Happy #thinkingoutloud Thursday! No idea what I’m going on about? Click here!
1. The other day, my mom (aka: Spoons’ biggest fan) asked me why I never really write any serious posts any more. “You used to write such thoughtful and personal posts,” she said. “Now the last one I remember you writing is the one from your birthday.” Well dang, Mom… way to call me out on it π― She’s right, though — I definitely don’t do as many serious posts as I used to… but it’s not something I really ever made a conscious effort to change. See, I first started blogging while I was recovering from my eating disorder, and back then I used blogging as a way to work through my own struggles or voice my thoughts about things that really bothered me… which was a lot when it came to anything food/fitness related. But now? I find it harder and harder to get riled up about stuff like that. Maybe it’s because I’ve moved on and left most of those things in the past, or maybe it’s because I’ve gotten more and more easy-going as I’ve gotten older… whatever the case may be, I just prefer to keep things a little more lighthearted around these parts.
2. That way I can talk to you guys about that warm and fuzzy feeling that comes with slicing into a perfectly ripe avocado…
3. Or tell you that I’ve become hopelessly addicted to jelly beans and that I’m having the hardest time finding them out of season (read: not during Easter). The other day I made an emergency run to the store to restock, and these were the only ones I could find…
I had never had them before, and was a little hesitant to take them home because I’m not the biggest fan of Swedish berries to begin with. But I was desperate. And they were delicious #winning.
4. Not so delicious was this sucker right here…
Now, I love salsa. Adore it. So much so that I’ll sometimes just eat it straight from the jar with a spoon. But I’m also a wimp when it comes to anything hot or spicy, so it has to be mild salsa… and this was medium. I didn’t even notice when I grabbed it from the shelf, and I totally blame that on the fact that the lid was green. I’m used to medium salsa having orange/yellow lids, so I grabbed this jar without even checking the label. Turns out this particular brand just uses different shades of green for all their jars. Grumble.
5. So they finally did it — Mom and Dad are moving house. I’m pretty sure I mentioned a little while back that my parents were kind of, sort of looking around for a new house? Well, they found and bought one a few months back and they’ll be moving in about a month. Sigh. I know it doesn’t really affect me since I don’t live at home anymore, and I’m happy that they’re getting a nicer home, but I’d be lying if I said that saying goodbye to the house that I grew up and lived in for something like 21 years wasn’t a little hard to choke down. I mean… someone else is going to be sleeping in my room. Playing in my backyard. Cooking in my kitchen. Ugh. I just can’t. Next thought…
6. This one is for my fellow kids of the 90’s… Remember the song Zombie by The Cranberries? I randomly came across this remake-ish version of it, and I have to admit that it’s kind of catchy…
7. But I think I’m going to end it at 7 today since there were a few wordier thoughts and I don’t want to make these random ramblings too long. I really loved the change in schedule last week, so I’ll see you crazy cats on Saturday with a new breakfast recipe!

No questionsβ¦ just tell me whatever comes to your mind! π
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While I can very much appreciate a perfectly ripe avocado or delicious sugary treats, I’m with mom on this one. I miss the more personal posts. They don’t have to be ED or even food related, especially since you really don’t have that going on anymore, but surely there are other deep thoughts in that beautiful brain of yours. I’d love to see you share them more. π
Is it weird to say that that avocado is beautiful?! Because it’s perfect… also I’m glad I’m not the only one who has a sugar craving; my desperate need is sour punch straws
Blogs ebb and flow – and hey yo, that is how life goes as well. =)
I’ve been obsessed with watermelon lately which is different for me, I never used to like it. I wonder why my taste buds have been changing! And I’m going to need the weather in Atlanta to cool off. It’s way too hot to run at any time other than 5am outside…and it’s too dark out then!
It’s funny, because I feel like lately I’ve been posting more serious stuff than usual! It’s also partially because it’s summer and I have way too much time on my hands.
Ahh I can only imagine how strange and sad it is that your parents are moving houses! I hope the new owners love it and respect it as much as you and your family did π
Your personal posts have been so awesome though <3
I remember when my parents sold the house that I grew up in; they lived there for over 20 years. I cried more than I’d like to admit. I still turn and look at the house when I pass by and I don’t like to run down that street. My husband and I just sold our house – the first house we owned together and as much as I’m excited for the future and it is a good move, it still makes me a bit sad.
Yeah, the medium salsa thing happened to me also. I don’t mind it but my husband cant do anything over mild salsa and he has been breaking into sweats anytime he goes near it!
I’m pretty sure I’m going to have to completely avoid the area so that I don’t burst out into tears. I just hope I don’t accidentally end up going there anyways since it’s the route I’m so used to…
Isn’t it awful when you try something new, spend the money on it, and then not like it? Ugh. I wish we could sample things at the grocery story before we can try them π
I would definitely like to read some personal posts! I don’t want you to feel obliged- this is your blog after all π
It’s 2 AM, I can’t sleep and I’m hungry….
My parents are planning on selling in the next few years and I just can’t accept it! This is MY house. I can’t imagine anyone else living here! So many memories. My whole life thus far has been here, ya know?
I know exactly what you mean. Trying not to think about the fact that someone else will be sleeping in the room I grew up in π₯
I loveeeee jelly beans! I used to always eat a ton of candy while studying in college instead of pounding coffee, lol. Now I want someβ¦.
Gahhh I’m so glad they found a place- It’s actually been a while but now 1 month till move in date!
Slicing into an avocado is always a great mystery/surprise. Hawaii seems to have the softest, most buttery avos I’ve ever had and I miss them!
My avocados have definitely NEVER come out that beautifully before. You are a true avocado slicing goddess ;). I also have loved reading your more personal post, and find myself resonating with a lot of them. However as you said, sometimes there is nothing heavy weighing you down in life that you want to share, and that is totally okay. Whether you are posting about your love for jellybeans or your deepest darkest secrets, I will ALWAYS enjoy reading what you have to say <3!
Aww π Thanks so much for your sweet words, Niki!
Our house was far too small when we were growing up, you could not escape one and other! but now my brother and I have moved out, it is the perfect size for mum and dad so I doubt they will move anytime soon!
Isn’t it so like mums to point those things out! I don’t tend to write such serious posts anymore, more factual then serious maybe and it’s for the exact same reason as you – since recovering from my ED I’m just not such a serious person anymore, everything in my life just seems so much more brighter! π
Brighter! Yes! I’ve found it so much harder to “sweat the small stuff” since letting go of my ED. It’s like I just can’t be bothered to get hung up about most things anymore. I don’t hate it π
I’ll be sad when my parents move out of the house I grew up in. It’s amazing how comforting a place can be. Also jelly beans are so yummy. I’ve been loving gummi bears lately. I take them on long runs (or justttttt eat them all at night).
I hear ya about trying to keep things lighthearted. I am sorta that way on my blog too.
I thought of this new movie when you were talking about your parents selling your childhood home. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vRnhEjP3R-c
(I hope the link doesn’t mark my comment as spam)
Oh, and I am also hopelessly addicted to jelly beans!
π I haven’t seen that trailer yet, but I’m dying laughing. Definitely going to have to check that one out!
I have the same thoughts about my parents moving. They have talked about moving out of state after retirement and what would happen to the house. It would be given to my sister because she lives in that area, but she admitted she would rent it out. I don’t like the idea of other people living there either…
Everyone loves a good lighthearted post! No harm in that, or that avocado. What a beauty.
I find that serious posts come and go with me. I’ll go months without writing one, then all of a sudden I’ll be inspired and I’ll brainstorm like 8 different ideas and then I’ve got enough serious posts to last me a month. Funny how that works!