Happy #thinkingoutloud Thursday! No idea what I’m going on about? Click here!
1. Firstly and foremost-ly, I’m stoked that you guys enjoyed yesterday’s WIAW post! I mean, I kind of figured that you would since we all have that strange fascination with seeing what other people eat, but it was definitely motivation to keep doing them regularly… so thanks! And I loved reading through all the comments and hearing about what works for you guys. A lot of people sang the praises of eating bigger meals, and a lot of others were intrigued by the idea after admitting that constant snacks leave them feeling hungry, so I definitely recommend experimenting if you find yourself in the same boat.
2. Remember the matcha craze I was talking about a while back? I feel like I’ve been noticing another drink popping up more and more often, only this one sounds a lot more appealing [to me]…
[ Lindsay’s recipe | Ali’s recipe ]
Golden milk -> have you heard of it? It’s basically milk (almond, coconut, dairy, etc.) heated up on the stove with a hefty amount of turmeric and a bit of natural sweetener. Why would you do such a thing? Well, turmeric has some pretty amazing anti-inflammatory properties, and heating it makes it even more potent. Inflammation in the body is responsible for SO many diseases and ailments, so we really want to do all we can to reduce it as much as possible… Man, I’ve talked it up so much that now I really want to make some. Hold on…
Okay. I couldn’t actually go make some because I’m at “the office” (read: Bux) and need to get some more work done before I go home, but I just jotted down a quick recipe idea that I want to test out so that might find it’s way on Spoons at some point.
3. See? This is why I can’t not multitask. Something always comes up and I feel like my brain is constantly trying to go in 10 different directions. I’ve managed to reign it in to about 7 different directions, but we’ve still got a way to go before I can actually sit down for an hour and focus on one thing. Baby steps.
4. On that note… I really need to restock on my favourite tea. I buy a huge batch once a year so that I’m not constantly running out, but I’m down to about a 2 week’s supply, so let me go do that quick…
5. Ok. No more distractions. I’m focused. It’s writing time.
6. Remember Q-manda? We can now add “Amada” to my list of Starbucks-inspired nicknames…
I never really thought my name was all that complicated, but those three “A’s” man… they’ll get ya 😳 Or maybe they stuck a “mad” in there as a subtle hint that I need to ease up on the RBF (read: resting bitch face). Who knows 🤔
7. Coffee. That makes me think of being tired, and being tired makes me think of a trick I learned to combat the head-bob if you find yourself nodding off while trying to get something done -> use the tip of your tongue to repeatedly lick/flick the roof of your mouth. I know. It sounds incredibly bizarre, but try it the next time you’ve got the head-bob happening and you’ll see that it actually works. Apparently it stimulates the nerves enough to wake you up. And you can do it anywhere without anyone knowing.
8. 😂 That actually makes me think of that SATC episode where the girls are talking about Kegel exercises and Sam admits that she’s doing hers at that very moment 😂 Love that show.
9. Do not love biking on narrow trails and riding face first into a spider web… which just happened on my ride home. It’s a good thing I made my peace with spiders after living in a basement room for many years. I mean, it’s still not a pleasant feeling to know that you possibly have a spider crawling around in your hair, but at least I don’t feel overly inclined to start freaking out about it. And yes, that means I’ve left “the office” and I’m now home. Time to start experimenting with that golden milk…
10. [many hours later] I think I’ve mentioned before that I almost never write a post in one go, so it’s now much later in the day and I was going to finish this while watching the hockey game, buuuuut apparently it’s not on tonight. So instead I’ll just end things by saying that I hope you have an awesome Thursday, and I’ll see you on Saturday with more FOODS 🤓

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Good one
Quotes Avenue
OMG KEGEL. Reminds of the crotch leg exercise machine at the gym.
And GOLDEN MILK!!! I never got into previous foodie phases (kale, kronuts, etc) but after a golden milk latte in LA, I was hooked…although not in the traditional sense. I add cayenne as well as pepper. Mum claims she invented it, but she invented everything.
I miss that tea….strong cinnamon pimp.
Haha I love this post. I always have to multi-task too but I find that I can sit down and write a blog post FIRST THING IN THE MORNING. Otherwise I get distracted by literally everything. Also, I love all the names you have acquired through Starbucks.
I gotta try that trick to combat the head bobs lol. I have gotten some funny starbucks names in the past… Alyssa or Amanda isn’t that hard to spell haha. Hope you had a great thursday! 🙂
oh girl, i think starbucks needs to get on the golden milk train so you can try it, yes? haha. And kegels… LOL! Love that episode
p.s . spider webs in face = worst feeling ever
Ha! I think the all-over-the-place-ness of your blog is one of my favorite things about it. That, and the oatmeal banana everything.
Haha! Thanks Joyce 🙂 Definitely appreciate it.
I don’t know why (since I have turmeric in the cupboard), but I’ve never tried golden milk. I should get on that – maybe it will help me get rid of this stupid cold I have!
It was fun seeing your eats yesterday – I haven’t done a WIAW in forever either! I am always afraid my coworkers will see me taking pictures of my lunch, lol.
I think I really need to hop on the Thinking out Loud bandwagon because these posts are right up my alley. I used to do WAIW all the time but never thought people would like it. Why are we so interested in what other people eat? I always like reading those posts lol.
People definitely love WIAW posts so I’d keep with them if you like doing them too! And ToL is always great if you’ve got writer’s block or just a bunch of things to say.
Golden milk has been on my radar for so long yet I still haven’t dared to try it. Partly because my turmeric is most definitely beyond its best age 😉 … I eat quite some of it in curries, though.
Confession: I’ve never watched a full episode of Sex and the City so far. That’s because we didn’t have cable yet when it was on TV and my parents wouldn’t have let us watch it. I did see the first movie, though.