Happy Sunday, friendly faces!
And happy May Day! Anyone else enjoying that awesome “fresh start” vibe that comes with the beginning of a new month? I really love it when the 1st falls on a Monday, buuuuuut I know some people count Sunday as the beginning of a new week, so I’ll do the same just to get that clean slate double whammy in there 👊🏻
So hey! Any goals for May? I’m not really one to set monthly goals, but I do have one for May, and that’s to finish my manuscript with my sanity more or less in tact – I’m hoping for 85%+. We’re in the home stretch right now and it’s so crazy to finally see the finish line on something that felt so impossibly daunting at first. Exciting times!
On that note, I should probably get back into the kitchen, but I hope you guys have a great Sunday and enjoy the links in this week’s Link Love! Oh! And if you’re in need of a delicious snack to go along with your reading, you should check out my latest chocolate chip cookie dough mug cake recipe. Just sayin’ 😉
. fitness .
10 Recovery Secrets You Might Not Know via Kitbox.
The faster you recover, the harder you can train, and the more improvement you’ll see. Great tips for speeding along the healing process!
Pros and Cons of Real Food for Running Fuel via Pretty Little Grub.
Gels or dates? Dates or gels?!? Great post highlighting the differences between different running fuels.
The One Muscle Everyone Should Train Every Day via Mind Body Green.
Can you guess what it is? I like how they included a way to measure your strength in that area and also how to get stronger.
. health & beauty .
The Whole30: A Dietician’s Review via Pretty Little Grub.
Whole30 seems to be coming back into the spotlight lately, and even though I’d never consider doing it, I always enjoy reading other people’s takes on it!
What It’s Like to Go From A Size 4 To A Size 8 via Cowgirl Runs.
Love this super honest account of something that I’m sure a lot of us can relate to.
10 Homemade Healing Uses for Honey via Hello Glow.
Honey isn’t just for sweetening your tea anymore! From putting it in your hair to using it to help heal wounds, honey has some pretty neat uses.
. life stuff .
15 Finalists From Smithsonian’s 13th Annual Photo Contest via Blue Dot Magazine.
Oh man. You see things like this and it really makes you realize just how amazing our world is.
33 People Who Prove The World Isn’t So Broken After All via The Mind Unleashed.
… and then you see things like this and it restores your faith in humanity.
27 Diagrams That Make Cooking So Much Easier via Delicious Food.
From spices, to substitutions, to how much food to serve at a party. Everything you need to know!
14 Small Things That Lead To Major Happiness via Mind Body Green.
I’m a big believer that it’s the small things in life that lead to major happiness, and I love this list of simple things you can do to put a smile on your face. #8 is surprisingly true!
Artist Cuts Raw Food Into 98 Perfect Cubes via Design Fetish.
I know the title sounds weird, but this viral photo is actually pretty neat. See how many you can identify!
. blogging .
Crickets this week! 🤔
For my belly…
Broccoli and White Cheddar Quinoa Mac and Cheese via Ambitious Kitchen.
I’m always a fan of lightened up comfort food, and the topping on this is just out of this world!
Chipotle Sweet Potato Noodle Salad via Pinch of Yum.
Whoever thinks salads are boring needs to take a look at this beauty. So much deliciousness in one bowl!
One Skillet Mexican Quinoa via Making Thyme for Health.
So many flavours in one easy to make dish! I’d gladly eat this for dinner every night of the week.
Dark Chocolate Cheesecake Swirled Brownies via Amy’s Healthy Baking.
Fudgy brownies topped with a healthy cheesecake swirl?! So much YES.
Flourless Peanut Butter Zucchini Brownies via Hummusapien.
I can’t even believe that these ridiculously gooey brownies are made with such healthy ingredients. Ah.maze.ing.
Your links…
Let’s chat!
3 things you did yesterday; 3 things you’re doing today. Go!
Yesterday: shopped around for new food props, spent most of the afternoon in the kitchen, and went for a long trail ride.
Today: going to church, doing more recipe dev, and having dinner with the fam.
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Thank you so much for including my post! <3 <3
This weekend I got to spend time with my mom and sister. After a crazy busy work week, it was such a great way to unwind and chill.
(And I still owe you a reply to your super thoughtful comment)
yesterday i went to church, made baked oatmeal (for the 2392478 week in a row), and took a nap during a rain storm
Today: ate said oatmeal, going to work, watching a movie after work!
The link I just added today could fill your cricket blogging section…just sayin. Ha I hope you have a great Sunday!!
Work, work, work, work, work…man I sound like Rhianna’s song! lol
Aaaaand now I’ll probably have that song stuck in my head for the rest of the day. Thanks 😛
Happy May Day. Yesterday was my boyfriend’s birthday so I baked grain free brownies for him even though it was 85 degrees and very humid in Austin. I found the article on the benefits of honey very interesting. Some of the facts were new to me.
Yesterday: went to Smorgasburg and got the newest internet craze – the raindrop cake (!!), saw Keanu in theatres, and played Settlers of Catan with my roommates
Today: going to do some yoga, edit a video, and hopefully stay in my pajamas all day!
Settlers of Catan <-- seriously one of the best board games ever.
I’m looking forward to several of this week’s posts, especially the honey one and What It’s Like to Go from a Size 4 to a Size 8. Good luck on finishing up your manuscript this month, Amanda!! Thank you so much for hosting Link Love!
You know my thoughts on any of those diet plans which eliminate whole food groups, including those foods we shouldn’t eat in excess (like refined sugars). I thought her take on Whole 30 was good (mainly because it was consistent with my own opinion).
I can’t even image how long it took to cut all those cubes of raw food.
Yesterday, I breastfeed a bazillion times, I did some blog reading (Hooray), and I did laundry.
Today calls for more breastfeeding (story of my life), a visit from the in laws and some friends and hopefully a solo trip to the grocery store (cross those fingers for me).
I’m wondering how she managed to keep them all looking fresh while getting everything prepped and set up… I call shenanigans.
oh that mug cake speaks to my heart! Yesterday: worked out, studied, went to the mall. Today: worked out, going to church, more studying 🙁 Have a great week!
I’m a big fan of monthly goals, and this month I’m mostly just really excited because on Monday I’m starting ro workout! I haven’t since before i was pregnant (oops) and I was just cleared to go back after m 6 week appointment. Now to keep the excited momentum going…
Ohhh that’s definitely something to be excited about! Also, I’ve always found that bloggers & readers are pretty great at keeping the momentum/motivation going 😀
That cookie dough mug cake looks awesome! May just have to try that out. I love those 27 diagrams!!!! Infographics/diagrams are the best.
Have a lovely Sunday 🙂
Ohh yes that mug cake! *heart eyes*
I think I could mayyyybe do the Whole30 if I could make exceptions for breakfast and eating out haha. That being said I don’t really see the point of it since it omits perfectly healthy foods like dairy, grains, and legumes. There are certainly worse diets to follow though.
Yesterday I went out for breakfast with John, went to the farmers market and went on a walk. Today I’m going to a gluten free food fair with my friend who is celiac, going out to dinner with John’s family, and umm that’s about it!
I’ve never really understood giving omitting entire food groups either 😕 I don’t think I’d ever be willing to give up my oats!
I agree with you about the whole 30…. Though I’d probably never do it, I do like reading other people’s experiences. I think being socially inconvenient would be the biggest drawback for me.
Yesterday; worked, grocery shopped, and took an exam
Today; studying, church, and gym
I think not being able to eat oatmeal would be the biggest problem for me 😆
3 things yesterday – baked Drew birthday cupcakes, went to a bar mitzvah and drank wine (counts!) today is back to normal with a kids birthday party, dance recital pictures, and blogging 🙂