Yesterday, we ended on the topic of dessert…
Want some?
Please say yes so that I don’t have to call the men in white coats to come pay you a visit. I seriously question the mental soundness of anyone who says that they don’t have a sweet tooth, because everyone does. Even if you think you don’t, you do. Trust me on this one.
There was a time where the nasty little voice in my head managed to convince me that I didn’t like chocolate and ice cream because it was easier to deny myself those things if I believed I didn’t like them, as opposed to facing the truth, which was that I was simply afraid to eat them. “No, I don’t like chocolate and ice cream” sounds a lot better than “No, I’m afraid to eat chocolate and ice cream”, and because I had gone so long without eating them, I truly forgot how much I used to love them, and thus started to believe all of those nasty lies that my ED fed me. At least on the surface, anyway.
But it was all a bunch of bull.
I mean, come on. Who doesn’t like chocolate and ice cream?

Again… don’t make me call the men in white coats… Those straightjackets chafe something fierce. Not that I would know or anything…
What was I talking about again? Ahh yes.
Luckily for me and my taste buds, recovery knocked some sense into me and reminded me that, yes, I did indeed like chocolate, ice cream, and desserts of all sorts. I liked them verrrrrry much.
The fact that I have a huge sweet tooth is something that never changed. What did change, however, was what satisfied the old sucker. I used to eat cupcakes and candy bars like it was my job, but now? Now those things no longer appeal to me. Now when I think of dessert, I think of something that’s indulgent enough to satisfy my mind, but that’s also healthy enough to fuel my body. I want something that will make me smile and give me steady energy. There’s nothing I hate more than eating something mind-numbingly rich or sweet, and finding myself falling into a sugar coma 20 minutes later. Blah.
But eating something that’s perfectly rich, satisfyingly sweet, and has good staying power? Now we’re talking…
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For lack of a better name…
. [i’ve died and gone to] heaven in a bowl .
Ingredients (serves 1)
- ½ cup cottage cheese
- 1 scoop vanilla protein powder (I use whey)
- 1 Tbsp. cocoa powder
- ½ banana
- ¼ tsp. vanilla extract
- [Recommended] Toppings: sliced banana, almond butter, granola, pudding
- Throw the cottage cheese, protein powder, cocoa, banana, and vanilla into a blender (I use the Magic Bullet). Blend until a “whipped” consistency has been reached.
- Empty into a bowl and throw on your desired toppings. I highly recommend nut butter for richness, granola for crunch, and pudding for extra sweetness and gooey-ness.
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To say that I’m a little bit obsessed with this snack would be an understatement. I blame the combination of almond butter in pudding, which I have yet to tire of.
Whatever the case may be, I love this snack because it’s naughty enough for my mind, while being nice enough for my body. Indulgences have their time and place, but desserts like these are an every day kind of thing. And they’re good enough to make you want to lick the bowl…
No shame 😀
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Do you have a favorite naughty but nice dessert?
How about a favorite occasional indulgence?
I made this today for a snack .it was THE BOMB! I inhaled it so fast. I wish it never ended….
holy yumm that looks good! I’m making it that ASAP.
favorite naughty but nice dessert? hmm…ice cream-esque smoothies, fruit with almond butter and a little bit of melted dark chocolate, dates stuffed with almond butter and chocolate chips…
and favorite indulgence? Ice cream, hands down! And to be even more specific: ben & jerry’s NY Super Fudge Chunk. ohmygawd good.
I can relate – I used to tell myself I didn’t like chocolate or peanut butter to avoid eating what I considered at the time danger foods – but boy was that a lie! Now I can’t go more than a couple days with out peanut butter oats and definitely no more than 1 day with out a piece of dark chocolate 😛 Your desserts always look so incredible.
Love your dessert, it looks delicious! I always have cottage cheese, yogurt, berries, cereal, and pb. It’s so yummy and healthy 😀
This looks amazing! I always try and make time for dessert, whether it’s just slice apples dusted with cinnamon or lots of dark chocolate. Although cookies and cream protein ice cream is always a winner, especially when topped with a PB sauce!
YES! thank you for saying what i’ve read denied on other blogs: “everyone has a sweet tooth” (even if just a little bit) i LOVE ice cream and have it almost every day as a dessert. it’s delicious and a really easy way to get in calories too if you need more because of exercise and/or trying to gain weight.
Wine. It’s good for the body right? Right?
Yes! I’ll definitely have some please 🙂 That heaven in a bowl looks ahhmazing!
My favorite occasional indulgence is ice cream. Okay, maybe its more than occasionally, but it’s just so good!
Sounds yummy! I cannot wait to start refilling our fridge-then I will try this! 😀 I think ALL of my teeth are sweet teeth!
I lovee this post! Not only because that looks/sounds amazing, but I can totally relate back to when I used to tell myself that I didn’t like chocolate and ice cream..but really I was afraid to eat them. Love your blog by the way, can’t wait to read your posts every day. 🙂
biggest sweet tooth in the world right HURRR!
I think dark chocolate is a kinda naughty-but-nice thing – isn’t it meant to have some weird health benefit? I have no idea what, I just know I LOVE it!! Oh, and my favourite ice cream is made with cashews and agave nectar – it’s soo rich, delicious and creamy, but cashews? That’s a health benefit! Hurrah!
Oh yum! I’m not really sure how I feel about cottage cheese though…but maybe if it’s blended I will like it because the texture won’t be the same! I love love love dessert. I have a hardcore sweet tooth! I sometimes think that smoothies are naughty but nice. They can taste so decadent, but I don’t ever put anything in them that is “bad” for you.
I always have dessert, a few squares of dark chocolate or some protein ice cream (I actually prefer the texture of that to regular ice cream!) is my fave but a chocolate brownie, topped with nut butter is real heaven!
woah! How good does this look? In fact….all your bowls of gooey goodness look good!
making this…NOW =)
I used to think I didn’t have a sweet tooth! Obviously that wasn’t me, but the stupid voice in my head. I’m starting to enjoy sweets so much nowadays. Muffins are my favorites all the way! Although, I’d never turn some coconut milk ice cream down either. I have to make this sometime soon because it looks heavenly 😀 Can’t decide what toppings to use!
wow, that looks great..and i got a new blender so i am definitely going to whip that up soon! i always pulled the “i don’t like ___” card…rediscovering foods i once loved is such a fun experience now!
Oh my goodness who knew cottage cheese could be made into such a beautiful dessert!
Chocolate is and always will be my indulgence. Although if you eat it every day, I’m not sure if it’s considered an indulgence.
Your pictures are gorgeous as usual!
I’m pretty sure there’s nothing better than classic vanilla ice cream and peanut butter, er maybe almond butter in your case? While I do enjoy chocolate, I’ve never been a fanatic. My former roommate on the other hand… 😛 I love sprinking choco chips on my oatmeal lately though!
I love anything salty and sweet!!!!! Sometimes I eat chocolate oatmeal for breakfast. My favorite desserts are ice cream, key lime pie, lemon bars, brownies, and chocolate chip cookies. 🙂 I actually don’t get a bad feeling after eating dessert.
Back in my “dark days”… I too “didn’t have a sweet tooth” So false. My favorite dessert changes depending on the season, but right now it’s definitely frozen yog 🙂
Oh my gosh girl, get out of my head!! I was JUST thinking yesterday about combining cottage cheese and chocolate protein powder for a little dessert/snack action! I ended up going with something else that was pretty frickin delicious, but I now that I’ve seen yours, I know I’ll have to try it too!!
Fave naughty/nice snack: Dessert hummus…can’t feel bad about eating what tastes like a bowl of cookie dough when it’s loaded with heathy fats and tooooons of fiber! 😉
Occasional indulgence: Cheesecake…always! And not the plain stuff…I want it stuffed, layered, topped, whatever!!
This sounds so good! I really need to start buying cottage cheese more. I’m such a yogurt junkie. 😛 My favourite naughty but nice snack is fro yo with lots of toppings. A new self-serve fro yo place just opened in my city and I’m obsessed!