Happy #thinkingoutloud Thursday! No idea what I’m going on about? Click here!
1. What do you do when you’re well into April and it still feels like winter outside? You bring Spring inside…
What now, Mother Nature?!? Yeaaaaah… I thought so.
2. Please tell me you’ve seen this amazingness. It’s safe to say that I’d enjoy my treadmill workouts a whole lot more if I could do this. And now excuse me while I spend the rest of the day trying to get Uptown Funk out of my head… and possibly attempting to dance on my treadmill.
3. Speaking of treadmills… I’m still running! I made it a goal to improve my running in 2015, and by golly (omg did I seriously just say that?!) I’m gonna do it! I don’t talk about running much on Spoons because I don’t really feel like I have a whole heck of a lot to say about it. There are so many amazing running blogs out there, with people training for marathons and ultras and what not, and I couldn’t even tell you how far or how fast I run. I don’t track or pace myself because that’s basically what killed the enjoyment for me in the past, so I just “left foot, right foot” it until I feel like I got a good workout in. I can tell that I’m improving, though, and that’s good enough for me [for now]!
4. So I finished reading The Husband’s Secret, and I definitely recommend it if you’re looking for an easy, entertaining, and relaxing read. It’s one of those books that you have a hard time putting down because you just want to find out what happens next… especially since there are a few different story lines cleverly interwoven throughout the book so you constantly have to wait a few chapters to find out how things turn out. Not gonna lie — I peeked ahead more times than I care to admit π Next up on the reading list is What Alice Forgot…
5. Here’s a tip for dealing with annoyingly green bananas: let them cozy up to some apples. The bananas in the picture [below] were straight up neon green yesterday, and while they’re still nowhere near the point where I’d consider eating them, they’re getting there a lot faster than they would be without the apples. Apparently it works even better if you stuff them both in a paper bag, but I haven’t had any of those since I used to make hand puppets out of them when I was a kid…
6. Speaking of being a little kid… why do I look all of 12 years old in this picture? And what kind of person takes pictures of people while they’re sleeping?!?! #creepers. At least I wasn’t drooling π
7. Those days where you’re craving something but you can’t quite figure out what it is, so you keep shovelling random foods in your face all day hoping to strike gold? The answer is almost always some kind of chocolate smoothie. You’re welcome.
8. So I’m still not back to chewing gum, which is weird considering I probably spent 32 of the 40 days of Lent counting down until I’d be able to again. I guess I just fell out of the habit and realized that I don’t really need it? Or maybe that would explain #7…
9. Why do these posts always end up wordier than I want them to be?
10. On that note… Bye! (Have a good one!) π

No questionsβ¦ just tell me whatever comes to your mind! π
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I always save my paper bags from when I buy mushrooms to use them for ripening bananas/avocados faster!
It still doesn’t feel like spring here either. Actually, it did this morning briefly and then the temperature randomly dropped like 9 degrees over the day. RUDE!
The mushroom bags! Omg why didn’t I ever think of that?! Totally doing it!
So what I basically got from this post is that you are becoming a runner and we are going to run a race together one day…right? And refuel with chocolate smoothies? Pretty sure that’s what I read… π
So, I had an entire response to this post drafted in my brain this morning and then got distracted by Arman’s comment…#fail
btw Uptown Funk has been stuck on repeat in my mind since the day after it came out. I’ve given up on trying to evict it :/
Grr. I just managed to get it OUT of my head, and you mentioning it put it right back in there. Thanks. Thanks a lot π
What GORGEOUS flowers!! I, too, loved The Husband’s Secret! And yeah, give What Alice Forgot a bit more time…you’ll like it too, I’m sure!
Those flowers are beautiful!!!
Hi Amanda! Yes, I’ve seen that treadmill video and the guy is so mobile. Wow! I love it. As far as gum, I told you I gave it up too months ago and don’t miss it. Weird, because I thought it would be super hard, and it’s not. And as far reading, I’ve heard great things about both of those books. I’m into non-fiction right now, but will get back to a story after I finish my current book. Hope you have a happy Thursday! π
I just got back from one of those put one foot in front of the other runs….so wish I didn’t know how far nor how slow I went. π
You better still be training. We got a race to run my dear. π
Chocolate smoothies for the win. And that just might be the one which started it all for me.
I keep telling myself I’m going to pick up flowers at the store and then I hold off because they’re expensive. I regret it every time though, which tells me I just need to buy the damn flowers. I’m holding out for my own flower beds though. Hopefully they’ll be flourishing soon and I can snip a few to bring inside.
You peek ahead at books!!! That is scandalous behavior and I’ll never see you the same way again. π
I’ll keep bugging you to pick up flowers at the store π I know they’re crazy expensive considering how long they last, but they really do make the biggest difference…
I wish I could say I didn’t jump right back into my bad habit after Lent, but I so did! Chips were just calling my name on Easter! That guy dancing on the treadmill is hilarious, that’s something I’d kill to see in person…it would be a great distraction while running on a DREADmill! That book sounds interesting, going to have to add it to my list! Although slightly creepy, the sleepy pics looks serene and you don’t look 12, maybe 13 π xoxo, ganeeban
I loved the Husband’s Secret! Big Little Lies is also really really good if you haven’t read it! I always get obsessed with one author and read 2-3 of their books before moving on to something different. If you’re looking for something different “The Girl on the Train” by Paula Hawkins was so good too.
Thanks for the recommendations, Maddie! I’ve been thinking about picking up Big Little Lies, and I’ll definitely look into The Girl on the Train.
With a high in the mI’d 80’s here we usually skip spring and go right into summer. Humidity is so bad. But gotta love Mississippi weather. I love bananas an just hate going to the store an not being able to eat them for sometimes 4or 5 days. I will try this trick! Thank you for the link up an hope you have a great weekend Amanda.
I feel like the same thing happens to us up here in Alberta. We go straight from winter into summer. Real spring lasts for maaaaaybe a week or 2.
The bananas and apple thing makes sense as to why my bananas were ripe so early this week. I’m weird and like my bananas on the green-er side lol…Sometimes going for a run without monitoring time and pace is the best and allows your mind to free itself.
I LOVE your lilies! I too have been longing for signs of spring – mine came in the form of iced coffee yesterday π And Happy Running to you – honestly, there are many days when I only run because of the friendship and the way I feel when I’m finished. Kudos to you for sticking with it π And thank you for hosting another fantastic TOLT!
Those flowers are so pretty! I always love keeping flowers in the house, but I don’t like how expensive bouquets are nowadays!
I’m SO glad you liked the book. What Alice Forgot is just as good!!! The Girl on the Train is amazing, too, if you haven’t read it! You’ve probably seen it floating around the internet. And I’m happy to hear your running and enjoying it without logging miles, pace, etc. I think the more I read about running and tried to “improve myself” (whatever that means…) the more I fell out of love with it.
Have a good one! BTW, you look like a gorgeous 12 year old. And I mean that in the un-weirdest way in the world.
I think that’s a big part of what always killed it for me in the past. It became all about numbers, and that’s so not me. And… weirdo π (jk, <3u)
I find I’m pretty similar when it comes to running. I wear a Garmin since I need to track my mileage, but as soon as I get caught up on my speed and pace I end up absolutely HATING it. Also, I love you forever for using the Forrest Gump reference. My favorite movie of all time <3.
Happy Thursday!
Haha I LOLed at the Forrest Gump reference – I say that quote all the time!!
We’re at the point now where I am no longer joyfully making fun of Edmonton weather…because I will be back in 19 days, and have definitely gone soft! So I’m feeling for ya. Speaking of going home, those books are for sure going on my to-read list when I get back! I’m seeing some major couch time in my future.
Well heyyyyyy… it’s about 17 and sunny here right now, so we’re not doing TOO bad π
I just got into the process of reviewing books for my blog, and I love your blog. I always come here when I am in need of a good new book. Thank you for your plethora of good recommendations!
Isn’t it funny how something as simple as fresh flowers instantly changes the vibe of your home? I’d keep them in the house more often if I was around more!
You look like an angel in your sleeping picture but more importantly, why do your eyelashes look so perfect?
Maybeline’s Colossal mascara π
Ahh that is wonderful that you’ve been running! I mean, I can’t say that I enjoy running all the time, but not worrying about pace or distance definitely makes it a MUCH more enjoyable experience for me.
I always put my greener bananas next to my browner bananas to get that ethylene gas up in their business π
GAH totally craving a smoothie now.
The banana trick I use, I put them with avocados! I’ll definitely try the apples though. Omg that treadmill run is wild!! Haha
Beautiful flowers!!! Come on Spring!!!!
My youtube video on a treadmill would be more like a blooper wheel-with me falling off and busting my head! lol!!! That was an awesome watch thought!
Run forest run!!! You got this!
2 books to add to the summer reading list-thanks
You look peaceful beautiful-look at those eyelashes!!!
Have a great day!
Aww thanks, Tamieka! Hope you’re having a great day as well π
I always wish I had paper bags so I could make microwave popcorn… and I never have any. I wished I had some for bananas the other day then ended up making something with them a little… raw. Is that the right word?
The paper bag/banana trick is true. Something about the bag oxidizes the bananas quicker and brown they become! This is fine, except when I hoard bananas at work that are already brown. When they sit in a warm room in a paper bag for hours they almost become too brown. Yes…I just said that!
Yup! They release a gas that helps them ripen, and with the bag holding the gas in, they ripen faster π Also… I’ve become a little too familiar with brown bananas myself. They really do reach a point where they just start tasting too much like alcohol…