Happy #thinkingoutloud Thursday! No idea what I’m going on about? Click here!
1. Riddle me this. We have two ears, yeah? So then why does this particular box of Q-tips come with an odd number of cotton swabs instead of an even one?
Like, I get that some of them might get used for other things or get lost in the long run, but… what if they don’t? What if your box of swabs is just sitting safely in the drawer and you get to the end with only one swab and two ears to clean? I feel like they might want to rethink their strategy a little bit.
2. And, yes… this is exactly the kind of random stuff I notice when I find myself in the bathroom without my phone. And don’t give me that look – you know you’re scrolling through social media in there too.
3. Speaking of the phone, do you keep a case on yours? Because I feel like I should, and I always have in the past, but this one is just so pretty that I don’t want to. Watch me drop it tomorrow and shatter the whole thing. Oops.
4. So I started whitening my teeth for the first time using those whitestrips from Crest, and I’ve noticed two things. First, those 30 minutes are kind of torture. You can’t really swallow or anything, so I start drooling like crazy about 5 mins in. Am I doing it wrong? Please explain. Second, my teeth get super achey for like 4 hours after I use them but then it goes away and I don’t have any sensitivity outside of that. On the plus side, they really do work.
5. On the downside, it means that I’m currently drinking all my coffee and tea through a straw… which isn’t horrible, but it definitely takes away from the “hug in a mug” feeling.
6. Real talk. I can’t do portion sizes. At all. I never actually really noticed it until I read Meredith’s post about quirky eating habits and realized that… yeah… I don’t like to portion out my food. Like when I’m snacking on nut butter or chocolate or chips? I’ll take the whole jar or bag and just snack away ’till I’m content… which isn’t necessarily a quirk, but I definitely don’t enjoy the idea of thinking that I can only have so much of something. I’m not sure if that’s still my mind rebelling against the whole disordered eating thing from my past or if I just went back to the way that I used to eat when I was growing up, but it’s not exactly causing any problems so I guess I’ll just keep on keeping on?
7. And that’s it for me this week, friendly faces. Have a happy Thursday!
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haha! but the Q-tips have one Q on each tip, so why are you using two!? I use one q-tip, one side in each ear.. Yea it only takes shattering your phone once to cover that thing up!
Coffee from a straw….I don’t know even know what to say to that.
I whitened my teeth once years ago. It took a couple of hours and my teeth ached for days after but then I was all set for years….until I started smoking again. D’oh.
I’m the same way with the snack food. I always assumed it was related to the food scarcity mentality from my ED, but I don’t really know. And there are occasionally times where I will scoop some out into a bowl, but usually only when I have to share the bag with others. 😉
I was told when I was little that one Q-tip was supposed to be for both ears, so one side for one and the other end for the other ear. Once I got old enough to clean out my own ears, I was like, ppffffbbbbttt!!! That isn’t even close to enough Q-tip per ear!! So maybe Q-tip manufacturers were going with the one per ear theory.
Lol, I 100% take my phone/iPad for reading material into the bathroom with me. 😳😳😳 Obvs I’m really careful about germs and stuff, but I mean, I do most of my reading on devices anyway and there are lots of wasted minutes in the bathroom. I’m sure it’s not good for me, but on the upside, it helps me wash my hands longer. 😜
My mom strongly suggested I get a case for my phone, even though I loved it sooo much without, and it felt like a complete loss to put it in a case. But I drop my devices ALL the time, and besides moms tend to be right about things. So now I’ve just been going through case after case (and returning a lot!) trying to find one that I feel gives enough coverage and protection, but is still thin enough that I don’t notice it too much. Originally I wanted a soft, flexible, clear one because I liked the feel and I still wanted to see my phone, but now I’ve learned that the clear TPU turns a funny color over time sooo…I guess not clear. 😔 The struggle is real though. But, my phone has never broken from any of the falls so 👍🏽
I usually portion things out and go back till I’m satisfied. It’s a weird habit, and I’m not sure if I eat more or less because of it. Either way, I eat a fair amount 😛 And I ADORE the way phones look without cases, but I need one on my phone due to paranoia. Also, screen protectors are important for me.
Ugh yes teeth whitening feels so bizarre. I want to try hydrogen peroxide rinses for whitening, I have done it a few times but never consistently.
Oh girl, ever since I discovered the glory that is eating right out of the bag/bowl/etc, I hardly ever portion out my food anymore…even when I’m eating dinner, I often grab all of my ingredients (including a head of lettuce) and just graze at the table! 😀 I’m sure it drives others a little crazy…but it works for me and I’m honestly too lazy to throw everything in a bowl (that will then need to be washed) later on…
3/ Also, the whitening pens with gel are much cheaper, quicker, and easier to use. Plus, they don’t cause me tooth sensitivity the way the strips do…those are brutal!
Hi Amanda
I finally got some bluetooth earbuds for my nano and i’m loving it! No more adjusting the wires while working out or getting caught on a doorknob when doing dishes etc. Wireless ftw!
A phone sans a cover always looks way smarter but from past experience i just cannot take the risk.
If your snacking style doesn’t cause you any problems then that’s brilliant and nothing else matters! I always say that if i’m not hurting anyone and/or if i’m not hurting myself then it’s all good 😉
Re the q-tips..nah i got nothing..i mean 625 that’s just..that’s just weird man lol
1/ Hot coffee from a straw just couldn’t be the same. Only way I could do it is if it were iced. Although, I know I have done weirder things in the name of beauty!
2/ I don’t think the q-tip “oddity” has ever crossed my mind! Since it has two sides, I guess I just always kinda thought of one for each ear, and no matter the number, it would always be even… Perspective is a very curious thing… I like how it can be different and yet there is no right or wrong 🙂
I can’t do the crest strips. Worst teeth pain after! Listerine use to put ones out (not sure if they still do) that disinigrated. They were easier to use because you didn’t have to take them off. I always wore them on the way to work. Took about 15 mins for them to disintegrate and they never bothered my teeth.
Ummm…but don’t q-tips have cotton on both ends? One for each ear? I’m confused….
The Q-tips have two ends, so 625×2=1250 = even number. 🙂
Nooo if you don’t scoop portions it means you’re double-dipping! 😱😂
I got the crest strips that you keep on for an hour! It is pretty bad, but they work so I guess it’s worth it. My teeth get sensitive so I’ve spaced out the strips with a few days in between.
Eating without portioning sounds like a really great way to eat to me. I admit, I often measure out things like peanut butter in advance, but I kind of wish I didn’t feel the need to.
Maybe I’ve been q-tipping wrong, but I use 1 per cleaning – 1 end for each ear. But, I also try to never get myself in a situation where I am down to only ONE q-tip for the household, I restock long before that. Haha.
The “portion sizes” are way too small anyways. I keep seeing these protein cookies and the nutritional stats are labelled as two portions. hahhaha. but why
Yes, my teeth also get sensitive/achey after using whitestrips. I counteract it with Sensodyne toothpaste. I think it helps?
Portion sizes are for the birds! Who eats like, 7.5 m&ms? No thanks, lol!
I have never noticed the odd number of Q-tips…it’s an interesting question. You should write them a letter.
Portion control. I’m a portion control person for sure. I wouldn’t necessarily eat an entire bag of chips because I have a lot of willpower, but I gain weight super easy because I have the slowest metabolism on the planet. So, it’s pretty important that I have some kind of control. It’s not fun, but it’s necessary most of the time. Take that bag of chips and enjoy it! I’ll just sit over here with a 1 oz serving. /lame
I don’t do portions either….who is anyone to tell me how much of a certain item i will need to eat until im satisfied?!
Portion control? What on earth is that? 😉
I am sooooo far from portion control its not even funny. My question is, why do we even HAVE serving sizes for things like chocolate and nut butter?
Lol. Too funny.
I’ve always hated using Q-tips. I think ever since I’ve been little I’ve had a fear of putting them in too far and going deaf. Probably something my brother told me.
Phones are the new toilet books, I do suppose.
“Phones are the new toilet books, I do suppose.” <—-this cracked me up!
Oh my gosh—you are so right about the torturous white strips thing. So glad it’s not just me being bad at at-home whitening : )
Same with the teeth whitening. Torture while they’re on and after a few rounds they get really sensitive but it goes away. I love Qtips and never thought about it being an odd number. I also use them for makeup application and I tend to drop quite a few so I guess the number doesn’t matter for me!
I agree – those whitening strips ARE torture. My teeth got super sensitive after just a few uses, so I now have a half-used box taking up space in my cupboard. Oh well…
Happy almost weekend!
My teeth are the same way with whitening… but I sure do love the way they look!
I will usually portion my food because I don’t really enjoy eating out of a bag for some reason.
I have the same feeling about teeth whitening. I use mine like once a week or before a big event. I just can’t do it everyday. And I try to have portion control, but I always end up cheating, lol. So what’s the point!
YES, I don’t like doing portion sizes either. It is somewhat of an aversion to disordered eating habits. :o) And I love that you noticed that about the Qtips.
I’ve heard they make your teeth super sensitive but never tried for myself. I know my mom couldn’t do it for that very reason!
I have to be cognizant of portions, but I usually just end up eating whatever I want anyway.
Also, Qtips are actually dangerous when inserted in your ears, but if you were to do so, they probably assume that you don’t have enough build up to need both ends on one qtip?
Unfortunately as someone who puts on weight easily, I have to be very mindful of portion sizes. Especially with nut butter! So I always measure it — but there was also a time when I couldn’t even have it in the house so that’s actually progress!
My husband has noted that hot dogs come in packages of 5, but the rolls come in packages of 8?
#1 – I totally forgot that I saw your text last night when I was food shopping for the storm! totally forgot – will write you this morning! #2 – thanks for sharing my post #3- our eating habits are one of the reasons we are such good friends, no portioning, especially chocolate chips! never! #4 – always have a case on my phone. right now it’s a clear one with a little hello kitty on it.
Teeth whitening: can’t do it. The one time I tried it made my teeth so sensitive I couldn’t eat ice cream or anything super cold and that is just unacceptable!