First day of school! First day of school!
Well, okay, maybe that’s notย exactly the case for me this year (and I know that some places already started classes a few weeks ago as well), but it was the first day back for the kids up here, and I have to say that seeing them all standing in line or waiting for the bus with their little backpacks and new clothes made me miss the days when I was in school…
Circa 1991
Do you remember the excitement of shopping for new school supplies? Of buying brand new pens, pencils, and notebooks, even though there was nothing wrong with your old ones? Do you remember marching to school on your first day of classes wearing your brand new clothes and clutching your My Little Pony lunchbox like it was made of gold? I do ๐ And I definitely remember what was in that lunchbox, too… but let’sย skip over the sandwich, juice box, and carrot sticks for now, and go straight to the good stuff – the coveted lunchbox snack.
I have no idea what kids are getting in their lunches these days, but back in my day [read: the 90’s], we had some pretty notable snacks that I was always hoping to find when I cracked open my box o’ gold…
. Dunkaroos .
Please tell me you remember these… and that you were lucky enough to enjoy them at least once. This was pretty much the perfect snack. Cookies. Frosting. Together.ย Bliss. My only complaint would be that the cookies-to-frosting ratio was radically skewed and there wasn’t nearly enough frosting. Or maybe I was just an over-zealous dunker…
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. Teddy Grahamsย .
You know something is good when it can withstand the test of time. These are thankfully still around, so the current generation of kids is lucky enough to be able to enjoy their beary goodness as well. I have no idea what it was about these, since they’re so simple, but they were probably my favorite store-bought cookies as a kid. I would make them dance and then go on to bite off their heads or appendages… which… sounds a bit twisted now that I think about it ๐ฏ
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. Rice Krispie Treats .
These need no explanation at all.
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. Fruit by the Foot .
Because, really, who wants simple fruit snacks that come in a little baggie when you can get them by the meter? These were fun because you could either unroll and eat them slowly, or rip the whole wrapper off at once, clump the candy into a huge ball, and stuff it into your mouth.ย I’m not quite sure how these could be labelled as a good source of Vitamin C, but… that’s false advertising for ya.
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. Gushers .
These fruit-juice filled fruit snacks sound good in theory, but I don’t remember them being all that great in application. The juicy center was hardly noticeable, and they always tasted a bit off to me. Plus, I prefer my gummies to be on the softer side, and these were always kind of hard and chewy. Still, they were all the rage back in the day…
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. Handi Snacks .
Although they’re not of the sugary sweet variety (which were/are my absolute favorite), Handi Snacks nevertheless deserve an honorable mention. These, like Dunkaroos, had a skewed biscuit-to-spread ratio, but in the opposite direction – I always found that there was too much cheese for the amount of crackers you got. Or maybe it’s just that the cheese was so… potent… that you didn’t need as much.
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Awwwr. I miss school. After graduating with a BA in psychology/philosophy, I decided to take some time off to really figure out what direction I wanted to go in next. I always knew that I wanted to continue my education, but I wasn’t exactly sure which area I wanted to pursue further. The time off has done me a world of good, though. I spent the last year working and volunteering, and I’m pretty sure that I’ve got things figured out. Next September, I’ll be enjoying yet another first day of school. Now I just have to dig up myย My Little Ponyย lunchbox… and maybe some Dunkaroos.
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Are you going to school? What are you taking?
If you’re not a student anymore, do you miss it?
What were some of your favorite school snacks as a child?ย
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Thinking back to my early days at school, I was very excited, but all those tasks and sleepless nights of wasted cramming remind me of a lot. Although I enjoyed studying, even for me, it was too much. And when we were asked to write an essay, a chill crept up our legs. With my mindset, it was torture, and on the topics that we were asked to write about regarding the Declaration of Independence, I fell into despair. I tried to find any way to avoid this task and found a service with ready-made examples. Although I wouldn’t say that I enjoyed the school, the time spent with my friends there is priceless, and I don’t want to waste it.
Oh man I used to love all of those snacks so so much! Candy and snacks used to replace my meals, which is probably why I now have 7 cavities :/
Congrats on going back to school!!! I LOVE SCHOOL (<– the capitalization is necessary to express the emotion I feel) and cannot wait to return for my masters as well. Education is a wonderful thing. I graduated last May (2011) and decided (last minute decision) to skip out on grad school because I felt my life heading in the wrong direction. I'm in my "time off/real work life" stage as well until I figure out what it is I really want to do with my life. Sometimes we need that real life experience to figure ourselves out. Looks like you're heading in the right direction though ๐
I just started my first semester of graduate school and it felt a little odd putting back on that backpack, buying school supplies and packing a lunch bag. Growing up my lunches were filled with: Handi-Snacks, S’mores Pudding cups, Koala yummies and I looooved those frosted animal crackers that came in a handle with a box! Missing school is normal, I fully enjoy being a nerd and loving school ๐
I miss first days of school!
What have you decided to go back to school for next year?
I’ll be going back to get my Masters and eventual PhD (I hope!) in counselling psychology.
That’s so awesome! ๐ Best of luck! I graduated a year ago and am still trying to figure out what I want to do with my life. It’s rough!
Dunkaroos and Gushers were the best!
I just started my second year at uni today, going for a bachelor of science, major in psychology.
DUNKAROOS!!!!!!!!! Major nostalgia alert there.
My niece and nephew both started school for the first time yesterday, the photo’s of them are so cute! I’ve also just realised there has barely been a time over the last 25 years when I have not been in education of some sorts. I’m doing my distance learning health coaching course at the moment. I must like something about learning!
Aaaaah,WHY am I living in Germany,WHY?! Okay,I know why… Because I pretty possibly would have been a big fat chubby child in the US. I freaking loved cookies,and those Dunkaroos sound TOO good to be true… ๐
You’re lucky to live in Europe! They have some of -the best- desserts and food over there! I can’t help but want to eat everything whenever I go visit my family in Poland.
I loved all of those snacks too! Plus “Lunchables” (now I cringe), Spiderman and Scooby Doo fruit snacks, mini bags of chips, pretzels, crackers, etc.
I remember all of these!! Especially the Dunkaroos. Omg so delicious. I would eat all the cookies first then eat the frosting with my finger ๐
I totally miss the school days. When I was in elementary I went to a VERY small school. My 6th grade class only had 7 kids, including me! SO needless to say we ran the school. It was awesome ๐
The rare days when my mom would sneak a fruit by the foot into much lunch. Oh my gosh, I owned the playground at recess ^~ best friendships were made and SERIOUS trades went on over school snacks!
I LOVE school. I am so happy I am not done yet (most of the time, sometimes I wish the stress was over) I wish I could go back to the elementary days ๐ I loved scooby gummies in my lunch! and great apple bites quaker has sadly stopped making!
I’m going back to school for my 6th and last year (finally!) of undergrad. I guess that’s what happens when you decide to switch your degree after 3 years of your first degree. ๐ I can’t wait to hear what your future schooling plans are – when are you going to share?!
I loved Dunkaroos but my parents never bought them for me! They sent me with things like granola bars, Goldfish, yogurt, and homemade cookies, which were good but I was always so jealous of the sugary snacks my friends got haha.
It took me a little longer to finish my undergrad too, for those very same reasons. I switched my mind, and then switched it again. Oi. I think that was one of the main reasons I decided to take some time off after graduating… just to be SURE this time around that I knew what I wanted to get into next. As for future school plans, I’d really like to go on and get my masters and then PhD in counselling psychology so that I can work with people who are suffering from eating disorders. That’s the plan for now, so finger’s crossed!
Ahh that is perfect for you! And I think you would be great at it! I’m so happy for you that you’ve found your passion. ๐
hold freaking god. what a trip down memory lane. i grew up with these same things. i never got into the gummy snacks – but my brother was a gushers fanatic. i was more of a teddy graham dunkaroos kinda girl. and COMPLETELY agree about the ratio with cookies:frosting. in fact – i would often waste a pack just for teh frosting.alone.
We had dunkaroos in New Zealand too! Except it was vanilla cookies, chocolate dip and hazlenut crumbs. You dipped first in the chocolate and then in the nuts. BLISS!
Yep, I’m finishing my last semester at uni! I’m currently doing honours in meteorology. Looking forward to it being over tbh.
I absolutely miss school! I graduated with my BA in political science a few months ago, and already am having withdrawals. Lately though, grad school is seeming like a very possible option though ๐ Maybe we’ll be grad school buddies?
AMANDA<3 You wont even believe how happy I was when I saw you had started blogging again just this morning! So sooo happy!! Ive been missing you, and checked out your blog regulary during the year, just to read old posts and get inspiration. You where always my biggest inspirtaion!
I ended my blog too, really just because I felt like writing in norwegian and connect with people here and also not focusing so much on my problems with food, and more on my love for food.
I cant wait to start following you again. And Im so happy you are in such a happy place!
Much love
ACK! It’s so great to hear from you again!! My Norwegian is a little rusty [read: I can’t speak a word of it], so I’m going to have to stalk you through e-mail instead ๐
I’m still going to school although I don’t have the chance to experience the excitement of the first day of the new school year anymore because I don’t have a summer vacation and I don’t buy anything new. I’m only taking two classes and I hardly ever take any notes. I have Genomic Medicine and Immunology once a month and the rest of the time is for the lab.
I haven’t even heard of your favorite childhood snacks. We had different ones in my country, usually bought from some shop near school because school there is only half a day (morning or afternoon) and nobody brings a lunchbox. I’m not going to lie, I really liked eating pizza in recess when I had enough money to buy it ๐
I took time off too…8 years! But it was really good for me because I majored in environmental science, and I wasn’t sure where I wanted to focus. Water? Wetlands? Fauna? Contaminated sites cleanup? Urban development? Air quality? Indoor air quality? The possibilities are endless, you get the idea.
8 months ago I started on my PhD, so even though I am in school, I don’t go there that often. Here in Australia, you just do a dissertation. No classes. Which is pretty awesome because, at 30 years old with 10 years of work experience under my belt, I would have been driven mad in classes I think!
I have always been curious to know what you do for work. Would you mind sharing, or do you prefer to keep that under wraps on the blog? Totally understandable if that’s the case!
I don’t mind sharing what I do, I just don’t like to get too specific. For work work, I help out at our family business. I’m kind of the “do whatever needs to get done” girl, so I spend a lot of time on the phone, with clients, ordering supplies, checking stock, managing accounts, running errands, [stalking blogs when I shouldn’t be ;)]. It’s certainly not my dream job, but it pays the bills and I can’t deny that I love the flexibility and lack of having a real boss. The volunteer work I do is centered more around what I want to pursue as a career. With this one, I really can’t get into specifics, but I work in the psych ward of one of the local hospitals.
Thank you for sharing! I like knowing a bit more about the people behind the blogs. I admit to never putting a blog in my feed reader unless they have an ‘about’ page. Maybe that’s weird, but I think the personal nature of blogs is what makes them so fun to read.
I think it’s wonderful that you’re doing volunteer work in your career area. It’s something I think everyone should make the time for if they can.
YESSSS. Those ritz handi-snacks were my fave, except I loved the “breadstick” dunkers….which were actually nothing like breadsticks, now that I think about it:) Great post, amanda!
i’m pretty sure you covered all of THE best lunch time snacks from the school days!! i was actually just talking about dunkaroos with my friend a couple weeks ago and its a shame they’re no longer around. I still lovee teddy grahams, rice crispies, & ritz crackers and dips. Although i don’t really ever eat them anymore. Its one of those things where once i start i can’t stop, so its probably best i just not start…haha.
That’s really awesome that you’ll be going back to school next september and know just what you want to do! i’m still trying to figure it all out and get on track… ๐
Actually, I -think- Dunkaroos might still be around in certain stores! I could have sworn that I’ve seen them, so I’ll pay more attention next time and make sure.
omg really??? my sister didn’t understand the amazingness of dunkaroos when i told her about them because they were before her time. she needs to try them!
Going back to school for my Master’s is actually what has helped me most during my recovery! I knew that I wouldn’t be able to succeed if I SOLELY focused on recovery, because… well… that’s like only focusing on your ED which for me would just give me too much time to twiddle my thumbs, be miserable, and resort back to old habits. Not good. I knew I needed something that would motivate me and carry me on a path to wellness because of the realization that I’m choosing LIFE over my ED. I went back to school last year and haven’t regretted it ๐
Choosing life over your ED… beautiful motivation ๐ And it’s so great to hear that it’s helped you to recover!
AHHHHHHHHH DUNKAROOS AND GUSHERS!!!!! Those were definitely my jam growing up ๐ That and ring pops, fruit by the foot, Reese’s, and that sour fruit tape gum. Man, good times, good times!
My classes started 2 weeks ago and I’m finally getting into courses more geared toward my marine bio major– goodbye boring core crap haha!!
Girl, you and I would have been best friends if we went to school together when we were younger. Okay, actually, we’d be best friends if we went to school together now. I freakin’ lived on dunkaroos. Oh! and hostess snacks! I was all about twinkies, yodels, ding dongs. Oh, to be young.
Girrrlllll, what are you talkin’ about? We’re still young ๐ And apparently, Dunkaroos are still around!
I too loved the first day of school with my lunchbox and brand new shoes! I went to catholic school so we wore uniforms – at the time I always wished we could wear our own clothes but now I realize how simple getting dressed was back then!
My mom always packed us a sandwich, a piece of fruit and a sweet homemade treat like cake or a granola bar – she always bought us either Quaker chewy granola bars or Nature Valley oatsn honey.
I definitely miss school now that I’m finished!
awww what a cute post! those are some mighty fine recess snacks for school! i’m a teacher, so it was definitely back to school for me today, but i wasn’t nearly organized enough to pack fun and interesting snacks for myself — something to think about for next week.
i’m so excited that you will be going back to school next year! what will you be studying?
It always takes some time to fall back into the rhythm with packing snacks and prepping meals… I’m always a complete scatterbrain for at least the first week or so. And I’ll be going to grad school to get my master’s in counselling psychology. I’m hoping to eventually work with those struggling with eating disorders.
Those were definitely all CLASSIC staples.
Last year, one my my students brought in Dunk-a-roos.. and I took them from him.. not to eat, but to take a picture of. I couldn’t believe that they were still popular!
It’s funny seeing the same treats we have here but with different names.
Here in Australia we call –
Dunkaroos – Dunkaroos, I mean after all Kangaroos are Australia’s national animal!
Teddy Grahams – Tiny Teddies – I also did the whole bite off their head, then arms then belly thing.
Rice Crispy Treats – LCM’s (No idea what that stands for). Also Rice Crispys are known as Rice Bubbles here. Same logo, characters just different names.
Fruit by the Foot – Fruity Metres
Fruit Gushers – Don’t think we have anything even remotely similar here.
Handi Snack – Le Snack. I hated French Onion though!
Mum never bought us these snacks. My lunch box always consisted of a ham and lettuce roll/sandwich, an apple and a tub of yogurt. Every single day. For over 7 years. Surprisingly to this very day ham and lettuce sandwiches are still my favourite. Especially when Mum makes them for me.
Oh wow, that’s pretty interesting about the different names… I had no idea. And for some reason, the Rice Bubbles thing makes me laugh ๐ My mom didn’t like buying this stuff for me either… I only got them on the rare occasion that my begging would somehow sway her iron will.
I remember all these snacks from being a kid! Gushers were amazing ๐ I totally loved seeing all the kids today on their way to school, it brings back so many memories. I loved first days of school. There is so much excitement! I am definitely missing school. It is great to read that you are more sure of what you want to do after taking a year off of education. ๐
I was always so mad my mom refused to buy me Dunkaroos. You bet I remember all my friends having them though. Luckily I at least had a My Little Pony lunchbox.
It was always SUCH an exciting time of the year, going back to school. And I do miss it, along with practically everything else that child hood entailed! Everything always seemed so magical back then:/.
We barely have any of those jazzy snacks here. One of my favourites were Cadburys animals- just little ,barely identifiable animal biscuits with a Cadbury chocolate coating on one side- I used to suck all the chocolate off them:). Occasionally one of the animals would be bereft of a chocolatey side though. Yeah, that was as tragically disappointing as it sounds.
I actually *never* had these as a kid! For 2 reasons – my mom was against packaged snacks as long as I was willing to eat other stuff (which I was), and I went to a Jewish day school that kept kosher, so we weren’t allowed to bring lunches anyway. So I don’t really miss them, but I guess I never knew what I was missing ๐
Today was my last first day of school (undergrad) – but it definitely hasn’t set in. Maybe I’ll notice it next year when I’m not starting school on this day when everyone else around me is.
Awwr my mom was against packaged snacks for the most part as well, but in the rare occasion that my incessant begging actually swayed her, this is the kind of stuff that I was treated with ๐ Now that I think about it, though, fresh homemade cookies trump everything else anyways.
Omg!yes! Those right there were my favorite snacks…and true story, I have a store near me that still sells dunkaroos! I swear! I can hook you up with some if you’d lik! ๐
!! Okay so I must not have been imagining seeing Dunkaroos in some store I was in. I’m going to have to pay more attention next time and see if they really are still around…
YES! I remember & enjoyed all of those. I miss Dunkaroos. Remember the Quaker PB&J granola bars? I hated them but my mom was obsessed with packing them in my lunch. Oh, and wagon wheels. I hated those too!
I do remember those granola bars, but I could never eat them because of my allergy to peanuts ๐ I think they eventually started making peanut-free granola bars, but that was kind of after my school days. I actually think they still make Dunkaroos… or maybe I was just imagining walking past them in the store…