Note to self: Do not drink coffee if you plan on working out within the hour. Much pain and discomfort will result, and you will be walking around looking like this for a little while…
Ouch face.
I usually work out around 10:30, which gives me plenty of time to digest breakfast and get in a pre-workout snack. This morning, however, I decided to bump my workout up to 8:30 because I had a lot of errands to run later on in the day and didn’t want to feel too rushed.
Not my brightest idea…
My energy was fantastic and I absolutely rocked my workout (last workout in Stage 1 of NROLFW… on to stage 2!), but my stomach started to protest about ¾ of the way through, and gradually progressed to crampy wooziness. Nothing that a cup of ginger tea and a snack couldn’t fix, though.
Yes, I eat even when my stomach doesn’t feel the best, and you know what? 9 times out of 10 it makes the pain go away. I’m telling you… food cures all. It wasn’t long before I was back to my smiley self…
I had another reason to smile, as well, but that’s hush-hush for now – I might spill the beans tomorrow, depending on how things go.
But since I had a busy day, and couldn’t really sit down to write up a proper po…. okay I’ll cut the bull. I really just wanted an excuse to fill out another survey, because I’m finding myself oddly addicted to them. This is another one from Tori, so blame her for continuing to feed my addiction!
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[A] Apples or oranges: Apples… but only because eating citrus upsets my stomach. It’s not that I don’t like apples – I really do – but eating them plain makes me even hungrier and sometimes gives me a weird stomach ache. They’re great in things like baked apple oatmeal and cheese melts, though.

[B] Beans or lentils: Beans… Lentils are good too, but beans are far more common in my diet. Hummus and pumpkin chili scramble, anyone? Yes. Yes, I think so.
[C] Cereal or oatmeal: Oatmeal… I wouldn’t like to go without cereal either, but my delicious bowl of chocolate pudding oats is the reason I get out of bed in the morning…
[D] Dates or raisins: Dates… I love raisins, too, but I just find that I eat dates a lot more. And they’re a necessary ingredient in my chocolate chip cookie dough balls, which I have a [slight] addiction to.
[E] Eggs or milk: Eggs… Super nutritious and delicious, eggs are my no fuss, go-to foods. And I couldn’t imagine not adding an egg white to my oats, so… yeah. Eggs are a must.

[F] French toast or waffles: Waffles… To be honest, I’m not a big fan of French toast. I think it’s because I prefer my bread to be toasted and crispy, and French toast bread is… well… kind of soggy.
[G] Garlic or salt: Salt… I have a huge sweet tooth, but my strongest cravings are for salty foods. I used to avoid it like the plague, and my health actually suffered as a result. My blood pressure would drop to dangerously low levels and I would have a hard time staying hydrated, despite drinking all the time. These days, I add it to pretty much everything, and feel much better.
[H] Honey or maple syrup: Maple syrup… I’m Canadian, so not liking maple syrup would probably get me deported; and I kind of like it here, so I’d rather that didn’t happen.
[I] Ice cream or frozen yogurt: Ice cream… especially eaten slightly melted and straight from the tub.
[J] Jam or toast: Jam on toast [with cream cheese]…

[K] Kale or spinach: Spinach… I have horrible memories of kale from my days of dabbling with a raw food diet, and I don’t think I’ll ever get over my aversion to it. Just the thought of kale makes me… ick.
[L] Lemon or lime: Lemon… especially squeezed into water or as a flavor in desserts.
[M] Muffins or cupcakes: Muffins… Cupcakes have their time and place, but muffins are far more versatile and can be just as delicious. I’m a sucker for anything dense and hearty… and chocolatey.
[N] Nut butter or jelly: Nut butter… Can you imagine going a day without nut butter? I can – it sucks. Since healing my relationship with fats, not a day has gone by without copious amounts of almond butter in it. And with the way things are looking, it’ll probably be that way until the day I die.
[O] Onions or peppers: Peppers… Me and my stomach don’t always see eye to eye when it comes to onions, and because I don’t enjoy being sick, peppers win by default.
[P] Peanuts or almonds: Almonds… although I wish this were actually a choice. I sometimes wonder what life would be like without a deadly allergy constantly looming over your head… probably a lot freer. Ahh well. At least I have my beloved almonds. No complaints.
[Q] Quick or yeast bread: Quick bread… Me and yeast are still giving eachother the stank eye. Some day I’ll tackle my fear of working with it and make my own homemade loaf of bread, but until then, quick breads are just fine. Especially because they include banana bread. Swooooon.
[R] Raspberry or blackberry: Blackberry… but I’m not a fan of either, really. I prefer blueberries and strawberries because they’re usually sweeter and you don’t have to deal with all of the annoying seeds (which are especially bad in smoothies!)
[S] Sweet or savory: Sweet and savory 😀 Sweet for sure. I have a huge sweet tooth, and I seem to be moving farther and farther away from having savory meals all the time. Breakfast 3 times a day? M’yes.
[T] Tea or coffee: NO! This is like having to choose between my right and left leg – it’s just not happening. I need my daily cup of Joe, as well as my [multiple] daily cups of black/green tea.
[U] Udon or spaghetti noodles: Udon… although I’m really not a big pasta fan in general. I get a random craving for it once every few months, but I prefer other grains. Oatmeal, bulgur, rice, quinoa…
[V] Vanilla or chocolate: Vanilla… at least as a flavor in most things (protein powder, ice cream, etc.). But I can’t go a day without chocolate, either… I just prefer it in bar/chip form.

[W] Whole wheat or white bread: Whole wheat… I like dense, hearty, and seedy bread. Eating a slice of white bread feels like chewing on a pillow… and the nutritional value is almost identical as well.
[X] Xanthan or guar gum: Neither… I used these in my smoothies last summer, and my stomach did not approve. They made me bloated and crampy at first, and then I had one experience that nearly landed me in the ER. Using these can lead to intestinal blockage, so be careful when adding them to smoothies!
[Y] Yogurt or pudding: No. Just no. If choosing between coffee and tea was like choosing between my left and right leg, then choosing between yogurt and pudding is like choosing between my right and left arm. I need both to function normally. True story.

[Z] Zucchini or cucumber: Cucumber… No contest. Zucchini was unfortunate enough to be one of the foods that I ate a lot of in my most disordered days, and, like kale, I just can’t stomach the thought of it anymore.
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Your turn! Take the initials of your name and answer the corresponding questions 😀
YES!!!! I agree 100% that choosing between coffee and tea is like choosing between limbs to lose – noooot happening! love them both mucho =)
[LZ] LIme & Cucumbers! Although I do love roasted zuchinni
[P] Peanuts or almonds: Definitely almonds! I used to love peanut butter but then my body started acting weird towards it and honestly I don’t even like the taste anymore. Almonds all the way!
[S] Sweet or savory: Both 😀 I love the sweet and savory oats combination. I have a sweet tooth but I get crazy cravings for savory foods too.
I love survey posts! They’re awesome because you get to know the blogger better :] I’m really thinking I should do some of these. It seems like a lot of fun!
[C] Cereal or oatmeal: Oatmeal… especially at night when I’m hungry and I just want a little something. My mom will make it for me then. (:
[R] Raspberry or blackberry: Raspberry. So good.
Hmm, that’s odd that coffee would hurt your workout! Before I became hypersensitive to it, I used to always down a mug before my workout for the energy boost.
This survey looks like so much fun; I must rememeber to do it fully sometime!
M: Muffins; I like hearty, dense baked goods–I’ve never really liked the fluffiness of cake.
A: Oranges; I’m pretty sure I had one every single day last winter.
L: Lemon; I love using lemon juice in stir-fries, and lemon poppyseed is my favorite muffin flavor!
Muffins and coffee for me 🙂
A- oranges
C- this is so hard! At the moment…cereal!
Sorry about your gym experience…I can relate. I have never had coffee before I work out, but I have had carbonated beverages…ouch! Not a smart choice!
S: sweet or savory….SWEEEETTT. I have a total sweet tooth 😉
R: raspberry or blackberry….raspberry for sure. I love ’em!
I definitely know what your going though with the whole apartment thing. I am moving to a town two hours away, to attend university and am having the most diffcult time! I hope you have found something though!
G- salt! I espically love it with chocolate!
S- sweeat and savory also! You just can’t go wrong!
I’ve put cream cheese and jelly on bagels before, but never toast. Must try 🙂
these surveys are so fun! Sweet and savory rocks and your are the queen of it. 😉
F: French toast or waffles?? I’ve had FT once in my entire life (it was…meh) and never had waffles – only weird potato ones, that were like a chip (fry?) with holes in it. so neither, TYVM!
G: Garlic or sale? Garlic salt plez! Though I’d have to go garlic – I eat about 3 cloves a day 🙂
I want to know your news, do tell!!
Great to find out a bit more about you! For me L: lemons all the way! A: Apples without a doubt and W always been a wholewheat girl!
Honestly, it was difficutl for me to chose between all the combos, except this one- [N] Nut butter or jelly. Nut Butter, obvi! I love peanut, cashew, almond, all nut butters 🙂
I love all these surveys that have been going around!
[A]: apples, especially Pink Lady’s! Oranges are okay but apples are way better. Oh, but paired with dark chocolate, orange wins!
[L]: I don’t like lemons unless it’s in some kind of icy dessert, so limes it is! I love em in iced tea especially and squirted on fresh watermelon.
[W]: whole wheat for sure! I’ve never liked white bread, not even as a kid.
Those chocolate soy puddings are crazy good! Love them with some whip cream 🙂
Such a cute idea for having us answer this!
L: Lemon or lime? Lemon for sure! Everyone thinks I’m weird because I often eat the lemon that comes out with my water at restaurants.
A: Apple or orange? Mehhhh, neither really do all that much for me. I eat apples way more often but I have the same problem, in that they make me feel more hungry!
D: Dates or raisins? I don’t think I could live without either! Both are a necessary part of my life. Which reminds me, I’m out of both! The horror!
T- Coffee for sure! I am like a majority of the population and can’t start my morning without a cup of steaming deliciousness 🙂
R- Raspberry. As long as they are not mushy in anyway at all. I get so so grossed out by fruit that is just slightly soft. I know it’s kind of a waste, but ick!
M- This is a tough one…muffins I think. Although I have not tasted either of them in years! Yay for “food rules” ugh. Need to change that soon I think 😀
This is such a fun survey. I may or may not be copying it sometime in the near future!
[A] Apples or oranges: Definitivly apples! I’m addicted! I’m in love! I always go for Breaburn, crunchy, juicy = delicious!
[N] Nut butter or jelly: At the moment I would definitivly say: (pea)nut butter! I eat it with everything! Rice crackers, apples, oatmeal, by spoon… ooops!
[N] see above
[I] Ice cream or frozen yogurt: Since being vegan and living in Germany, that is not too easy. 1. we don’t have much soy ice cream, 2. no fro-yo cultur over here… I would decide for frozen soy yogurt if I could…
[K] Kale or spinach: Spinach! Haven’t eaten much of it lately. I had some trouble with my kidneys and they told me not to eat too much of it. I like the leaf spinach steamed over spaghetti. So so good!
[A]see above
I love your blog! Keep on rocking, girl!
[C]ereal or oatmeal – if we’re talking about cereal with milk, then my answer is definitely oatmeal! But if cereal with Greek yogurt counts, then it’s a tie. But not just any cereal! It has to be Kashi Honey Almond Flax. 😛
[D]ates or raisins – I love both, but I think I have to go with dates too. Especially because they’re the main ingredient in Angela’s 5 ingredient no-bake date squares. If you haven’t made these yet, you need to drop what you’re doing and make them now!
[A]pples or oranges – apples! I like oranges, but I really only eat them when I realize it’s been weeks since I last ate a citrus fruit and force myself to have one. I eat apples almost every day though.
Aww it’s so lovely to see your beautiful face again!! 🙂
Oooh my goodness, have you found a new apartment by any chance?! Eeeeee I’m excited for you if you have!!!
I’m so jealous of you living in Canada with all that delicious maple syrup you have…I love love love maple syrup. And woohooo for muffins!!
this is cute 🙂
L- Lemon for sure! it perks up any dish and I love love lemon water and lemonaide (wootwoot)
E- Eggs or Milk? – TIE!! I cannot choose!!! I eat both almost everyday, but drink chocolate at least once a day!
H- Maple Syrup- Canadian too 🙂 Need I say more? my family taps their own trees in the spring so we have our own syrup year round
Food really does cure all!
[A] Apples or oranges: Apples! for sure. Except only fresh. I’m really picky about my apples, the store bought kind with the waxy skin skeeves me out
[V] Vanilla or chocolate: Vanilla!!! I’m so glad to see another vanilla girl out there but like you said I’m only a fan of vanilla in protein powders, puddings, ice cream etc.. I love me a piece of dark chocolate 🙂
[C] Cereal or oatmeal: Cereal! I can’t get enough of the stuff
[C] Cereal or oatmeal: Oatmeal hands down. Eating it is like receiving a warm hug.
[K] Kale or spinach: Spinach for sure, it is a staple in my fridge. I seriously don’t go without it and I eat it every single day.
[L] Lemon or lime: lemon. I don’t love it, but I don’t hate it either.
Awwr I love the oatmeal is like a warm hug thing. SO true 😀
Also that pudding you buy, does it have to be kept cold?
Its just Im wanting to buy some, but since its not here in Australia i was going to buy some online, but obviously I cant do that if it needs to be refrigerated.
I think it does, yeah. I always find them in the fridges in the store, and it says “keep refrigerated”.