Hello. It’s me ?
Two points if you get the reference, and apologies if you don’t — it’ll all make sense when you scroll down in a few seconds… because that’s very much the song I’ve currently been listening to, and this is very much a Currently post.
These can get a little wordy, so let’s skip the fancy, shmancy intros and jump right in!
Current book: Golden Son by Pierce Brown. Again. With book 3 (Morning Star) set to come out early next year, I wanted to refresh my memory of what happened in book 2. I forgot some of the details, but I do remember the ending because it basically sucker punched me.
Current music: You would think it would be something Christmassy, but I’ve actually been listening to punk/rock remixes of Adele’s ‘Hello’ (hence the intro). I’ve come across a handful of really good ones, but this one by Fame on Fire is my favourite so far…
Current [non]-guilty pleasure: Puzzles! Just a way to wind down at the end of the day. Or to take my mind off things if I’m trying to work and my brain feels like farting.
Current nail colour: I’ve been lazy and not wanting to deal with chips, so while I’d love to rock a nice festive red, I’ve been keeping it simple with Sally Hansen’s Hard as Nails.
Current drink: Tea, tea, and more tea. I start the day with a cup of my favourite tea, move on to my David’s Tea Advent calendar at some point in the morning, go through about 2-3 cups of Cinnamon Apple Spice throughout the day, and finish off the night with some Sugar Cookie Sleigh Ride. Sooooo… anywhere from 6-8 cups a day ?
Current food: Homemade burrito bowls. I’m pretty sure I could eat this daily and never get sick of it. So good. So easy.
Current obsession: This translucent setting powder from Laura Mercier. I won’t go into too much detail since I already talked about it in my November favourites post, but yeah… I have no idea how I did my makeup prior to getting this.
Current craving: ALL.of.the.choc.late.
Current need: Uhmmmm… I honestly can’t think of anything. I’ll take that as a good thing. Wait! Wait, wait… lies. I just realized I’m all out of spearmint gum, which means I need to go get more because it’s the only kind of gum I really like to chew.
Current bane of my existence: The mail service. I’m still waiting for my Erin Condren planner to show up, and I ordered that thing almost 2 months ago. They’re sending me a new one to replace the first one that went missing, but even that’s been slow in going out. And another package I ordered had its shipping date delayed by a week [so far] as well. So not impressed ?
Current indulgence: Let’s just say I have quite an impressive collection of cookies lying around, and I’m not about to let them go to waste.
Current procrastination: I still haven’t gotten that haircut. I want to say it’ll happen soon, buuuuuut no promises… especially since I’ve just been trimming my bangs and split ends on my own ✂️
Current confession: I may or may not have snuck a slice of this chocolate banana bread that I made for an office Christmas party; you know… for “taste testing” purposes ? I’ll be sharing the recipe with you guys soon!
Current quote: Mmm hmm…
… so think about that the next time you’re inclined to be mean or snarky to someone.
Current excitement: T minus 2 days until I’m off to my happy place for some boarding adventures! Woot!
Current mood: A little tired and not in the least bit witty, so I’m going to end things here and say see you tomorrow for some Thinking Out Loud!
Your turn! Give me your current:
1) … book.
2) … food.
3) … procrastination.
4) … bane of existence.
5) … confession.
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Cookies cookies cookies!! Between extra breastfeeding hunger, stress eating, and feeling festive about Christmas – I think most of my daily sustenance has been coming from cookies lately. Oh, and I too need a haircut… like…three months ago needed it.
I finally found something we don’t have in common though. Puzzles. Freakin puzzles. I hate puzzles. hahaha
You know what – “hello, it’s me” is how my daughter and I start just about every phone call these days! GAH – Adele! And GAH – ALL your chocolate eats has brought on a huge chocolate craving! Cannot wait for that chocolate banana bread!
Look at you rocking the back to back to back posts. I’m so very impressed and knew it would all work out. Even better, you can to unwind this weekend in your happy place.
You know I love that quote. You know why.
Hooray for puzzles. I need to start another one soon.
I’m still sad we never got to finish that one. And that my puzzle skills were lacking hardcore with that sky part 😆 Next time I’m bringing us a Disney one.
I LOVE that you are always doing fun and artistic activities like COLORING and PUZZLES!!! 🙂 I’m so glad that you’re doing damage to those cookies. 🙂
Have you ever listened to any of the PunkGoes Pop cds? They have a lot of fun covers. I am a lover of covers- I think it is so cool to see how other artists put their spin on it!
I haven’t! This was actually the first time I came across it, but I’m kind of obsessed and now constantly looking for more. SO good.
Burrito bowls are the BEST! And the world is doomed from the Adele song. I will never be able to say hello without singing it ever again! 🙂
Burrito bowls are awesome and I love your dog puzzle. I have been reading for years but it took a dog puzzle for me to comment!! I actually started a blog about my adventures with my pup. I love all dog related stuff!!
Thanks for saying hi, Julie! Dogs are definitely amazing, and your Cocoa is such a cutie!!
1) … book: Hanson’s Marathon Method
2) … food: HASH BROWNS
3) … procrastination: folding my laundry
4) … bane of existence: my cats
5) … confession: not sure about this one…maybe not throwing away an empty cup at work and then saying I didn’t know whose it was 😉
I went to a fancy hot chocolate place over the weekend and it was literally like they melted a chocolate bar into my cup. It was out of control.
Ohhhhh now that’s legit. The best hot chocolate I ever had was made with shaved chocolate and some kind of really thick syrup. I literally died.
I could have chocolate every.single.day! Can’t wait to see your chocolate banana bread recipe!
I spend my life craving chocolate and I can’t blame you for sneaking a slice of that bread! Wow, it looks so good! I need to start doing homemade burrito bowls that’s right up my alley! I tried to snowboard and it was such a disaster I’m going to have to stick to running.
Hi Amanda! I am currently peeling off the gel from a previous manicure, which I know I should not be doing. Back to clear nails to let them breathe for a bit. But I’m sure I’ve got a red mani on the horizon as we get closer to Christmas. As far as chocolate banana bread — break me off a slice of that! Happy December! 🙂
I’ve only ever had my nails done professionally once, and I ended up peeling them off after a little while. Totally horrible, but so satisfying
Goodness, I fell like you have been talking about the planner- mail discrepancy for the entire year! They should gift you another planner for the amount of time you’ve waited on this thing. That is a really odd situation! I wonder where it is!
I really have -no- idea, and it wouldn’t even matter to me that much if it wasn’t for doing a review for the blog -before- the new year 😡
I’m suddenly craving a burrito bowl after reading this post. Yep, that will be happening for dinner very soon!
And that chocolate banana bread…gah! It’s right before lunch, I’m starving and you’re going to tease me like that? Not cool. 😉
I hope you have an amazing time playing in the snow this weekend!
Confession- I haven’t had a haircut in 6 months!!!
Loovveeeee pop/punk remixes!! Those pop goes punk CD’s were (are?) the best. Used to love listening to those in HS and college. Current food… I think I’ve had eggs for lunch and dinner the past three days. Heh. I’m not mad.
!! I seriously had no idea that pop goes punk was a thing — this is the first time I’ve really heard of it, but now I’m kind of obsessed.
Let’s have a tea party! I’ve been drinking a ton of it lately, too. Celestial Seasonings has such awesome wintery flavors 🙂
Who doesn’t love burrito bowls or chocolate? Im pretty sure I’m obsessed with those things all year round’! In fact, I’m eating a hershey kiss right now 😉
Girl, that banana bread looks so good! I have some ripe bananas officially waiting for that recipe.
I loved puzzles as a kid. I should get one for my oldest son for Christmas and then “help” him (do the whole thing except for the last piece because that’s the only part he likes!).
That sounds like a solid plan to me 😀
I’m with you on the needing a haircut thing. I’ve been putting it off for the last 2 months or so.
I LOVE THAT SONG. Ohmygod. I have a huge thing for punk/rock covers of pop songs, so anything Punk Goes Pop is my favourite. If you want another fun cover, check out Hotline Bling by Seraphim. So good.
Ooo that’s another gooder. Is it crazy that this is the first I’ve heard of all this? I seriously had no idea there were rock remixes of songs 😆
current food: eggs & avocado. every day. current bane of my existence: being at work today when all i want to do is SLEEP!
What do you usually put in your burrito bowls?
It usually depends on what I have lying around. But it’s usually rice, beans, veggies, avocado, and salsa.
O I need to get my puzzle on! They are fun (and frustrating!)
Currently loving on the chocolate and cinnamon flavours as well, and also oddly enough not the holiday music I usually switch to on December 1st but lots of random mixes!
1) … book. – 1984
4) … bane of existence. – cramps 🙁
5) … confession. – I think I need to buy that LM powder…you’ve convinced me 🙂
It’s -amazing- for setting liquid foundation! I don’t think it would do much on it’s own since it doesn’t have any colour, but it’s definitely a nice finisher.
Sugar Cookie Sleigh Ride? Does it get any better than that?! I’ve been drinking sugar cookie coffee for the past month, so that tea sounds equally delicious :)))
I’m craving chocolate every single day. Seriously, it doesn’t stop!
Maybe there’s something in the water in Alberta 😆
Oooh that Hello cover is pretty good. I’ve been on a major tea kick lately too. Right now it’s a jasmine green tea from TJs that I’m loving.
I always say I want to get a good puzzle for our house, but I have two cats so I’m fairly certain I’d never finish it.
Literally the song is playing on my son’s iPad right now (we’ve moved on to remixes, but still) so yes I get the reference all too well 🙂 And oh my if all my avocados looked that perfect I’d be eating them daily too! Lately I’ve been having bad avocado luck.
Oh funny just saw you’re listening to remixes too! You and Drew would be fast friends 🙂
😆 Well you saw what I did with one of my avocados 😉
The homemade burrito bowls sound really interesting. I definitely want to try those sometime soon. I’ve been listening to Adele a lot lately so I can relate to that (just not the punk rock cover LOL),
I can’t even believe how many covers of her song are out there. She seriously took over the internet with that one.