I’m looking forward to.
2. Second order of business? Will you allow me a moment to brag? Just one? Because I’m kind of excited about something. I mean, I was – the novelty of it sort of wore off already, BUT!… I decided to take a shot in the dark and finally submit a photo to Foodgawker…
Imagine my surprise when it was actually accepted. I may or may not have done a happy dance at 5 in the morning, and I may or may not feel a strange urge to come up with more recipes now. We shall see.
3. I was really hoping to include this next thing in this month’s monthly favorites post, but I’m afraid it didn’t quite measure up to favorites material.
I finished reading And The Mountains Echoed by Khaled Hosseini, and although it wasn’t a bad book by any means, I just didn’t love it like I loved his other two – I actually found myself struggling to finish it. Don’t get me wrong, Hosseini’s writing is beautiful and, as always, he manages to capture the human condition perfectly, but… I don’t know – there was just something about it that didn’t appeal to me. Maybe it was the fact that each chapter was written with a different character as the focal point, meaning that you really had to piece the story together yourself. It was a clever approach and added a nice level of complexity to the story, but it also made it really hard to feel for any of the characters.
4. While we’re on the topic of books, the strangest thing that happened to me yesterday… I was in the bookstore looking for something new to read, and walked out without buying anything 😯 I honestly can’t remember the last time that’s happened… I usually walk out with at least 3 or 4 new books, but yesterday? Nothing seemed to appeal to me. One book that did catch my eye was Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe, but I wanted to do a little more research before I committed. Seems like a good read, though, so I’m probably going to go back and pick it up. Has anyone read it?
5. On that note, I also walked out of Sephora empty handed. Hell hath officially frozen over.
6. But look!! Remember my pig mug? I found a matching cow!
Now all that’s left to complete the series is a sheep, but it continues to evade me…
7. I was at Starbucks the other day (what else is new?), when I saw this:
That would be a sneaky iPhone picture that I managed to snap of a couple getting their wedding pictures taken inside Starbucks. And here I thought I loved coffee. Future husband? Take note and be prepared…
8. New music this week! I’m currently repeating to death obsessed with USS’s newest song:
9. Oh! And speaking of Starbucks, I’ve been getting super lucky with my purchases lately…
I managed to be “randomly selected” to fill out a survey and get a free drink on two occasions this week. Usually I’m getting “randomly selected” to get an extra pat-down at the airport when I travel, so this is much better. I mean, free coffee? Ain’t no one gonna say no to that!
10. Thunderstorms and heavy rain at 1 AM do not make for sound sleeping. Looks like that free coffee is going to come in handy today…
Have an awesome Thursday, you guys! 😀
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You get a free drink at Starbucks: regardless of calories or nutrition, what do you order?
Do you tend to get obsessed with a new song, play it to death, and then not be able to listen to it for a few months?
Woo hoo! Congrats on the Foodgawker acceptance! Just be careful…it starts out all rainbows and happy dances but it can quickly become unnecessary torture if you have any ounce of perfectionism in your blood…I of COURSE speak from experience.
Too cool about the bride and groom at Starbucks…makes me think of Janetha! 🙂
No books? No makeup? Honey, are you feeling ok? I’m worried!
Congrats on the food blogger acceptance. I have submitted a handful of recipes to them and been denied each time, so good for you!! It’s not easy. Also, hell definitely froze over if you left Mac empty handed…maybe you’re coming down with something. I have no other explanation. It’s like I don’t even know you anymore. Alright technically I don’t actually know you, know you, but you get the idea.
I just finished the most tortuous book, but I’m getting ready to start the new Dan Brown so at least I can escape into that. I hope you’re having a lovely weekend.
That’s so awesome that a couple took wedding pics in Starbucks. And free coffee? Yes please 🙂
I’ve been using feedly ever since you recommended it. I’m still not sold 100%, but it’s done it’s job. I didn’t want to wait until I was forced to change….it’s been nice knowing that Google Reader is still there if I need it! =)
Congrats on Foodgawker girl, your photos are wonderful! I would definitely submit to Tastespotting too if you have the chance, Sarah who runs it seems super fun and down to earth.
Ughghghhgg – stupid Google reader disappearing! I’m not a big fan of Feedly and BL, but I’m thinking Feedly will work.
I get a super duper sized Vanilla Latte when I get a free drink – a classic for me, but a goodie.
That is so awesome! Congrats on the FoodGawker photo! I’m totally not surprised they accepted it…I was drooling over those bars.
I’ve never been to a Sephora (the closest one to me is 3 hours away in Chicago), but I can relate to your feeling – whenever I walk out of Target empty-handed I feel like I have superpowers.
Is it weird that I think it’s an adorable idea to get wedding photos in a Starbucks?? Seriously, you could get some really good shots! (Haha that was punny…I meant photo shots, but you could get some good espresso shots, too…)
Before I became allergic/sensitive to coffee, my faaaaaavorite drink was an iced mocha, so my dream Starbucks drink is a venti iced mocha. 🙂
😆 Oh girl, I always appreciate a good pun <3
I have feedly… but I’m waiting to use it until July 1! I’m holding out hope that Google will change their mind… lol!
First off, congrats on foodgawker! That’s so exciting!
I haven’t worried much about Google Reader. I tried to use it but found my own company’s software to be much more convenient. I have to use it during the day anyway so it helps me catch up during the day. Although I often get busy and forget to leave comments til later. :\
are you kidding me? Many of your food pictures would’ve been up there by now! I’ve always felt that your pics were foodgawker-quality 😛 But I’m glad that you’ll consider doing more recipes now 🙂
I read blogs through the reader on my old Blogger account. It’s how I’ve always read blogs, so I’ve just stuck with it even after switching to WordPress. I’m thinking I should probably switch to Bloglovin’ or Feedly at some point though…
And I always walk out empty handed when shopping – I’m seriously so bad at talking myself into buying things. I was shopping for 2 hours with a friend yesterday and didn’t buy anything!
Being that I’m not a fan of changing things I really like…I’m not happy about this whole Google Reader thing either. Boo! I have switched to Bloglovin, and I’ve been trying to use it for the past week or so. It’s going to take some getting used to, but I GUESS it’ll do.
Congrats on being accepted to Foodgwaker! Huge accomplishment! Not only is it a yummy recipe, but it’s a pretty darn good photo too.
If you’re having trouble getting used to BL, try Feedly. I find it a lot more similar to Reader, so you might have an easier time adjusting to it 🙂
Ugh, I’m so intimidated by foodgawker – want to submit so bad but I’m still working on getting better with pictures! I just took Hosseine’s new book home from the library – I’m hoping I like it!
When I had my first (out of like 4083492) pictures accepted to Foodgawker, I immediately started a happy dance and called my family. No one else seemed to understand what an accomplishment it was, so I had to eventually calm myself down! That Starbucks picture is hilarious! The bride looks gorgeous though! That’s so cool you got free Starbucks drinks! I have a friend who won some prize for 20 free drinks at our local Starbucks! If only I had that luck!
How disappointing. I was really looking forward to reading And The Mountains Echoed. I’ll still give it a try but maybe I’ll push it back on my to read list. I recently started the Game of Thrones series and am loving it!!
I read my blogs both by email and the old fashion way.
Starbucks it would be an unsweetened ice coffee.
Game of Thrones is a really great series – and it has so many unexpected twists in it that just leave you craving more. It’s insane what Martin did to some of those characters 😆
i still use google reader. I mean I have feedly but still have my homepage to use reader daily. july 1st is gonna be a rude wake up call
I’m so old school I really am not totally sure what you mean by “old school” but I’m guessing without the help of a particular service 🙂 but I only follow 4 blogs (and one of those brilliant blogs is on holiday at the moment) so I don’t think it really would make much difference lol. I have never been to a Starbucks but I just googled the menu (Thats a dedicated comment) Wow- lots of things I have never heard of- think I’d have to try the vanilla bean cream “frappuccino” sounds extravagant. I get obsessed with songs for sure right now (little embarrassing) heart attack by Demi Lovato and “jar of hearts” by Christina perri, oh and “small bump” by ed sheeran. Xo Sophia
2. I have been using Feedly for months. I love it. Super easy to organize your blogs (I have lots: My Favorite Blogs, Second Favorite, Food Blogs, Friendlys, Yoga… etc). You can also sort in a similar way to Reader.
3. I wonder if that couple met in a Starbucks. That would be such a cute pic idea! Or maybe they are both just addicts and needed a coffee between the ceremony and the party. LOL
PS- Between 4 and 5 ,… um should we be worried?
I’m a little concerned myself, but I did buy a new Essie nail polish this afternoon, so perhaps all is not lost?
I HIGHLY HIGHLY reccomend the app Newsify. I have used it forever on and it will not be changing because it is taking feedly when reader goes! If you ever read on you phone that is!
Congrats on being accepted at foodgawker! I tried it a few times and was turned down every single one – guess my mobile phone shoots are just not good enough *shrug*. Someone’s a DSLR to spare?
I’m happy you photo was accepted, it’s really a great shot so I’m def not surprised…though honestly you take such nice photography anyways so they are always really nice.
I like bloglovin because I can sort blogs into catagories like dailyreads..read when I have extra time…LOL…I really like that aspect (not sure if googlereader ever had that)
Yup! It did. Feedly (which is more like Reader) has it as well.
Bloglovin and old school. I honestly don’t like bloglovin all that much but it’s okay.
Starbucks: I’ve heard that getting a vanilla bean frappuccino with banana, caramel and chocolate chips tastes like cookie dough… So ya. I’d order that! Or one of the amazing ideas off of the Secret Starbucks Menu Pinterest page: http://pinterest.com/starbuckssecret/
I’ll gladly take the thunderstorms for you (at night at least…) I love them!
Congrats on your picture being accepted to foodgawker. Every blogger’s dream 😀
I can’t really get into Bloglovin’ either… seems like too much extra fluff to me. Have you tried Feedly? It’s closer to Reader.
I use Bloglovin’… I am pretty sure it is just because I enjoy the way it sounds when I say it 🙂
Also, we need to live closer so you can share your good luck wealth at Starbucks!
I always order the same drink if its free or not! I fear change….. but I LUV me some freebies!
I’m using Blog Lovin & its working out good for me so far 🙂 and yes, seriously guilty of downloading a new song, playing it in the car, at work, at the gym until its stuck in my head & wakes me up at night (thats why we do it right??!) he he he….. I know its my OCD that causes me to do these things & my knowledge of this makes me smile, so its all good!
Congratulations on your picture submission! You take such lovely photos! Also, from one bookworm to another, I thank you for the book reviews on your blog. I was looking forward to the Hosseini one, but now it may move down on my lonnggggggg list of things I want to read. Prioritizing is a must with all the great literature out there!
I ended up choosing Feedly solely based on the fact that the word “lovin” kind of bugs me. I have to say, I am liking Feedly’s clean layout.
Love this song! And you know I go through the replay, replay, replay, bored syndrome. It’s not a bad syndrome, I guess, though. 😉
Regardless of calories or nutrition… I’m pretty sure I would go for a Pumpkin Spice Latte w/skim milk (2% skeeves me out) and take the whipped cream instead of signing off on it; otherwise, I’d probably go with a plain ‘ole latte. Maybe kick it up a notch with double espresso!
I saw a photograph of someone proposing my having “Marry me”? engraved in the coffee cup. How freakin’ cute and perfect is this?! Maybe the couple met in Starbucks which would be even BETTER!
That’s seriously the sweetest idea. I swear, the guy I end up with is going to have some pretty high standards to meet 😆
Feedly all the way! Their new cloud based chrome app is totally amazing. Made the full switch this week after hanging on to reader as well. Been on the lookout for a new book as well so may have to check into that one
I switched to Bloglovin yesterday 🙂
LOL do you know how many times I just clicked on your first photo of the google reader pop up?? – I too have been clinging to reader and when I opened your post thru my reader I thought that pop up was on mine! haha. I still need to settle on a new reader. Kinda need to find one stat.
And huge congrats on getting accepted on foodgawker!! Thats so awesome!!
Lastly, I need to go to your starbucks. I’m missing out on these free drinks and wedding photo sighting.