Happy #thinkingoutloud Thursday! No idea what I’m going on about? Click here!
1. You guys are going to have to bear with me for a second while I gush about how much I love you, because honestly? You rock my socks off. I need to send out a massive THANK YOU to everyone who makes my recipes and takes the time to let me know via comments, e-mails, Twitter, Instagram, and/or Facebook. Seeing your pictures and hearing about how you and your families loved having something healthy and delicious to snack on just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside, so thank you. Love you.
2. In other blogging related news, you may have noticed Spoons looking a little different on your mobile devices (I’m still tweaking it), and that’s because I had to update my mobile design in response to some changes that Google introduced on April 21st. [This mainly concerns my fellow blogging friends], but your page rank will now be affected by whether or not your site is mobile responsive, which will have an impact on how high you rank in the search engines, and consequently determine how much organic search engine traffic you receive. Basically, you want to make sure your site is mobile friendly. How can you tell if it is? By taking the Mobile-Friendly Test.
3. So I totally forgot to tell you that I finished What Alice Forgot! But to be completely honest, it was just one of those books that I forgot I read almost as soon as I finished reading it… if that makes sense. That’s not to say that it was a bad book, but I just personally found it a little underwhelming. I had a pretty hard time getting into it, and I feel like I spent the majority of the book waiting for something big to happen… but it never really did. I mean, it’s probably not the best thing when you finish a book and your first thought is: “Oh… okay.” Between this one and The Husband’s Secret, I definitely prefer the later. Time to move on to Big Little Lies.
4. Speaking of which… do you guys do that too? Find an author that you enjoy and then binge read all his/her books? Totally guilty.
5. And do drink your morning coffee/tea from the same mug 99.99% of the time despite the fact that you have tonnes of other cups that never see the light of day? Because this is my coffee mug…
The coffee mug. I bought it a little over 2 years ago on a family trip to Disneyland, and I’m pretty sure I’ve used it every day since. Not only is it the perfect size, but I love that the inside is black so I don’t have to worry about it getting stained. Details, friends. Details.
6. I somehow found myself in Sephora the other day and I may have gone a little overboard…
But in my defense, it’s been about 4 months since my last trip and I really needed to restock on some essentials. Ultra Repair Cream (that I ended up getting as part of a kit because it was a great deal), a Beauty Blender set (that also ended up being a really good package deal), Nars Laguna Bronzer, and Urban Decay’s All Nighter. All products I love and keep repurchasing.
7. I also had to make an emergency run to the store for… wait for it… dental floss. I’ve made countless emergency runs for food, but I can honestly say this is the first time I’ve done it for dental floss. I’m fortunate enough to be blessed with teeth that are naturally more cavity prone, so I’m super anal about my oral care and kind of obsessed with flossing daily. Plus I hear it’s pretty good for ya…
8. And did you hear the news?!? Fuller House is officially coming to Netflix! What’s Fuller House?
Fuller House continues the Full House adventures, albeit this time with a gender reversal. Pregnant and recently widowed DJ Tanner-Fuller (Cameron-Bure) is living with her younger sister (Sweetin) and lifelong best friend (Barber) and her “feisty” teenage daughter. All join to help raise DJโs two boys and prepare for the birth of the new baby.
Are we excited or are we freaking excited?!? Full House was one of my favourite shows growing up, so it’ll be neat to see what they do to it this time around.

No questionsโฆ just tell me whatever comes to your mind! ๐
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Thanks for the mobile-friendly tip! I just ran it… I’m good to go! xx
Thank you so much for the article about the Google changes – I had no idea! Luckily, AGIT is mobile responsive ๐
I always drink out of my C mug even though I have so many others ๐
I love that you made an emergency run for floss, atta girl!! Yup, I use the same mug for coffee every single day. If I switch it up, it’s only by season and then I use that one every single day. I’ve been on the same one for a long while now.
A little too excited over here for Fuller House, will not lie. And Sephora gets me in trouble every time!
I too am one of those cavity prone people no matter how much I brush or floss….but my dentist tells me I have beautifully shaped teeth, so maybe that makes up for it? And I cannot wait for my children to be old enough to watch Full House and now Fuller House! Who could ever get enough of John Stamos?
I floss daily, and the last time that I was at the dentist she said “you should floss twice a day.” She said hat because I’m getting older (I’m turning 25 in July?), I need to be extra vigilant!
What?! Omg maybe I need to look into that as well…
Wait, I MUST watch Fuller House! Thanks for telling us about it! And I would totally make an emergency trip for dental floss. You’re not alone on that one.
The new view of the site looks awesome!
Fuller House…WHO KNEW!?!?
If I like an author-i too will binge read and then get mad when I am all done….same thing happens with Netflix!
I totally find an author I like and then read every book. The most recent example is Jane Greene <3 I don't know how I feel about Fuller House…but of course I will watch it.
If those are the seats in your car… <3 <3 <3 I just fell in love. I have a mug for my coffee, my oatmeal, and my salads. I think it comes out of which one is better to eat/drink out of through trial and error. Or I am just a horrible creature of habit (spoiler alert: I am). Lol
Salads in a mug?! You’re my hero.
It’s one of those mugs which can be used for soup, so it comes with a lid. I put the lid on so it becomes a shaker cup. Mind = blown! Dressing distributed evenly!
I can totally relate to your comments about a favorite author. I am almost obsessive about reading (or listening to audio books) IN ORDER from the same author! One of my favorites is Janet Evanovich’s Stephanie Plum series! Thanks for hosting the link up!
Sooo I didn’t grow up with cable and I don’t think I’e ever actually seen an episode of Full House. On a scale of 1-10, how terrible is that?
About a 20…
Ugh, I got an email about changes to Google’s search ranking of mobile friendly blogs, but I was hoping if I ignored it that it would just go away. I might just continue to ignore it lol.
I always drink out of the same mug too – it’s kind of comforting!
Lol I put off updating mine until the very last second, so I feel ya there. It’s super easy to do, though! There are free plugins you can instal that’ll make the switch for you.
#8 was insightful. I saw all over FB that it was coming back, but I didn’t realize there was a back story that I’d need to be caught up on, thanks for sharing! xoxo, ganeeban
Hi Amanda! Happy Thursday! Doesn’t it feel good to make a big cosmetics/beauty products haul? I’m in need of one! And about Full House: I’m wishing they would film here in San Francisco, but of course, just the outside of the house is all they need from us in the Bay Area to show in the opening credits hahaha.
Haha – oh yes, totally with you on the author/binge-reading thing. First it was Emily Giffin, then Lianne Moriarty, who I’m alllllmost done with… I’m currently waiting for Big Little Lies to be available at our library.
You’re going to love that one! I just started a couple days ago and I’m already more than halfway through — it’s a hard one to put down!
I’ve never had nor wanted Netflix, but Fuller House just might put me over the edge. I LOVE Full House. Love it, love it, love it. It was definitely one of my favorite shows growing up, and I’m SO excited about this. I just hope it does the original show justice!
The only way I’ve ever flossed consistently is with those little floss picks. I had a water flosser (idk I thought it might be fun or something?) and it just took up space, but I have plaque-prone teeth, so it’s especially important that I actually take care of them. The little picks are so easy and now I loveeee the feeling of having flossed teeth. Never thought I’d get into the habit, but I’m so glad I did.
And yes, I totally binge-read authors when I discover them. ๐
Haha … I realized the same thing yesterday when I posted another picture on IG of my favorite coffee/hot chocolate mug! I have to admit, though, that my current favorite I just got for Christmas so I guess I go in spurts. Before that, it was the same one (bright red, perfect for waking me up!) for over a year.
FULLER HOUSE … YES! I just hope it doesn’t end up being like the Joey spin-0ff from Friends though. We all knew it wasn’t going to be nearly as good, but I had no idea just how bad it could get. Fingers Crossed Fuller House is good because expectations are high ๐
I adore following you on Spoons – thank you so much for sharing life with all of us! You deserve every bit of the social media love you receive! <3
I’m trying not to set my expectations -too- high with Fuller House since I very much doubt that the comforting corniness of the 90’s can be replicated, but I do hope it won’t be horrible. And I wonder if the Olsen twins will be in it…
I was just thinking about the mug thing yesterday. It’s bc I wash it every day and then just grab the closest mug which would be the one in the dish drainer. I wonder when I will use all the other 214541464 mugs.
Thanks for the thanks, but thank YOU for this link up and all the delicious foods you bring to my computer ๐
I have the exact same mug as you! And I also use it almost every single time! My boyfriend has the Mickey equivalent and he uses it almost every single time too. Which is a bit of a shame considering our cabinet is filled to the brim with coffee mugsโฆ
I LOVE Full House and am so excited it is coming back. I have been in a book rut lately. Every book I have picked up has been mediocre and a waste of time. Ughhh.
I hate those book slumps! Have you read any of Moriarity’s books? I just started Big Little Lies yesterday and I’m already halfway through — it’s a tough one to put down!
I love your coffee mug. It’s so perfect, and it’s my favorite COLOR! ๐
I’m SO STOKED for Fuller House. It’s a dream come true. And I’m planning on making your smoothie tonight and the bars tomorrow; prepping the jam tonight! I’m a big lover of your recipes – easy, healthy, and never too many ingredients! I’m a big lover of mugs, but tend to gravitate toward my Anthro ‘K’ mug, any of my Starbucks “You are Here” mugs, or my Twin Cities Caribou Coffee mug!
Aww thanks Kelsey! Those are actually my fundamentals when it comes to recipes. And those Anthro mugs are SO cute! I keep meaning to get an ‘A’ one…
Oh good gosh – I am so out of the loop – I had no clue Full House was going to have (or does) a continuing show – it was one of my fav’s too – but, I hate to admit – it’s been a favorite of mine through my adult years! ๐
I totally binge read an author based on if I loved a book too – that’s how I ended up reading just about every book by Sophie Kinsella, Jane Green and Jennifer Weiner!
I’ve read most of Kinsella and Green’s books, but I’m not sure I’ve picked up any of Weiner’s. I’ll have to look into that!
I love my Minnie Mouse mug too! I think it’s because it is a little bit larger than most of my mugs. Also, I am so psyched for Fuller House! Agh, now the pain of having to wait for it to be released!
I’m with you on the mug – I use the same one all the time! and it has a dark interior because I hate stains too!
We didn’t have full house in the UK – I feel like I have missed out on something amazing!
I loved full house I will check this Fuller house out! I don’t drink coffee but I do use the same mug anytime I drink tea or hot chocolate. It’s a Christmas theme but it works so well! Yay thanks for the test my site passed the test! ๐
To #4โฆ YES. I am currently binge reading Chuck Palahnuikโs literature, and I am overwhelmed by how good it is. You should read one of his! They are a little dark, but I guarantee your jaw will drop at some point. As for #5, I am guilty of this too. I collect mugsโฆ but I only use two or three. Oh well. PS: Thank you for the John Stamos video. I love starting my morning with a hunk.
Thanks for the recommendation, Julia! I’ll definitely look into his books!
SO excited for Fuller House. I wish I didn’t have to wait until 2016 though! I’m desperately in need of a new show! Love all the selfies in this post ๐
Oh my yes! I heard about Fuller House! That’s going to be pretty awesome! I loved the shower growing up and one of my favorite shows just got discontinued, so it’ll be nice to have something to veg and look foward too ๐
I use NARS Laugna bronzer too!!
Holyyyyy guacamoleeeeee am I ever excited for Fuller House! I met Andrea Barber (Kimmy Gibbler) in Phoenix and she is SO nice. It’s been decided that I am going to marry John Stamos and you are invited to the wedding.
Also – I just got my first cavity a few months ago and it was NOT a good time. Then I went back to the dentist last week and he found another one. WTF. I’m not happy about this.