Happy Sunday, friendly faces! 🤓
How’s your weekend going? This is the first one in months where I haven’t been in the kitchen all day testing recipes for the book, and it’s been soooooo nice to just relax and do absolutely nothing productive. Kind of like when you take that last test at school and feel like you can finally enjoy a lazy summer.
That’s not to say that I’m not a fan of spending time in the kitchen, but it’s been nice to scale back a little and just focus on recipes for Spoons… like the ABJ banana bread bars I posted yesterday 😉
I hope you guys are having just as relaxing of a weekend, and I hope you enjoy the links I came across this week!
. fitness .
Running Doesn’t Have To Suck via Kathleen McAuliffe.
It really doesn’t, and if you’re starting to hate it, it might be time to tweak your approach
How To Foam Roll Like A Pro via Greatist.
Because I need this to inspire me to get better at foam rolling my sore legs 😜
How To Become An Early Morning Exerciser via Mind Body Green.
If you’re struggling to get your workouts in, moving them to the mornings could be the way to go, and these tips can help you make it happen.
. health & beauty .
Why Out-Exercising Your Diet Isn’t The Answer via Bucket List Tummy.
Love the message in this post.
Treat Yourself The Way You’d Treat Others via Real Life Recovery Diary.
Why is it so much easier to be kinder to others than it is to be kind to ourselves? Would you ever comment on a friend’s stomach or thighs? Then why are you saying such nasty things about your own?
10 Worst Food Companies That Are Poisoning You And Lying About It via Anti-Media.
I’m pretty sure no one will be surprised by the companies on this list, but it’s still good to hear.
. life stuff .
One Hard Thing You Have To Do To Be Successful via Marc and Angel Hack Life.
“… you can’t be truly committed to any goal if you have a weak mind that’s unwilling to be uncomfortable.“
Steps To Turn Your Life Around When You Feel Like Giving Up via Apex News Daily.
Because life has a habit of turning everything upside down…
13 Pictures That Compare Life Today To How It Used To Be via Dose.
😂😂😂 All of them are so very true.
11 Secrets of Irresistible People via Entrepreneur.
“Irresistible people aren’t constantly searching for validation, because they’re confident enough to find it in themselves.” <– there’s definitely a lot of truth to this.
21 Easy Hacks to Simplify Your Life via Zen Habits.
Just don’t try to adopt all of them… it might make things a little complicated 😉
7 Choices You’ll Definitely Regret 10 Years From Now via Mind Body Green.
I’m definitely guilty of a few of these. Oops.
. blogging .
My Top 10 Design Don’ts via Elle Ay Esse.
Blog design can be a little overwhelming if you’re trying to handle it yourself, but this is a helpful list of things to avoid.
Ways to Own Your To-Do List via Morgan Manages Mommyhood.
Feeling overwhelmed by the seemingly never-ending amount of things you have to get done? Here’s some helpful tips for keeping your to-do list from owning you!
How To Design Your Ideal Writing Schedule via The SITS Girls.
A few helpful tips if you’re having a hard time finding time get all your writing done.
Do’s and Don’ts of Growing Your Instagram Following via Thrifts and Threads.
Do post consistently… I promise I’ll stop neglecting my IG soon 😂
. food .
Summer Breakfast Tacos via How Sweet Eats.
Tell me these don’t sound like an amazing breakfast for dinner option on a warm summer night.
Lemon Balls via Eating Bird Food.
This looks like such a perfect snack for summer! Loving the lemon coconut vibes and the fact that it’s made with such awesome ingredients.
The Ultimate Healthy Dark Chocolate Cupcakes via Amy’s Healthy Baking.
How do these amazingly fudgy cupcakes only have 135 calories WITH frosting?!
One Bowl Berry Oatmeal Breakfast Cookies via Cotter Crunch.
Because who doesn’t want to eat cookies for breakfast?! Especially when they’re super simple to make and packed with nutritious ingredients.
Double Fudge Almond Butter Brownies via Paleo Running Momma.
These look so amazingly fudgy and decadent, I’d never believe they were completely grain-free and Paleo.
Your links…
Let’s chat!
3 things you did yesterday; 3 things you’re doing today. Go!
Yesterday: ran a few errands, went for my long bike ride, and went out to watch the hockey game (<– my Penguins lost 😢)
Today: going to church, meeting a friend for lunch, and having dinner with the fam.
More places to find me!
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Twitter — runwithspoons
Facebook — runningwithspoons
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Bloglovin — runningwithspoons
Snapchat — runningspoons
why isn’t out exercising our diet the answer, that would be much easier for me 🙂 and I agree running doesn’t have to suck, off to checkout some of these in detail!
You have sort of disappeared on IG again haven’t you? And SnapChat too. I need my daily Spoons fix please. 🙂
Thanks for sharing my post, Amanda! I love those weekends of just laying around and catching up on “being lazy.” To me, that’s a thing! 🙂
Yay time for you to finally relax and eat some delicious bars 🙂 Yesterday: worked out, made a few recipes, went to a friend’s house. Today: got to sleep in, work on recipes, and going to grandparent’s house. Thanks for this linkup and have a great week!
Love these round ups. Especially when I’m too busy to hardly read these days!
Thank you so much for including my lemon balls in your round-up lady. You always share the best links!!
I always enjoy reading your link posts. I would have never thought that about some of the instagram stuff, that’s so interesting!
Great links, interesting information as always. Thanks you. Glad you get a day out of the kitchen. LOL
I’m really, really loving your links this week, mostly the life ones. I needed to read a few of those today! Thanks for taking the time to wrangle these up. Glad you’re able to relax a bit now and enjoy some time to just chill without all that cooking and writing and stuff. I hope you spoil yourself a little rotten today!
Yay for relaxing! You so deserve it. I totally need to check out those PB&J bars – I think my little guy would LOVE them!! Thanks for linking to my to-do list post!!
A. Thanks, Amanda!
B. The smell of bananas makes me literally sick, but those bars you made look mouthwatering even to me.
Have a good weekend!
A hockey game sounds like a lot of fun! I’ve never seen one. Sorry your team lost! 🙁
Today I am going to church,finally replying to comments, and chilling around the house
Yesterday I worked, went to the pool, and spent time with a friend. I love weekends!
do you deliver? Or do you need someone to sample all your cookbook recipes? I think i could escape for the summer! haha. just sayin…
Yes to relaxation! Best feeling after a period of tough work. 3 things yesterday – made muffins, went to the city to hang with a friend, blogging and today making pancakes (currently) went for a run and plan to get some yoga in later. Plus blogging, of course 😉
Re: your penguins lost and Meredith’ comment above: I’ll never fully understand sports’ fans but in a way think it’s great people can get that feeling of belonging to a team. I can’t say I hadn’t felt with the German soccer team when they lost in the World Championship in 2006, though. Not sure if or how many matches of the upcoming European Championship I’ll watch …
excuse me but wtf is with the “my penguins lost” — I don’t know if we can be friends anymore! we are rooting for the sharks, did you not know this? lol we will need to discuss this today! don’t make me angry on my birthday 🙂