First and foremost…
Happy Birthday to Momma Spoons!!
She’s been a faithful blog reader from day one, and I’m pretty sure she’d really love it if you sent her some birthday wishes! I could go on forever about how much I love this lady and all the reasons as to why that’s so, but I’ll keep it short and sweet. She’s an amazing woman and I’m incredibly blessed to have her as my momma. Take my word on it
So, because I have a lot of last-minute birthday errands to run, and because it’s Friday, today’s post is going to be light and fun; and what’s more light and fun than a survey? I filled out this currently survey way back in January and figured it would be interesting to do an updated one every couple of months, so here we go.
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Current books: I’ve been going back and forth between two. The first one is Requiem by Lauren Oliver, and the second is Dark Places by Gillian Flynn. Complete polar opposites, but both very good so far. I’ve been in kind of a post-book funk after finishing The Wise Man’s Fear because it will probably be another 5 or 6 years before Rothfuss comes out with the third book and I find out how things end, so I’ll be needing a lot of books to get me through until then…
Current music: This Pentatonix cover of Radioactive by Imagine Dragons. Dang you Alex for getting me hooked on it.
Current guilty pleasure: Licking spoons (read: spatulas, bowls, mixer attachments)…
Between Easter, my mom’s birthday, and working on some recipe experiments for the blog, there’s been a lot of baking being done around these parts lately, which means there’s been a lot of dirty dishes, which means… 😉
Current nail color: Quick! Avert your eyes! I’m naked! In all seriousness though, I’m currently rocking the nude look because I haven’t felt inspired enough to throw any color on the old digits. I’m starting to feel a little turquoisey though…
Current drink: I feel like this is something that never changes but… Hot Cinnamon Spice tea. I know I talk about it all the time, but this tea is amazing and I’m seriously addicted to it. Case in point: I ordered some online about a week ago and it came in yesterday… The box contained eight 50-sachet baggies, which means I now have 400 bags of delicious tea in my possession. I am a happy camper.

Current food: Simple has been the name of the game. Although my stomach is feeling a lot better than it did right after the holidays, I’m still not taking any chances.
Current favorite show: Three words: Game.Of.Thrones.
Current wish list: Sunshine. Or better yet, another tropical vacation. Speaking of which, I really need to work on finishing my Hawaii recaps. At this rate I’m going to end up going on another vacation before I finish recapping my last one. Which, come to think of it, wouldn’t be such a bad thing…

Current needs: Would it be wrong of me to say… see above? It’s been about a month, which I feel is more than enough time to spend at home before jetting off again [I wish]…
Current triumphs: Showing enough restraint not to “sample” the [cup]cakes that I made for my mom. Somehow it would feel less special if I ate one before she did…
Current bane of my existence: The fact that there are bathrooms in my home that need to be cleaned and there’s no one around to clean them but me.
Current celebrity crush: Mr. Levine…
Current indulgence: Beauty products. Oh Sephora, you wound me so…
Current blessing: My momma. I’m going to have to go all sappy on you guys for a bit here, but I can’t help it. This is a lady who would drop everything and run to my side if I needed her (which has been the case countless times). This is a lady who played a huge part in my recovery by supporting me every step of the way and providing me with a healthy example of what a normal eater was (my mom never dieted or struggled with body image <3). This is a lady who is, without a doubt, my best friend. Love you, Mom!
Current slang: Anytime I find something surprising I say… “Holy Toledo!”
Current outfit: I’m currently in my PJ’s with a rat’s nest on my head, so let’s talk about latest outfits instead. Lately I’ve been testing out some brighter colors. I’m someone who usually gravitates towards blacks/grays/whites, but spring always makes me feel like adding a little color to my life.
Current excitement: My mom’s birthday this weekend!!! *insert various squeaking/excited/giddy noises here* As much as I love my own birthday, I have to say that I enjoy celebrating other people’s even more, especially if I feel confident that I have an awesome gift or surprise waiting for them. But that’s all hush, hush for now (Sorry, Mom! No spoilers! )
Current mood: See above
Current link: Thought Catalog. Talk about a time stealer.
And speaking of time… it’s time for me to run! Happy Friday, friends!
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Do you tend to wear brighter or more neutral colors?
What are you currently…
1) … needing?
2) … doing?
3) … eating/drinking?
Omg, SERIOUSLY!! I just went to Pentatonix’s You Tube page and listened to like EVERYTHING! They’re amazing!!! Thank you so much for linking that!
Oh how I love your currently posts! Sorry I’m late to the game, but happy (very belated) birthday to your beautiful mama! You two look so much alike! 🙂
Currently, I am needing more days like the one we got today! Blue skies, fluffy clouds, amazing breeze, and 80 degree (F) temps?!!? 😯 I am sitting here at the kitchen table staring at a messy kitchen that needs to be cleaned…I’ll trade you…dishes for the toilet! Lol And I just finished up a Pinata apple (which I think is my new fave) and I’m sipping on some water (as always)! 😉
Ahh I made your apple sauce and it is amazing.. I kinda forgot about it though and its much saucier than yours appears to be. Oh well next time I will try and make it look a bit like yours!
Hehe I’ve done that before! The longer you cook it, the more liquid that comes out of the apples and the more they break down, so you’re left with something saucier. I don’t have any exact times that I stick to – I just watch it until they taste and feel the way I want them to.
I need… way to many things… some rather RRRRRRRR lol 🙂
I hope you mom enjoyed her birthday 🙂
I need… way to many things… some rather RRRRRRRR
Happy Birthday Momma Spoons!!!!!!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOMMA SPOONS!!! I have to agree, having that kind of mom is a huge blessing – I know mine is also always there for me, and so many people don’t have that. We are lucky! Also, totally hear you on needing a vacation. I love Colorado and the weather’s been fine…I just wanna go somewhere new. My dad’s in Hawaii right now for a conference and I’m SO MAD he didn’t offer to take me along…grrr. Anyway, YES to Sephora indulgences, I’m actually planning on making a stop after my work shift today haha 😀 And as for outfits – coral looks great on you!
Happy Belated Birthday to your Momma! What a pretty lady she is, and I hope you had a most lovely celebration 🙂
GAME OF THRONES… yes, I very much concur. And I read Sharp Objects not too long ago and while it was definitely creepy, dark and a bit disturbing, I loved it! One of those you could.not.put down books. I want to give Dark Places a try now, I have heard it’s great. Going to check out that website now, I could use some mind-numbing/time-sucking reading haha. Not really but oh well, I feel like wasting some time on this sunny Saturday morning!
Love ya lady, have a nice weekend with your MA 😀
Happy Birthday Momma Spoons! The best part about baking is licking the bowl and spoons after the cookies are all in the oven 🙂
Currently I’m…
Needing a massage….but that isn’t going to happen anytime soon.
Sitting upright in bed, drinking coffee and catching up on blogs. I was becoming a little addicted to blog reading (it’s possible, I swear) so now I limit my self to one time a day…in the morning with my morning cup of coffee. It’s lovely.
Drinking coffee! Milk and sugar please!
Happy birthday to your mom!!! Moms truly are the best. I don’t know what I would do without mine. When I was going through a rough time, she was totally there for me and she would drop everything and drive 1.5 hours to come see me. Anyways, I hope you have a great time with Momma Spoons this weekend! 🙂
Currently I’m needing sleep. I woke up at 3:30 am yesterday and even after “sleeping in” until 6 am today, I still feel like a zombie. 😛
Currently I’m eating breakfast and reading blogs, then heading out to the farmer’s market.
Currently I’m eating quinoa hot cereal with banana, mango, blackberries and soy nut butter and drinking coffee.
I’ve been waking up at all sorts of weird hours lately as well, and oh man does the day feel extra long with a 4 or 4:30 wake up call 😕
You and your Mama are sooo gorgeous! Happy birthday to her! 🙂
I currently need: SLEEP! 🙂
Happy birthday to your momma, that picture is adorable! Currently eating…squash, the usual ;-). And yes, it is seriously late here…squash is the new midnight snack for all uninformed.
Happy birthday to your mom!! Moms are the best!! I am currently tucked in bed with no place I would rather be. I love being home. It is definitely my happy place 🙂
Happy Birthday, Momma spoons!!
…you lick spoons and utensils, I lick the leftover syrup from my pancakes off my plate. I know it’s not classy by any means, but why let something good go to waste??!!
I’m a plate/bowl licker too 🙂 No shame!
And happy birthday, Momma Spoons!! 😀
I LOVE that Radioactive cover! I was listening to that on repeat last week. SO GOOD!
Happy Birthday to your momma! She’s adorable! I’m sure she’s going to looove her cupcakes. (:
I say “Holy Toledo!” all the time too! I’m not sure when it even started but, back in high school, I dated a guy who’s last name was Toledo and he’d crack up every time I said it. He had never heard it before! haha
Yay for April! Happy Birthday to your mom, that’s crazy because today is also my momma’s birthday! Such a small world. Radioactive is one of my current favorites as well, along with Sail by Awolnation. Harney & Son’s is the bomb and their Hot Cinnamon Spice makes me want tea over coffee most afternoons which at first I found quite absurd. Love this post, Amanda! Thanks for sharing your current favorites 🙂
Happy Birthday to your mom as well! Today is obviously a pretty awesome day 😉 And yes, yes – Sail is another great song.
I tend to wear colors that reflect my personality…so BRIGHT and BOLD are my choices… you should have seen my outfit yesterday! I am currently needing some sleep, drinking water, and wanting mind control powers to bring ice cream and more water to me so I don’t have to get up.
Happy Birthday to your mom!! 🙂
happy birthday momma spoons! she sounds like an awesome person! Adam levine is amazing, love him! I been eating the most simple foods lately too I even denied sushi yesterday, sooo not like me. Just want to get my stomach feeling back to normal before adding anything to crazy back in it. I wear alot of black and white in the winter because I just wear the same 3 pairs of boots which are all dark lol honestly I wear a black or white shirt with a scarf everyday of the winter. But in the warmer months you will never see me in black or white the brighter the better. Yayyy for sunshine slowly coming!
Hope your mom has a wonderful birthday!! I too love celebrating other people’s birthdays and see their excitement!
One of my favorite colors is green but I tend to wear black, white and gray most of the winter but usually in the summer I love to wear bright colors – especially if I’m tan, How many more days till summer?????
Hope you have a great weekend with your family!
I always lick the spoon 🙂
Happy Birthday to your momma! I hope she has a wonderful day today, I know you will make it special!!! I bet what you got her is so nice!
Happy Weekend!
Happy Birthday to your mom! With a daughter like you I’m sure she feels blessed, too – not just because you’re baking for her :). Which birthday present did you end up getting her?
Licking spoons or spatulas doesn’t count as a guilty pleasure because you’re just making the food you’ll be serving is edible ;).
Aaaah, thanks for reminding me of Adam Levine. There are way too many good-looking male celebs out there but how could I forget about him?!
I’m all about bright colours with coral, rose and mustard yellow being right up on top. Though I already let you know it bears repeating: You look super cute in that outfit!
Have a great Friday, Amanda! I hope your mum has an amazing birthday week(end)!
Thanks Miss! And the present is still a secret because we won’t be “officially” celebrating until tomorrow. I’ll be sure to share what it was in my next post though!
awww happy birthday to momma spoons! (lol, such a cute nickname). I don’t even know her but from the day I remember you mentioning her I felt very fond of her. 🙂 And your shirt is so cute! hehe. I used to be very neutral colored oriented, but since last year I’ve been loving colorful clothes! I just have to pair it with something neutral either on top or bottom so that it balances out.
First of all – Happy Birthday Mama Spoons! But omigod there is so much I love about this post:
1. I also just started reading Dark Places. I just read Sharp Objects, but I’m having a hard time getting really into this one.
2. OBSESSED with pentatonix. And any a cappella – singing it AND watching it! and thank you for opening my eyes to this.
3. game of thrones, omigod! did you watch the premiere? I hate to say this, but a actually kind of thought that episode was a bit boring (still somehow really good, though)
4. sunshine. of course I’m stuck inside with an injury as soon as the sun starts to come out in nyc!
5. um. don’t feel bad about sampling the cupcakes – this may make me a horrible person, but I *always* try one just to make sure they turned out good. Or so I tell myself.
6. thought catalog. part of the reason I don’t get any homework done ever.
and on that note, have a fantabulous weekend! <3
I haven’t read Sharp Objects yet, but I’ll probably end up picking it up after I finish this one. And I sure did watch the GoT premiere! I agree that it wasn’t anything too interesting, but I guess that’s just because they’re setting things up for the season… hopefully the action picks up soon! And if not, it’s still just nice to have it around again.
Happy Birthday to your gorgeous Mum!
I tend to wear black…and not much else. I do have splashes of pink interspersed with the black, but…yeah, I still miss having the confidence to be a Goth in my teenage years.
Needing: Sleep…badly!
Doing: Well, I’m commenting here as opposed to sleeping 😉
Eating/Drinking: Banana soft serve with a cup of apple popcorn green tea, thanks to you 😀
Your Mama is so cute! Happy birthday to her 🙂
That tea sounds incredible, so no wonder you’re addicted! Add cinnamon to anything and I’m keen as a bean 😉
I’m currently about to head out the door for a walk, hoping that it doesn’t rain on me as the sun is shining but the clouds could burst at any moment ;P
I love Adam Levine too but Taylor Kinney, that is where my current celebrity crush stands. I seriously would leave my husband for him. And I’m not kidding. Good thing he will never have any interest in me, lol!!
Happy Birthday to your mom!! Such a sweet daughter to make her cupcakes and NOT eat one before she does 🙂
Haha! Does your husband know?? 😉
Haha! That is a CRAPLOAD of tea! I love it!! How long will it take you to get through all of that?
It actually lasts me a pretty decent while! About a year? Give or take.
happy birthday to your mom 🙂 I can only imagine how happy she must be to read all the birthday wishes!