I probably eat around 90% of my meals by the computer. Case in point:

Errr. Yikes…
And the meals, like last night’s stir fry dinner for example, that look like they’re not being eaten by the computer? Totally staged. Guess where that bowl ended up after the photoshoot. Mmm hmm. I can’t even remember the last time I sat down at a table to enjoy a meal. Easter dinner with my family, maybe?
In any case, if I’m not eating at my desk staring at my iMac, I’m lounging around somewhere with my MacBook (yes, I like my Macs) in my lap and a spoon in my hand. That, or flipping through a book/magazine. This, according to a lot of people, is a big no no.
Well, it’s recommended that when you eat, you should do so without any other distractions; just you, your food, and whatever utensils you need to eat it. Mindful eating they call it. The idea is that without anything to distract you, you can pay more attention to your body’s response to the meal in front of you and be better able to judge when you’ve had enough. Or, that it simply allows you to savor and enjoy your food more. In any case, the logic behind the matter is that less distraction = more satisfaction.

Mmm… satisfaction…
Sounds good in theory, right? But in practice? Ehh. Not so much; at least, not for me.
I’ve tried the whole ‘mindful eating’ thing – I don’t like it. Not only do I get bored trying to be more intimate with my food (mmm almond butter… you so fine… raaawwwr), but it actually makes me enjoy my meal less because I just want to hurry up and get it over with so I can go do something else.
. – . – . – .
Tangent time! I was a really picky eater when I was a little kid, and I ate really, really slow. I remember this one occasion where my mom gave me a sandwich that I didn’t want to eat, and she told me that I couldn’t get up from the table until I finished it. I must have sat there for at least an hour staring at that damn sandwich and taking the occasional nibble. Eventually, I got so bored that I picked up the phone and dialled 911 – not because I had an emergency, but because I was always curious what all the 911 fuss was about and wanted to find out. Long story short, they picked up, I freaked out and hung up, and they called back. Mom was not pleased, but she never made me sit at the table to finish a meal again. Win.
That had nothing to do with anything… Sorry…
No need to choke down these babies. Hummus? Cream cheese and jam? Dee-licious…
. – . – . – .
Maybe I’m in the minority on this one, but I prefer to have something to keep me occupied while I eat. The computer. A good book. Someone to talk to. It used to be to help me keep my mind off of the anxiety that I associated with eating, but now it’s just to keep my mind occupied in general. Eating… well… it’s not really that interesting. I mean, sure, the first few bites are amazing and all, but after that? The amazingness factor starts to fade and everything becomes a bit mechanical. That’s not to say that I mindlessly plow through my meals; I’m just a slow eater that needs some entertainment while she eats.
Unless it’s just a grab and go quickie 😉
I think what I’m trying to get at here, is that this is an example of one those cases where what’s “recommended” isn’t necessarily what works. You know what I’m talking about. Some claim is made to “do this” or “not to do that” because “look what it did for me!” – and then everyone hops on the wagon and starts doing the same thing in hopes of achieving the same results?
Doesn’t work that way.
It would be nice if there was a “one size fits all” approach to eating, but there’s not. What works for one person, won’t necessarily work for another. What works for me, might not work for you. You know that whole “a high protein meal will keep you fuller longer” mumbo jumbo? Yeah, I tried that one too – doesn’t work. I can pack my meals with as much protein as I can get my hands on and still end up hungry an hour later – yet some people swear it’s what keeps their hunger at bay. Me? I’m more of a carbs and fats girl. Oh, and drinking a cup of hot water with lemon first thing in the morning? Pffft. Gives me acid reflux for the rest of the day. Coffee, on the other hand? Suits me just fine.
There’s nothing wrong with trying out what someone else says works for them – we may very well find that it works for us as well. But there is something wrong with continuing to do it even if it doesn’t work, just because it works for another person. I’m not a mindful eater. I’m not part of the high protein club. I can’t survive on a measly 1500 calories a day. I eat right before I go to bed. Others are/aren’t, can/can’t, do/don’t do… and that’s fine. They can keep doing what they’re doing, and I’m going to keep doing what I’m doing because I’m me and I need what I need, not what ____ needs.
I guess what I’m trying to say here is don’t try to force something that isn’t working for you just because it’s “supposed” to – ditch it and keep experimenting until you find what makes you feel the best, even if it’s not necessarily what’s “recommended” by others.
. – . – . – .
What works for YOU? Carbs? Fats? Proteins? Big meals? Smaller meals? Eating by the table? The TV? Still trying to figure everything out? 🙂 There are so many different approaches, and I’d love to hear about some of your must-do’s when it comes to eating.
What DOESN’T work? Ever try something that was supposed to be the be-all-end-all and just… didn’t work?
First time reader… (I know, was I living under a rock?) and I absolutely LOVE your blog and this post. I can totally relate to eating while doing things. I make a conscious effort to at least try to relax while I am doing this so I am not going a mile a minute. Oh and I alwaysss eat before bed 🙂
i am so glad i happened on this post. i have been struggling with this very issue lately. and i can’t stand to sit there and eat without any distraction. i feel just as you expressed – more likely in a rush to finish eating and move on to the next thing. if i eat while watching some much needed Bravo or by my computer blogging or blog stalking – i eat more slowly and end up enjoying the experience all that much more. thank you for expressing what i could not and making me feel like it is ‘okay’ to do things a bit differently.
I.Love.Your.Blog. I’ve just recently discovered it and I just can’t get enough! It’s wonderful!
I particularly love this post. I always have to have “company” (i.e. magazine, TV, computer, book, iPhone, newspaper) when I have my meals by myself. It’s just so darn boring when it’s just you and your food. I always thought that I was a bad person for breaking this mindful eating “rule”. It’s so great to hear that I’m not the only one that does this and that it’s OK to do so.
Thank you for your wonderful blog and being such a great inspiration.
Oh my gosh. LOVE THIS POST. I follow Jenny’s blog and she linked to you and WOW. This was great!!
I completely agree with do what works for you. I am the same way with eating. I would love to mindfully eat, but I am so busy that I need to be doing stuff. Honestly, if I’m not watching tv or on my computer, I’m just going to get distracted by my own thoughts.
You’re so genuine, so real. I love it.
ohh i really needed to read this. i keep trying to do the fully focused on my food…but i don’t enjoy it as much. I mean I do taste my food while I”m watching a silly show and it makes both more enjoyable.
Gosh! So much to love on this post, as always! You keep it real and thats why I love ya to pieces!!!!!
I love the hummus, cream cheese, and jam combo, holy yum!
I am also guilty of eating all my meals at my computer! Woops! Funny, Mike and I were JUST talking about this tonight, its just that life has been crazy, him and Anthony eat later than me, so we all are not on same eating schedule! I cook them different food for meals than me, they eat different than me!
I do me, I just listen to my body and do whats right for me, like you ; ) smart peeps we are!
Love ya girl! Hope you have a fabulous night!!!!!
I eat a lot at the computet oo and my keyboard definitely shows it. It can get pretty dang gross sometime. I do try to eat my main meals away from the computer, though, but snacks are fair game. As for the breakdown, I eat wayyyy more carbs than anything else. people say it should be around 30-40% of total calories and it’s nearly 60%. But, I’m also getting loads of protein and enough fat, too..so it works.
Great post 🙂 I was totally that kid sitting at the table too– super picky! My parents would bribe me with dessert haha 😛
I eat a lot of my meals in front of the computer or while watching TV at night, or while laying on my bed. Slowing down to eat just isn’t my thing. As far as macros, my body seems to like a hefty dose of protein in the mornings and tapering down throughout the days meals & snacks.
I totally agree with you! I tend to eat most of my meals at the computer. If I’m not alone, obviously I’ll shut the Mac because I have someone to talk to, but sitting alone and trying to savor every bite doesn’t work for me. I’m also a carb-o-holic and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Sometimes I’ll be sitting down to dinner and realize that all my meals that day have been mostly carbs and I want to scold myself because that’s not what I’m “supposed” to do – but then I snap back to reality and enjoy my bread 🙂
You know what, I actually think we are secretly twins. Or the same person or something! Seriously, I agree 10000% with EVERYTHING you said! ‘Mindless eating’= boring. 1500 calories, er no. Lemon water in the morning= morning sickness. Protein keeps me full for about 10 seconds, I NEED my carbs and fats and I love them so darn much I could marry them 🙂
I love eating by the computer or wit other people! I could never just ‘sit down’ and eat staring at the wall lol who would want to do that??!
I think my diet is pretty heavy on fats and dairy. I also eat the bulk of my food at night and NEVER have big breakfasts! :p just me…
OH and I snack like crazyyyy