Happy Friday Eve! 😀
1. I’m happy to report that the wooden spoon situation has been rectified. Voila!
A shiny spiffy new set of ligneous (thank you, thesaurus) spoons! I went out to pick some up earlier this week, because the idea of Running With Spoons lacking spoons is kind of blasphemous. I like them so far, but they feel too new — they need to have a little more of that weathered, beat-up feel to them. Time to get cooking, I guess…
2. And lookit what else I picked up! A bag of Hershey’s Eggies!
Remember how I was lamenting the fact that my beloved Mini Eggs want to kill me “may contain traces of peanuts?” I found an alternative! They’re not quite as good as Mini Eggs (Google it… most people agree), but I can actually eat them so that’s a win in my books. Easter is saved! 😀
3. Please tell me I’m not the only one who gets a good giggle out of this…
You’d think they could have picked a better name 😆 Okay. Growing up now…
4. Remember how I mentioned that I started going back to Bux to get my work done? Well, I think I’ve been in there everyday for the past two weeks… This is my life — from one extreme to the other. But I can’t help it! I have my favourite booth right by a big window and I love sitting there sipping my coffee with the sun shining on my face — boosts my creativity. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.
5. Speaking of Starbucks, the last time I was in there, I noticed that the barista making my drink had a lipstick stain on her teeth… so I told her. It felt a little awkward, but I figured it was worse to let her spend who knows how much longer walking around like that. Us girls gotta look out for each other, right? Right.
6. I literally fell out of bed the other morning. I woke up facing the wrong direction (I usually sleep on my right side facing the edge of my bed), and I must have been a little closer to the edge than I realized because when I tried to roll over to grab my phone and check the time, I rolled right off 😯 I do not recommend this as a good way to wake yourself up in the morning — I have a bruise on my shoulder and carpet burn on my knee…
7. So I’ve become one of those people… I’ve started drinking from mason jars…
But before you judge me, hear me out… I was super thirsty the other day but my tumbler was in another room and all my favourite cups were waiting to go through the dishwasher. I noticed a mason jar just hanging out on the counter, and I was feeling super lazy so I went for it and poured myself a glass (jar?!?). I have to admit it’s kind of fun — the grooves at the top make for an interesting drinking experience. Is it weird to notice things like that? Probably. But it is what it is.
8. I need your help! My recipe page is getting a bit messy and I’m looking for a better way to organize it — one that includes categories and pictures of all the dishes. Any advice on how I can go about doing that? Plugins? Magic wands? Snapping my fingers and making it happen?
9. T minus 2 days until I get to see these gorgeous sights again…
I’m heading up to the mountains again on Saturday morning for what’ll probably be my last chance to snowboard this season. Can.not.wait.
10. And I hope you don’t mind if I leave you with a little taste of what’s coming up tomorrow…
#chocolate #fudge #protein #bites

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I was going to say… Those spoons look WAY too clean 😉 We have this kind of blue/rubber spoon that looks like it has gone through WWW III. Actually, a lot of our silverware looks like that as well. Burnt handles galore, many courtesy of moi 🙂
Double D. Ha.
I get about 99% of my injuries from my bed. From overestimating the jump down from my bunk, to knocking knees with the ladder rungs, to hitting my head on the ceiling… to hitting my head on the UNDERSIDE of the bed. I’ll stop now, but let’s just say I can relate 🙂
Yay for spoons!! Just FYI (and you probably already know this but…) don’t put them in the dishwasher! Mmm, balls! 😉
I’m with you on the recipe thing, although I think I’ll need to take a blog staycation to figure it out. I’m thinking right after Easter might be a good time. If I find something that works (because I want clickable thumbnail pics too), I will let you know.
I wouldn’t have pointed out the lipstick, but I’m glad that you did because I should point out the lipstick. I do try to compliment strangers often though: i.e nice shoes, love the purse, great skirt, etc.
Enjoy your mountains this weekend. We’re finally getting some good weather (71 and sunny; I’m so excited) and I plane on soaking up all the sun and digging in the dirt all weekend. It’s the lovely little things, right?!
I actually think I might have found something for the recipes, so I’m going to test it out this week and I’ll let you know if it works 🙂
Oh even better! Keep me posted. 🙂
Haha! Double D Farms. Does that indicate large produce?
I’ll stop there.
I think that was actually a very kind gesture for you to point out to the barista that she had lipstick on her teeth. I give the world the stank eye when I find food stuck in between my teeth and no one told me about it. Meanwhile, I had talked and smiled to at least ten different people by that point.
I’m sorry to hear that you fell out of bed. I would have had a hissy fit if I got injured that early in the morning.
Gahh have a blast in the mountains!! Jealous per usual.
OK, sorry I am laughing at you about the falling out of bed situation … being married I don’t have the ‘wrong side’ option, but our terriers like to take up the bed, so I have rolled over and out of bed before! 🙂
Ahhhh yesss – EGGIES! They aren’t quite the same but pretty dang close. I probably should’t tell you how many mini eggs I’ve eaten in the last couple of weeks then…
Also – those fudge bites. Holy. Cow. Just saw how EASY the recipe is too. Win.
Have the best time ever this weekend!
Enjoy some Mini Eggs for me 😛
Hope someone can help you with the recipe page!!! Speaking of which, back to work!
Just so you’re aware, I’m going to be refreshing your homepage until those fudge-y bites appear 😉 #stalkermode And I’m SO happy you were able to find a Cadbury replacement! Those little eggs are the bane of my existence but I cannot go an Easter season without consuming one (okay, three…) large bags, hehehe!
I’m glad you got your wooden spoon situation taken care of. I know how much you wanted some LOL. I’ve been treating myself to Starbucks a lot lately. It’s been super nice (and expensive).
We actually use mason jars to drink out of. Does that make us weird, I don’t know LOL.
Those eggs make me so nostalgic for Easter! This is my third year in a row being out of the country for Easter, and I miss my family’s brunch (and getting an Easter basket haha) so much!
Always a good time to cook new things when new utensils come into play. 😉
I’ve never like drinking water out of glasses. Is that weird? The only exception I will make is with my Diet Snapple Peach Tea bottle. 😉
I would absolutely kill to go up to those mountains. They’re so beautiful! I think a trip to Canada is in order.
I can’t wait for the recipe! 😀
I drank water out of a bowl the other day when there were no clean glasses, so I guess I can’t judge your mason jar! (Why did I not think of that?) Can’t wait for the chocolate fudge protein bites! (:
Confession: I’ve totally done that before too 😉
Welcome to the mason jar train; all aboard 😛
those chocolates look exactly like mini eggs. i would take a facsimile over no shell-coated chocolate eggs.
and if i was serving you coffee, i would definitely appreciate a pleasant heads-up about lipstick on my teeth. it’s so embarrassing. and, honestly, mildly upsetting when you find out later and realize everyone just let it happen. :p
I am cringing at the sigh of those wooden spoons. Not that they’re ugly or I have anything against your specific wooden spoons. Just the whole wooden utensils thing in general. Something about the texture freaks me out. The fact that I just wrote 3 full sentences on the topic of “spoons” really concerns me.. MOVING ONNN. My family drinks out of old glass candle holders. You know the fancy schmancy ones you get from glade? They work just fine and dandy as a vessel for water.
I can’t remember if I commented this on your other post, but since when do mini eggs have traces of nuts in them!? I never noticed. But oh well, I’ve still been eating them and haven’t died, so I think I’ll continue taking the risk. 😛
Since a good handful of years back! And I swear they just slap those labels on there to mess with us… I hate that it’s like a 0.01% chance and I still have to worry about it 😡
I don’t think the mini-eggs in the US have that warning on them. Hmmm. Weird, huh? Maybe you can order the American ones from Amazon or something…? They are pretty delicious.